Chapter 548: Entering the Palace and Facing the Dog Emperor!

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"Empress, Empress, you're back..." "The queen..." "The Empress..."

"Long live Xia Guo!"


The crown prince Qin Yunshen took the initiative to hand over the tiger talisman and jumped off the moat to commit suicide, Pei Yuanxian Fufu rode on his horse with an army of 500,000 people into the city, and the people who had already crowded the city gate shouted excitedly, and returned, their queen and the emperor together led the army of the Xia Kingdom to fight back, and in the future, under their rule, they will inevitably get rid of the current hardship and poverty, eat and wear warmth, and live and work in peace.

The firmness of the people comes from the uninterrupted efforts of Shen Liang and others in those years, most of the people are simple, how Shen Liang treated them at the beginning, how they will double their return now.

Pei Yuanxian Fufu who straddled the horse looked at each other and smiled, the support of the people is their greatest confidence and motivation, the people are the foundation of the country, and the Qin royal family will collapse so completely because it has lost the hearts of the people.

The emperor and the empress fufu took advantage of the support of the people to move forward slowly, Kaiyang Tianji and others did not need their orders, and automatically arranged for the generals to lead troops to take over the other city gates, and the dragon and tiger battalion and the imperial city army were also temporarily controlled by them, waiting for the empress concubine to deal with it, and at the same time came to join them last night, and Ling Yunyi, who served in the household department, also skillfully let people control the mansions of various imperial relatives and civil and military officials.

Even if they entered the imperial city without spending a single soldier, they had a lot to do, and in the end, only the 50,000 iron-armored guards led by Yuheng and others and more than 100 Nether Guards who protected Shen Liang at any time followed Pei Yuanxian to the palace.

"Emperor Qiyu, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince took the initiative to hand over the tiger talisman, and has already committed suicide by throwing himself into the moat, Qin Yunxian Fufu personally led the Xia army into the city, and will arrive at the palace in an hour at most."

In the Qianyang Main Palace, the leader of the shadow guard suddenly appeared, and the emperor who was lying on the bed to cultivate sat up with a snort: "What did you say?!" 

The emperor's eyes widened, did he say it wrong or did he hear it wrong? How could Qin Yunshen take the initiative to hand over the tiger talisman and commit suicide?

On the contrary, Yang An, who was standing on the side, quickly slipped a touch of ecstasy under his eyes after hearing the news, soon, soon the little master is about to hit the palace, the masters and righteous fathers have shouted wrongs for more than twenty years, and they will soon be rehabilitated, but he didn't expect that he really had the opportunity to see the moment when the masters were revenged, if it weren't for the perennial forbearance ordering him to calm down, Yang An couldn't help but cry, No one knows how painful he has been lurking around the enemy for more than twenty years, and God knows how many times he has tried to kill the dog emperor.


When Yang An ordered himself to calm down, the commander of the shadow guard said in detail what happened outside the city tower, and the emperor retorted angrily, not willing to accept the fact that his Dragon and Tiger Battalion and the Imperial City Army were actually not useful, and were given to Qin Yunxian by Qin Yunshen, how could he accept such a cruel fact?

"The emperor, the emperor is not good, the Xia army has entered the city..."

Now the commander of the Dragon and Tiger Battalion and the Imperial City Army, who had quietly fled from the city tower, broke in in in a panic, regardless of the obstruction of the palace people.

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