Chapter 87

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Jin Linkun said that the meal was ready, but actually made a table of dishes.

Yu Sheng took off his raincoat and passed by the dining table. He couldn't help but go around and looked at it.

When learning to be a god, thinking is always broader than others. After Jin Linkun found that he really had no talent for cooking, he stopped slamming with the stove and changed his mind.

Yu Sheng stood a little shocked at a table of cold tomatoes, salted garlic seedlings, sweet and sour cucumbers and shredded lettuce.

"Trying the hot, not very successful..."

Jin Linkun coughed slightly, covered his eyes with one hand, and led the person to the bathroom to send: "The dishes are not afraid of cold, don't worry, first flush the hot water."

This is not too cold.

It has never been hot.

Yu Sheng moved his palm, wanted to speak, and found that his throat was still dumb. He could only delete the content of Tucao regretfully and put forward the demand as concisely as possible: "I want to eat tomatoes."

Jin Linkun's footsteps stopped.

He still covered Yu Sheng's eyes, stooped down and picked up the chopsticks, picked him a piece of sugar covered with sugar: "Come, open your mouth."

Seeing that this person's kindness index began to exceed the standard again, Yu Sheng wanted to remind him that when he reached the mouth, he couldn't help holding the corner of his mouth and opened his mouth cooperatively.

The sweet and sour juice ran down the throat.

Yu Sheng stood at the table and seriously fed him the tomato.


At the end of the meal, I don't know why I came back with a cool soft touch, and it fell on the corner of my lips and rubbed gently for a while.

Just after raining for a long time outside, Yu Sheng held a hot water bottle in his arms, and Jin Linkun wore a raincoat, which was cooler than him.

The two men played a few rounds at the door of the bathroom for a short period of time. Jin Linkun's eyes were fast, and while his boyfriend was lax, he stretched his arms and hugged the man into his arms: "Wash together?"

Yu Sheng was afraid that he would catch a cold, but had no idea about this, and nodded.

Jin Linkun inserted the water heater before going out, and the temperature was just right. The hot water dripped from the shower, quickly dispelling the chill from the ice and rain outside.

The mist was steaming and Yu Sheng leaned against the bathroom and walked away for a while.

His skin was pale, and the red rope around his neck was a little wet with water, and it was especially conspicuous.

The key was close to the chest, probably because the clothes were too thick before, and a small red mark appeared.

Jin Linkun pulled the man under the shower, touched his hair in the hot water, and lowered his head to kiss gently.

Looking for bathing supplies, Yu Sheng had already held his hand and raised his head to kiss.

The child's tiger teeth are a little sharp, and biting in the corner of the lips will hurt a little. The lips are warm and soft with hot water, and the strength is still green, and the wrist is squeezed and clenched.


Jin Linkun walked out of the bathroom with a bath towel, fumbled to find the mobile phone, and wrote "The kid didn't breathe" on the beaten notepad.

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