Chapter 13

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On the first day of the Provincial Interhigh Summer Camp, the two second places get blown up amongst those in attendance.

One was because he made an overly incensing speech after taking the mic. The other was because he met the wishes of everyone offstage and immediately socked the first.

Wan Yongming is a senior teacher with many years of rich teaching experience. He pulls them apart, unperturbed, as he seizes the opportunity to continue his interview:

"Do not raise your hand against him. Our lives are filled with plenty of problems which we mustn't resolve with violence... And so, Student Yu, what is your secret method for studying?"

Yu Sheng still has Jin Linkun's arm twisted backwards in his grip. Gazing at the mic which has been held up to him, he stares back at the teacher with mild incredulity.

Teacher Wan is willing to wait as long as it takes. Angling his hand forward, he navigates it through this entangled chain of boys and, very considerately, thrusts it in Yu Sheng's face.

Yu Sheng:  "......"

He thinks he gets why this Sweeping Monk could assume command over the frontlines of H High for so long now.

Jin Linkun is still seized by him, but he doesn't bear the slightest consciousness over plagiarizing his answer right to his face. As though exchanging Christmas presents, he even angles his head back to hint:

"Study hard, study smart, have a good attitude..."

"Sleep at 4, Wake at 7."

Yu Sheng doesn't even look at him. The expressionless teen presses a firm hand on his shoulder and shoves him down violently:

"Sock those you hate once per day."

Right until the moment the dorm arrangements are released, Yu Sheng would have never suspected that after jinxing himself into a Pyramid Scheme Org, he would have succeeded in digging himself an even deeper grave.

The chance to sock those he hates on a daily basis quickly arrives on his doorstep.

Looking on as his new roomie places his brown paper bag on the desk, Yu Sheng remains steadfast in the corridor and expressionlessly shuts the door on that face. He spins around to leave.

There must be something seriously wrong with his head.

Skipping was all fine and dandy. It's not like the Summer Camp is a POW Camp. Though he could have clearly hightailed home back there and slept the night away, then gamed the day away tomorrow, he actually stayed an absurdly long amount of time in this hellhole.

Yu Sheng came without much baggage, and all he had on him was a simple school bag. Roaming around the less crowded roads in N University for a while, he finally comes to a fencing that looks relatively kinder on him.

The weather in July and August remains utterly unpredictable. Though the afternoon sun was clearly vicious enough to make fleeing seem like he was defying fate, at this moment, the skies have already darkened and there are clouds gathering in the distance.

A couple of frogs glide over the leaves. The air dampens with the signature chilly humidity of before a rain.

Yu Sheng backs up two steps in preparation to fence-vault–

–When his name is called from behind.

Save for Jin Linkun, there isn't anyone else Yu Sheng knows in here. Knitting his brows instinctively, he angles himself to look at him.

The one who had called out to him is a tall and lanky guy.

Bearing glasses, donning the uniform from a reputable private high school of City B, the next city over, he has one hand shoved deep in his pocket and is strutting towards him.

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