Chapter 45

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Thanks to Xia Junhua's solemn thanks for the special lecture on the weekend competition, for the legendary competition simulation, seven groups of half of the horses all helped to sit in the auditorium.

Lao Wan also wore a peaked cap very seriously, wearing the most spiritual shirt, sitting among a group of students.

"Extraordinarily handsome."

Cen Rui's class teacher didn't even let his mobile phone. He really liked Lao Wan and praised him seriously: "Teacher Wan, how long you have been sitting here like this, they will not find a traitor out of the students."

Lao Wan was praised a little, embarrassed, waved his hand, and leaned over slightly, followed several contestants to ask about the competition guarantee.

The lecturer was Zhang Shenghang, a well-known contest training teacher in the province. His hair was thinner than that of Lao Wan. In his forties, he seemed to be able to talk about the face of the day.

This lecture is mainly for prospective senior high school students who have the willingness to send them through the competition. In addition to the teacher, there are several senior high school graduates who have already signed up for the next year.

"Hangyu, is particularly famous. A lot of contestants have followed their training, and have run summer camps, and they have a lot of national awards."

Xia Junhua's eyes were bright: "I heard that they are particularly accurate in terms of betting, and practice a few more sets of questions. Putting a hand in the preliminary competition in August can be regarded as an explanation for these two years."

For competition students, it is the final stroke when they reach senior three. If you still can't get a guaranteed delivery contract, you should immediately revert your focus to the college entrance examination, which is even more stressful than ordinary students.

As usual, Yu Sheng sat by the door, turned over two pages of books, and just touched the phone, the light was blocked by the figure.

Looking up, Jin Linkun carried something on his back, still carrying the bright summer heat outside, and the eyes behind the lens bent towards him: "Waiting for anxiety?"

Yu Sheng glanced at him and looked down at the book: "I thought you were lost in a corner of the campus and could not get back."

Today, I'm here to help gather people's heads. Yu Sheng got up early and practiced the piano. He came out of the piano room and received a note without waiting for his text message.

He felt that the tone of the news was not right, inexplicably uneasy, and even sent a few messages in the past, the other side just told him not to worry, and asked to meet in the auditorium.

The result hasn't met people until now.

Yu Sheng turned over two pages and asked him to come in and sit down sideways, watching him take out snacks from the same bag: "You watched the movie?"

"This kind of lecture can't end in three hours, and it must be delayed until noon."

Jin Linkun is very experienced, one-handedly untie the neckline and breathe, put the last box of yogurt in his arms: "Find something for you to eat, it's over to eat."

The time of the lecture is at ten o'clock in the morning, and you have to wait until the end to receive the simulation paper. Yu Sheng woke up early in the morning to practice the piano. He had eaten breakfast for four or five hours, so he sat until noon, and he was inevitably hungry.

Yu Sheng looked at the bag of cartoon finger cookies he passed over: "...when did you become an adult."

"Six months ago, December 7." Jin Linkun skillfully tore up the packaging, and answered very accurately, "Ten months older than you."

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