Chapter 2

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Broom Head's face swiftly darkens.

Everyone from Central Third knows – Yu Sheng has an ability that can drive anyone to death.

So long as it's words which have slipped out of his mouth, eight to nine out of ten times, only the bad will come true and not a single good one will. A single slip of soured milk* from him spares no one, and no one who receives it can escape.

(*soured milk: 毒奶 well-wishes that turn out bad)

His other name is Crow Mouth*.

(*Crow Mouth: 乌鸦嘴 To describe a person whose mouth is downright treacherous. Everything nice he says doesn't come true, but everything that's the opposite comes true.)

His most talked about achievement occurred back in Yu Sheng's first year of high school. Back then, he'd jinxed a third-year Glory-player till he was forced on his knees for 50 consecutive matches. Overnight, the guy had crashed right down to Bronze tier.

The Glory-player was left so badly traumatized, his hands trembled and he felt faint every time he touched a keyboard. He had no choice but to give up the game.

In addition, he was only able to increase his score by some hundred points after three months of obstinacy. In the end, he even dropped out of all special servers to rejoin the normal one.

Due to this incident, no one in Central Third dares to provoke Yu Sheng. While this is in part due to him being a tough opponent, it is more because his borderline metaphysical jinxes are way too terrifying.

Afterall, it is bad enough to be outmatched in a fight. No one wants it to rain the moment they step out the doors, run into walls every time they stroll down the street, and be hauled out of the exam hall three times when they try to cheat.

Broom Head's sore spot is stabbed. His face flushes bright red with fury, instantly blowing his top:

"Bullshit! Just fight me if you've got the guts! Stop playing dirty and jinxing us behind our backs! You're just a fucking crow mouth—"

"You're aware of that, and yet you're still talking to me."

Yu Sheng sighs softly, rubbing sore ears that were blasted by this guy:

"Did I also jinx your IQ accidentally?"

Broom Head's expression instantly changes. He falls dead silent, peering at Yu Sheng with palpable terror in his eyes.

Buns in one hand, Yu Sheng switches them to his other hand and kneads his sleep-deprived and pulsing temples twice.

Sometimes, he seriously cannot get what these hormone-driven, overly-enthused youths are thinking.

They've clearly gotten a taste of what they need to; They've gotten down on their luck, and they were suitably punished. Yet, they could still muster the guts to round up a bunch of guys and come knocking on his doors, persistently incurring his wrath.

To top it off, they've never once considered he might slip them a sip of soured milk.

Yu Sheng tousles his hair, glancing at the time before running his gaze over the gang before him.

The sidekicks still retain some IQ points. The moment Yu Sheng makes to open his mouth, they immediately back off in terror, obviously terrified he might casually pick out someone at random to bomb his words on.

"Useless trash! Did Lao Zi bring you here to see the show?!"

Broom Head bursts out, flying into a rage as he hollers at them:

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