23 " Star 💫 Gazing"

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Third person pov

In Kim's mansion,

The warm wind hits Tae's face who is standing on the patio and gazing at the stars in the sky which always makes him feel serenity, currently, he is waiting for his husband who is on call, in the living area so Tae thought not to disturb him, so he moved to the patio quietly, he could have gone to his room but he thought it would be inappropriate if he leaves his husband alone here because after marriage this is the first time they are going to spend the night in his room, he doesn't know why he is way too excited about the verity that his husband is going to stay in his room, so he is waiting here for his husband to join him.

On call 📱

Clara: Mr Jeon, tomorrow by 11.00 am the meeting is scheduled

Jk: Ok Clara, I'll join you directly in the meeting (Jk said while eyeing the direction of the patio)

Clara: Mr Jeon, that means.... ( Jk cut her off by saying)

Jk: Yes, I mean what I said, anything else? (Clara was awestruck she can't believe her ears )

Clara: Okay, Mr Jeon as you said

( With that they ended the call and Jk moved to the direction of the patio in search of his husband)

Jk's pov

When I reached the patio, I saw that Taehyung was gazing at the sky while leaning on the wooden bannister, he didn't notice me yet but I thought to relish this vista, his brown hair fluttering with the warm wind and his eyes never fled from the sky. I want to see his eyes directly.

Is he thinking about something or just gazing at the stars? (Jk questioned in his mind)

I made my way towards him and stood quietly beside the humdinger when he felt my presence he stood up straight and retreated his hands from the railing then lowered his head while wriggling with his fingers his face quickly changed into light coral pink, he is always this cute to everyone or this facade is only for me? If this reaction is solely for me, I'm fortunate to attain this and I will make sure to be the last person to get this retort from him.

Jk: What are you doing here? (Tae want to tell his husband that he is waiting for him but he felt a little bit skittish to let it out so he said)

Tae: Just... Star gazing (Jk then slanted towards the railing and turned his head to face his husband)

Jk: So you like it?

Tae: Mm

He nodded cutely, I want to know more about his liking and unlike-ings but I don't know exactly why?

Jk: Okay, resume what you were doing ( Tae just stared at his husband)

Jk: Why are staring at me? (Then Tae looked at the sky with a smile on his face )

Jk: Why are staring at me? (Then Tae looked at the sky with a smile on his face )

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