Chapter 12

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Do you have to go to the washroom together?"

Teacher Wan seems to have a good personality, but if there's anything, it's just that he's a bit too nosy. After that curious query, he gets off-stage and walks over to take a closer look at them.

These two little students are quite easy on the eyes. Though their looks are on opposite sides of the spectrum, they can still leave a deep impression at first glance. It's that sort of striking appearance they bear.

Wan Yongming appraises them carefully before flipping open the name roster and looking between them multiple times. He ventures:

"Jin Linkun, Yu Sheng?"

Yu Sheng doesn't want to answer. Nevertheless, the Black Blouse by his side has already pulled off his glasses and offered an apologetical and polite smile:

"Teacher, we apologize. We must have drank too much today."

His tone is suitably fair and reasonable, yet at the same time, he virtually gives away his name.

-While pulling Yu Sheng down with him.

If not for this mouth of his holding him back, Yu Sheng truly wants to wish him and his entire family well.

"Brilliant." Wan Yongming is quite delighted. He pockets his name roster. "I've been wanting to see the two second rankers for the exam this time. But I didn't expect to meet you right on the first day."

High school students are quite sensitive towards all kinds of things.

When his voice sails through the air to them, the students in the auditorium all swivel around at once, bright eyes falling upon the pair.

Yu Sheng's mind summons the image of a field of sunflowers swirling tumultuously as one to catch the last dull rays of light of a sunset.

In comparison, Jin Linkun looks quite accustomed to this treatment. Under the many eyes on him, he does not bat an eye, smiling as he converses with Wan Yongming.

His words are carefully chosen and he has an attitude that's the definition of humility. Just that one move of Tai Qi* from him is enough to transcend the limits of this world. All he needs is a couple of words to make Teacher Wan, who has been a handler for many generations of Third-Years, overlook the fact that he was late and snuck in here.

(*Martial Arts)

Many people are still straining their necks and looking back at them.

Putting Yu Sheng aside, the name 'Jin Linkun' has spread far and wide not just in City A, but also the other cities of the province.

In his 1st and 2nd years of high school, he came like a whirlwind and swept up each and every Championship within the province. It wasn't until his third year, when he should have graduated with a sure-pass by all means, but got suspended for some unknown reason, that the Academic Tyrants all around who had been firmly oppressed for two whole years were finally able to heave a sigh of relief.

Nobody would have thought that in the first exam where this legendary character makes a comeback, he would actually be dragged off his throne by a student one year his junior and be forced to share second place with him.

The number of people looking over is increasing. Hushed murmurs gradually fill the auditorium.

Yu Sheng's brows knit subconsciously.

It's been a long time since entering high school that he is stared at by so many at once.

It's not that it gives him anxiety. It's just that he can't get comfortable no matter what. Even if he isn't the focus of their attention, even if he knows these people bear no ill intent, frustration still unknowingly wells up in the depths of his heart.

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