Extra 13-fin

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In the summer, Yu Sheng had a rare cold.

It was a bit of a nasal noise, and occasionally sneezed a few times. But because the person didn't care, after a few days of class, he finally coughed. Ordinary wind-heat colds, the medicine is also taken. At night, as long as you lie flat, you can't stop coughing. You can't rest well.

"It's not a big deal." Yu Sheng didn't take it seriously, he swallowed and pressed his cough: "Training your abdominal muscles." Jin Linkun simply took a shower, put on his pajamas, and was amazed by his mentality: "Can touch Touch it?"

...Since taking the students, Teacher Yu's temper seems to be much better, and the number of hands-on times is much less.

But it just looks. In fact, it just changed to a more diverse form.

Jin Linkun grabbed the mineral water bottle that was hit by a precise fixed point, unscrewed the cap and went around, patted the back of this person who started coughing without saying a word: "Nurse your throat... drink some more water?" Yu Sheng I can swell it with a swell, shake my head, and push the water I pass to the side.

"Just half a month." This person has made various excuses to study in the library more than ten times. Yu Sheng has taken two exercise books and pressed his cough: "Sleep your sleep." Jin Linkun circled him, lower jaw Put it on your boyfriend's shoulder: "Bring you some pear soup?"

Teacher Yu thinks that President Jin, who has just returned from the flight, may want to burn his kitchen.

Jin Linkun had just flown to Manhattan, and at the meeting, he found that Yu Sheng suddenly changed his habit, from video calling to messaging. I asked for several times but I couldn't get it out. Finally, I just slammed the sideways and figured out what was going on from the director of the Education Department. Yu Sheng wondered a little bit about how he and the director of the education department established the next-generation friendship: "Why do you have friends with the director of the education department?"

"I help him water every day, and let him steal energy." Jin Linkun finally found a game that suits him, and he was very pleased: "The chickens he raised can still feed on my farm." Yu Sheng: "... "

There is even no way to judge who is behind the three.

Jin Linkun smiled and rubbed his head: "That's better?" Yu Sheng was distracted when he talked to him. When asked, he realized that it didn't seem to cough. Jin Linkun put his arms away, and the arm around his shoulders added a little more strength, and asked people to lean directly on his shoulders.

He deliberately checked the information. He lay down at night and coughed because his lungs were incompetent. As long as he sat up, he would have some relief. Yu Sheng is used to not taking his body seriously, and he hasn't rested well these days, and no one is staring at him. It is estimated that the medicine will be taken according to fate.

Jin Linkun bowed his head and took a light bite on his ear: "Don't feel uncomfortable? Tell me?" The shoulder was slightly stretched by the heat from the ear, Yu Sheng hides his head and makes two marks on the page , Did not take it seriously: "This is uncomfortable." The words fell, and the shirt on his body was lifted.

......broad daylight. Seeing Jin Linkun's hands looking upright, he probed into his clothes, and Yu Sheng subconsciously sat upright: "Don't make trouble--"

When the words were anxious, he couldn't suppress his cough again. Yu Sheng held the edge of the table, realizing that the hand protruding into his clothes was just covering him when he coughed. "That's it." Jin Linkun adjusted his strength and angle. "Does it still hurt?"

Yu Sheng froze, put down the pen and looked sideways. Jin Linkun was still looking for the right strength, holding him in one hand, changing the place seriously, and the warm enthusiasm in his palm permeated down. I stayed up late and rushed to the plane. I was so tired that I couldn't hide it, and I didn't mean to go to jet lag to sleep first.

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