Chapter 59

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Jin Linkun held the candy and looked up at him.

The house quieted down unconsciously.

Yu Sheng couldn't help frowning, so he had to blast him home. Jin Linkun had hurriedly found a place to put down the sugar, came back a few steps, and raised his hand again to circle the person in his arms.

Suddenly the warm body temperature touched his body, and Yu Sheng raised his hand to support him: "What's wrong?"

"Reluctant to leave."

Jin Linkun lowered his head, not in a good mood: "My child is alone, I am afraid he is afraid of darkness at night."


Yu Sheng felt that he might have realized that Jin Linkun's parents had packed up their luggage and could not wait to pack up and go out: "Wake up, my house has lights."

He didn't want Jin Linkun to have any misunderstandings. He opened his mouth and was ready to explain. If something happened, he could stay at home for a few more days.

Jin Linkun didn't wait for him to speak. He touched the sugar in his hand and squeezed the package and handed it to his mouth.

Yu Sheng frowned: "It's for you."

"I know." Jin Linkun still circled him with one hand, patting lightly behind his back, "Time is tight and the task is heavy, help me share a little."

Yu Sheng blinked his eyes and froze unconsciously.

Before he responded, Jin Linkun had already put the sugar into his mouth, his fingers curled, and the knuckles were gently printed on his lips: "Seal a seal."

Already ready to be knocked out of the door, Jin Linkun quickly closed his hands with good conditional reflexes, and then ducked sideways, only to find that Yu Sheng did not move at all.

The teenager stood stunned, his eyes widened a little.

The boy who seems to have a bad temper is actually not good enough. It contains sugar and the cheeks bulge a little softly.

Jin Linkun's heart was so soft that he felt his hair, but he still couldn't hold back, and lowered his head and said softly: "Yu Sheng, close your eyes."

His tone was different from usual, Yu Shengmei peaked slightly, did not speak, closed his eyes as he said.

The world in front of me is attributed to the warm darkness, and the extremely warm and soft touch falls down and lightly falls on the forehead.

Yu Sheng's chest suddenly palpitated.

He instinctively tried to hide, feeling that he had obviously exerted a lot of energy, but Jin Linkun Songsong was not able to break his arms around him.

Jin Linkun touched his forehead and put a hand on the younger boy's cool neck, slowly appeasing: "It's okay, it's okay..."

Yu Sheng's heartbeat was so fast that he was a little worried. Jin Linkun let go of his arm and backed away a little, and suddenly his arm was grabbed.

Slightly hurt by the force from the arm, Jin Linkun bowed his head and spoke softly: "I will not go, Yu Sheng—"

Yu Sheng didn't listen to him, his lips were almost bloodless, his throat knot moved up and down, learning his movements.

Jin Linkun forgot what he wanted to say, a little dazed, looking at the children who were actually willing to learn anything.

The child was a little shorter than him, and he tipped his feet twice. His temper was a little overwhelming: "You come down."

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