4 " Cutae☺️"

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In Kim Mansion

(picture credits go to the rightful owner )

(picture credits go to the rightful owner )

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Evening 6.30 pm Tae entered Kim's mansion with a small grin on his face thinking about his day and all then he walked towards the direction of the kitchen probably where his mother would be and when he is near the kitchen he is hailed by a very good aroma.

Feeling his presence in the kitchen Mrs Kim greeted her lovely son with a smile and hugged him this is their habitual thing to convey their love towards each other

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Feeling his presence in the kitchen Mrs Kim greeted her lovely son with a smile and hugged him this is their habitual thing to convey their love towards each other.

Mrs Kim: How was your day baby?

Tae: It was a good day mom and I played with many children today then you know one of my paintings is sold to a very great artist in Japan and he also added it to his collection which is one of the reasons for my happiness today.

Mrs Kim: Is that so? I know my baby is so talented (then she kissed his cheeks) then what is the other thing for your happiness ahh?

Before starting Tae cleared his throat and started to tell her about everything that happened in school with his students excitedly like a 4 yrs old child. This made Mrs Kim smile at her son'cuteness.

Tae: And mom do you know that Jimine is celebrating his success party on Saturday and he invited me? I'm happy for him but going to a party scares me ( with that tae pouted cutely)

Mrs Kim: it's ok dear chim came here and invited us too so we all will go together to the party don't worry too much ok?

(Tae cutely nodded his head)

Mrs Kim gave him hot chocolate and after that, he went to his room to freshen up he entered his room.

Mrs Kim gave him hot chocolate and after that, he went to his room to freshen up he entered his room

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