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"Stage in five, four..."

This was it. We stood in a line waiting for the lights to go out so we could sneak into our starting positions. Every cheer and encouragement was already given. Every worry and bad feeling I could come up with had been thought of. All that was left was to perform. Dance like I never have before because this might be the last time I get to do it on a stage like this.

"...two, one, go!"

Our line moved. All though the stage seemed pitch black I heard the cheers of fans through my ears as we stepped up. Most of which were for the boys obviously but I didn't care. I was glad to share this stage with them. We couldn't possibly have come this far in this competition without them.

I take my spot on the sidelines. I get to fill my lungs with air when the lights go back on and our song starts playing. Tengo rushes to the front of the stage, her movements overreacted yet delicate. Felix follows quickly behind her. Felix grabs her shoulder, her movements wide-ranged as she turns to face him. Their hands surge for each other like mirrors and they calm down.

They circle each other while their fingertips are connected. The track goes silent and they stop. That is the cue for the rest of us to clutch on each of their backs divided evenly. Changbin and Mirae are the closest ones. Tengo and Felix collapse on their knees. Himi, I, Seungmin, and Hyunjin move from the tail covering the rest behind us. Our quartet moved like a wave to the right side while the rest of the members moved out.

The pre-chorus began with our pair choreographies. Our moves were elegant yet full of power and emotion. The rest appear on the left side excluding Chan and Mirae. Their wave took over ours and we meddled. Our pairs switched and eventually, we made way for Mirae and Chan to perform the glide lift.

I could only watch how graceful Unnie looked gliding the stage in Chan's protective arms. Her body was in a perfectly straight line and her head tipped back. Their trust was admirable. Her clothing made it look like the perfect untouchable first snow was glittering on the stage. But in dark hues.

We scrambled in the middle again when they were done. The meshy transitions that went hand in hand with the changes in the track created suspense. When our mesh opened into a semi-circle Himi was trapped inside. Her little lost lamb dance was the most fitting for her. She tried to claw Jeongin's chest who caved to push her away in a few calculated steps. When Jeongin got back in line all of us moved again.

Now moving toward the last chorus, I, Hyunjin, and Minho disappeared. We hurried for our separate platform. I knew that right now Jisung, Changbin, and Tengo were doing their group solo.

My hands clammed. So many things could go wrong with this platform and this drop. Everything had gone too well up until now. A warm hand grabbed my wrist and I looked at Hyunjin. Minho was already on the other side. Neither of us spoke but I understood. I nodded at him and Hyunjin gave me a small smile.

The light came on on this site and I 'ran away' from Hyunjin. It was exhausting and it even hurt to pretend to stumble and fall on my side and then scramble back up and rise to the platform. While on it he caught me. He pulled me closer and our 15-second pair choreo looked like me struggling to get away when it was impossible.

Finally, his hand went for my lower back and we got to the edge of the platform. His hands left me and I fell limb. The drop had never lasted that long but eventually, I hit Minho's arms. We had ten seconds as Hyunjin did his solo part. But in that ten seconds, I got lost in his eyes.

And in those ten seconds, I couldn't be happier that I was dancing with him. With Minho, I could unleash myself fully knowing he would not be left behind. And now I trusted him more than ever. The cameras were on us again and I hung my head over his arm.

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