Pyrrhic Victories

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"You've grown, Gohan. Soon enough your old man is gonna just be a burden to you," Goku teased his son, though Gohan couldn't hear it. With all of his energy put into the strongest Super Kamehameha he could pull off, Gohan thrust his arms out at last.

"HA!" he bellowed, unleashing an overwhelming, tunneling energy blast that seemed to engulf the entire collapsing cybernetic star. Super Hatchiyack extended his arms out to the sides.

"SAIYANS... WE WILL... NOT DIE...!" the cacophony of wailing Tsufurian voices all sang in disturbing bestial unison as a flickering green energy field formed around Super Hatchiyack, triggering a collision and a struggle between Super Saiyan Gohan's Super Kamehameha and Super Hatchiyack's energy barrier.

"NO MORE DEATH... REVENGE!" Super Hatchiyack clamored, swiping its hammering arms to the side and popping his energy shield to detonate the Super Kamehameha alongside it and take minimal damage from Gohan's genuine attempts to destroy the monster. Super Hatchiyack crossed his arms and began drawing in bright emerald energy bolts from all sides toward the central glowing singularity forming in front of his crossed arms.

Gritting his teeth, Gohan charged toward Hatchiyack but, unexpectedly, Super Hatchiyack ceased his Revenger Cannon channeling to slam a straight high kick into Gohan's head and send the young Super Saiyan flying, then crossing his arms again and finishing the charge. Instead of unleashing his Revenger Cannon all at once, Super Hatchiyack split its arms to the sides with glowing energy spheres around each hand and threw consecutive energy blasts in Gohan's direction, only for each energy blast to detonate with a vicious green energy dome explosion.

After the smoke cleared up, Gohan appeared from it embedded into the laboratory wall sprawled out, battered and bruised, flickering between his base and Super Saiyan states with only his drive to ensure their victory sustaining the Super Saiyan form after the collective beating he took that day. Super Hatchiyack crossed its arms again, beginning to prepare a final Revenger Cannon to decimate the teen utterly.

"Huh..." Goku felt an overwhelming, pulsating influx of spirit pumping into the Spirit Bomb which grew out of proportion and turned a blinding sky-blueish hue while emitting white bolts of light in all directions and even soaking the Saiyan himself in a white, serene aura of righteous power. "It's ready!" the Saiyan called out.

"SAIYANS... ERADICATE!" Super Hatchiyack, reacting to the impossible-to-miss expanse hovering and humming with so much volume that it overpowered the Destron pumps themselves, turned his attention and his channeling Revenger Cannon at Goku.

"This is so much bigger than just your revenge, Hatchiyack. This is about the whole universe pitching in to stop the Destron Gas together! Dr. Lychee's plan puts the whole universe at risk, so it's only right that the universe itself will fight back through this incredible Spirit Bomb!" Goku growled while physically strained to his limits just to lob the overwhelming Spirit Bomb encompassing a bit of the entire Universe's energy at Super Hatchiyack. The Spirit Bomb drew a speck of spirit from each planet in the cosmos, its animals, plants, and all living things, creating a previously unseen energy bomb that not even a monster like Hatchiyack should've been able to rival. "Take this, Spirit Bomb!" Goku roared.

Super Hatchiyack parted his crossed arms, beaming emerald lights from every gemstone decorating its body and forming a wall of emerald energy in front of the rampaging machine of revenge. Despite all of its power, the Spirit Bomb slammed against the barrier, expelling stray bolts of spirit energy in all directions that snuffed out under pressure. Sizzling and struggling against the incredible opposition, the Spirit Bomb stopped in place.

"The Spirit Bomb!? No... How can this be!?" Gohan blanked out.

"Damn it... Move... Move, damn it!" Goku's eyes whited out and a strident golden blaze drove through his spiky hair, igniting the Super Saiyan splendor around the Saiyan's whole body. With a reignited fighting spirit, the desperate Super Saiyan shoved his right hand out and forced the Spirit Bomb to bust through the emerald barrier.

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