24 " 🍓 "

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Third person pov

In Kim's mansion

Morning, 7.00 am

The daylight surrounded all over the room and Tae's slumber slowly began to fade away, he snuggled more into his husband's clothed chest without opening his eyes, but when Jk's hand wafted on his core, he shot his eyes open feeling the touch on his waist which is not his hand that's for sure, but from the corner of his heart he knows who it is but he wants to confirm☺️, then he backed away only to view his husband's sleeping silhouette.

Tae then slowly moved closer to his husband and observed his sleeping figure then skimmed the mole under Jk's lips with his index finger.

Tae's pov

Right now I'm observing every inch of my husband's face don't ask me why? But I feel like doing this, he is indeed charming, no one can deny this attribute, his well-built physique with a sculptured complexion, even while sleeping also he is making my heartbeat upsurge then my eyes automatically noticed our position and how Jungkook shi is holding me securely this made me remember about last night how he raised a query and all...

So he remembers everything, but how can he? It's unimaginable, he sounded so frantic while aspiring the answer from me. Did he also think about me after our encounter? Like the same way how I thought about him. Did he also get similar unnameable feelings as I existed? And What is the reason he inquired about that incident out of nowhere?

Regardless, it made me pleased and wait wait wait...why I felt so comfortable and safe in his embrace? Even now also I didn't make any effort to retreat from his embrace, but I hate skinship, right? But why he is being exceptional?

Why? Why? Just why?...... And how I'm so comfortable around him in the first place?

I thought of progressing our relationship from the very rudimentary phases to the tremendous phases.

But this man is making me lose myself in him... I can't comprehend what? my heart strives for. Why do I feel so ablaze, whenever he is near me? his presence makes my inside bloom with a nonnative feeling with a tickling splendour which gives me goosebumps all over my body and my whole face turns crimson red.

Regardless these feelings are confusing but at the same time I crave to acquire more from him, what is it?

My chain of thoughts got broken in when the hand around my waist tighten the clasp that made me let out a muffled sound then I tried to check whether he is sleeping or not by poking his cheeks with the tip of my index finger, his cheeks felt soft and his mouth is half open he resembles the bunny.

Ugh, Don't drift your thoughts Taehyung...
(Tae said to himself😅)

Then I unhurriedly peeled myself from my husband's grasp. Then I wrapped him with the quilt while my lips spiralled and it turned into a warm smile.

Then I did my morning routine and left the room, when I reached downstairs I saw Joonie Hyung on the living room divan,

Joon: Good morning bear, did you sleep well?

Tae: Morning Hyung (He nodded with a smile)

Joon: where is Jungkook?

Tae: Ahh.. he is sleeping Hyung (Tae's face brightens while saying so Joon noticed that which made him nod while flashing a dimpled smile)

Jin: Ooooh hoo🎵 brothers, I'm here (Jin sang while entering the living room from the kitchen)

Then Hyung gave me a Strawberry shake, after completing my sip, I excused myself from Hyungs and made my way to the kitchen to make coffee for Jungkook Shi after 10 mins I came out to the living space.

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