Chapter 10

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The moment he sends this, Yu Sheng freezes up for two seconds.

When a person is too tired, their brain functions do indeed get messed up.

Sitting on this message for a stretch of time, he is just pondering whether or not to feign losing connection and leave when the other side replies.

It's rather interesting.

The mouse which has already clicked down on the quit button stops.

White Silver Substitute is quite slow when he messages him. Some time passes before yet another message pops up.

It's a bit similar to school. It's a gathering of people under the same roof with all accommodations provided by them. Apparently, it's for us to make friends or something like that.

We don't have to attend classes, so it's quite relaxing. It's all fun and games.

The one I participated in last time even required us to form a musical. According to them, it's for the sake of nurturing our artistic talents. Everyone had to come up with something to perform onstage.

If there's anything, it'd be that the organizers were a bit too much. I told them I can play the pipe organ. They told me to get lost.


Seeing the stream of messages come one after another, Yu Sheng's mouth turns up.

He adjusts himself in his seat with a grip on his armrest, and he types:

You mean the sort which requires a space three houses big and five storeys tall?

White Silver Substitute remains very petulant:

There were many fine arts.

The Ring of Poison has begun to shrink. Yu Sheng barely pays it any mind, continuing to fix his eyes on the line after line of incoming messages.

The other must still be busy filling up those forms. His messages come after an interval each time and do so in bits and pieces. The things he talks about are all the most random little things.

They are so mundane in fact, most people wouldn't even care about them. Yet, he meticulously details them. Bit by bit, those broken fragments are put together, dabbing colour onto the image.

It's so goddamn compelling.

While Yu Sheng takes in all of this, he subconsciously relaxes little by little.

Having said more than enough to fill the screen, White Silver Substitute finally closes his war with those forms. The pace at which he types visibly speeds up:

Friend, we've been chatting for some time. Shall we go back to settling this match?

Like hell they are.

The Ring of Poison has already shrunk till it's all but gone.

Yu Sheng had placed Steam on full screen and totally didn't take a look at the game. Rubbing his neck, he is just about to open a new game when his mouse halts.

The Divine Concentric Circles* have come down to the 2nd loop, and it is encircling the haystack right where they're hiding.

(*Divine Concentric Circles: I assume there is more than one Ring of Poison then.)

The number of survivors is now down to only 2, and White Silver Substitute is still left with a skin of blood. Teetering on his feet, he looks just as surprised and rises to his feet, dancing and twirling around ridiculously.

Peering at the screen for a bit, Yu Sheng crosses his arms and gradually sits back up.

He has never held much faith in many things, but strangely enough, in this moment of time, he can't help but be a little superstitious.

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