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"So you all heard about the annual sports day?" Jisung opened up a conversation. All ten of them were currently eating their bought snacks and lunch outside of the school building. Spring was finally warming up and a lot of students wanted to enjoy the sun outside.

"Yeah, the events sounded pretty interesting this year," Tengyang admitted. "We're not demanded to participate right?" Eenha shot her eyes at the Chinese. "We can at least go and enjoy the day right?" Hiromi cheered. "Yeah, who knows you might want to participate." Hyunjin nudged the brunette's side. She in response rolled her eyes. "You all want to volunteer to the teams?" She moved on.

"Our homeroom teacher said it's mandatory to do at least two events like always even for us..." Seungmin muttered. "Soccer sounds fun," Jeongin blurted. "Channie hyung would've loved the 4x100 relay," Felix brought up. "The pair relay sounds like a drag," Minho added. "There's also the tail balloon chase!" Jisung reminded. "And shot put," Changbin specified. "It's absolutely monstrous how they can't just stick with one sport and event, I mean half of those aren't even real sports?" Eenha spoke before biting down on her toast. "That's the fun in it," Tengyang assured.

"The teams go by homerooms, no?" Hiromi asked. Jeongin and Felix nodded. "The teams' players must be from the homeroom. Then they're gonna match them up like 16A versus 16B and so on," Felix explained. "That's so boring!" Hiromi whined since her homeroom was different from everyone's. Her starting year is 18 and usually exchange students and doublers were placed in class A. "Hey I'm a loner too," Jeongin remarked. "And there literally is no one good at any ball sports in class 17C." He added which made Hiromi chuckle.

"Yeah well we have to pray Han Jisung doesn't wanna play soccer or our team would be doomed," Tengyang spoke loudly and earned a hurt look from the said boy. "Hey, I've never seen you kick the ball any better!" Tengyang glared at the ash-blonde in turn. "If those two get selected for the pair race we're truly done for," Eenha stopped the two's bickering before it got out of hand. "Maybe we should volunteer for it?" Hyunjin gave the brunette a cheeky smile which she shook off. Yeah, Jisung, Tengyang, Eenha, and Hyunjin were all in class 16A.

"Seungmin and I would nail it," Felix created contact with the said boy. "Someone else will have the energy to do it," Seungmin passed on the offer. The two boys were in class 16D. "It's next week right?" Changbin confirmed. "Right after the practices will kick off again," Minho answered him. The bell ran loudly outside. "Well, suit yourselves I'm going home," Eenha got up the quickest. "Home?" Hyunjin asked surprised. "My next class is canceled." "Yet you stayed to eat here?" Jisung questioned. "Had nothing better to do..."


We looked at the preview video that was created out of our ideas and basically just a hard sketch of the choreography. In the end, our song choice was Hi by Kwon Eunbi. Chan wanted to reform the track a bit by making it more exciting so we could add hip-hop to our dance.

"Oh guys, guys!" Felix excitedly stopped the preview video we were watching. "Yes, my precious?" Hyori gave Felix attention. "Since we're going for the bright concept and all, don't you think we should add like these mm..." The blonde could not find the right words for it. "Can you describe in English?" Chan took notice of that right away and switched to the boys' mother tongue.

Felix smiled thankfully and started explaining earnestly, "we need a lot of energy. Group lifts, jumps, and acrobatics in a way." Was what Chan could finally tell the rest of us. Hyori nodded a hand landing on her chin. "Actually!" Tengo spoke now and rewinded the video. "How about we slide front between their legs here as a transition for this group to come forth." "Yeah, stuff like that!" Felix rejoiced.

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