Chapter 96

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Not counting the results of Sheng and Yang Fan, the average English score of Class 7 is slightly different from that of Class 1 after the decimal point.

The students in the third middle school are of average source, and there are not many outstanding students in the top class. In addition, the previous English teacher can't be liked. The English of the first class is the weakest one.

But in the past, the class with the lowest score has been able to catch up with so many, the teachers have been surprised, and they all defaulted to the seventh class to win this unwritten bet.

The students in Class 7 were not reconciled. Under the leadership of Mr. Jin who came to pick up the brothers, they collected the papers and reviewed them. Finally, they found two questions that the teacher missed and judged wrongly in a paper. Added it.

After the points were changed, the seven class students held the lollipops requested by the class teacher and went back and forth ten times at the door of the class with raised eyebrows.


Finally, the director of the Education Department held the electric car battery back to the class one by one.

When Yu Sheng and Jin Linkun went out, the class was quiet.

A group of people who still want to know how much they can do are hard at work. Yao Qiang scratches his head desperately, the sports committee holds the pen, his eyes are rounded, and he seems to be able to eat the set of rolls in front of him.

"A meaningful day."

Jin Linkun was supposed to be boring and waited for the following. Let's take a look. I didn't expect to participate in such an exciting historic moment: "So is my level of supplementary lessons good?"

This man began to swell from hearing the English results of Class 7. Yu Sheng glanced at him and decided to cooperate with him first: "Good."

Jin Linkun was very happy, looking at no one in the corridor, couldn't help but think about the hand of Lala's boyfriend.

The motive is too obvious, Yu Sheng did not hide, and he loosened it together: "Did you buy all the dishes?"

"bought it."

Jin Linkun was easily satisfied, took his hand and walked forward: "Your class does not need to fill up other subjects, such as language--"

It was only halfway through. Several boys in Class 7 went out together to get dinner, and turned over the stairs and hit them head-on.

Their classmates now see that Yu Sheng's response is highly unified, quickly and straight, and took out a portable version of the necessary ancient poems from his pocket: "Just not see it! The water of the Yellow River comes to heaven! The rush to the sea does not return..."

Do not squint attentively.

I didn't see any extra content.

Jin Linkun touched the tip of his nose and changed his mind: "such as math..."

Yu Sheng flipped through the phone and showed him a text message from Jin Linkun's teacher.

After discovering that the champion of the liberal arts in the school next door could control Jin Linkun, the teachers of the provincial demonstration began to send text messages to Yu Sheng in turn.

The two text messages that Yu Sheng recently received are both suggestions from students Jin who are too active in mathematics subjects. It is recommended to try to use normal people's common methods to solve problems.


Jin Linkun crossed his mind and coughed a little: "Friend, you may not believe it, in fact, I am also a little bit involved in history and land administration."

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