Chapter 486: Assassination, Repentance is not the beginning

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Emptying the harem, thoroughly investigating the Lu family, and opening the Jingzhao Mansion in public, now coupled with the Lu family's collective suicide overnight, the iron-armored guards arbitrarily arrested people, and everything the empress did after returning seemed to show their ambition and unique, inviolable imperial power, and no one suspected that they were acting, including Sun Mingquan Chu Caizheng who was in it.

"Sun Shangshu, the emperor clearly doubts us, why don't you take a stand? Retreat in a hurry, and we are likely to never have the opportunity to cry out in front of the emperor again. 

The two left the palace, and Chu Cai was quickly catching up with Sun Mingquan, who was walking in front, very puzzled by his previous actions.

"Hasn't Chu Shilang seen it yet? At the moment when the emperor doubted us, he had already given up on us, whether we were innocent or not, we were destined to give way to his people, hmph, he didn't want to think about who supported the rivers and mountains of Daxia before he came back, and now as soon as he comes back, he will continue to get rid of the heroes, help his own people on the horse, and eat too ugly. 

Sun Mingquan is no longer as humble as when he faced the emperor, his face was full of ** naked unhappiness, who doesn't know that he inserted Yang Wanli in the Criminal Department, Lu Xiang's matter is so big, and directly crossed him This Shangshu to Yang Wanli to deal with, just to let Yang Wanli find out the Criminal Department to replace him?

"This... Sun Shangshu said cautiously, His Majesty may have his considerations, and as courtiers, it is our duty to obey orders. 

Chu Caizheng hesitated slightly, and he still persuaded two words in the sake of working together for many years, as an official of the Criminal Department, Sun Shangshu privately tripped Yang Wanli and he also knew, how to say, the emperor's actions so unconcealed did hurt the hearts of these old ministers, but before this, he did not express any dissatisfaction with Sun Shangshu, there should be other arrangements, and after Lu Shuren's case, in his private heart he also felt, Yang Wanli is indeed familiar with everything in the Criminal Department, if they can put aside their prejudices, they may be able to build the Criminal Department like an iron barrel, but looking at Sun Mingquan, Chu Caizheng did not dare to say this, because he knew that it was impossible for him to listen to it now.

"Chu Shilang pretends to be quite similar, but the emperor does not necessarily receive you this love, even if it is to feed a dog, there will be feelings for a long time, but what the emperor said today made the official feel that we are not even as good as dogs."

Full of resentment can not vent, Sun Mingquan inevitably has some gaffes, the words are more and more indiscriminate, Chu Caizheng frowned almost uncheckable: "Sun Shangshu's words are bad, the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die, if we do everything to the emperor to return, then what is the difference with the merit of shaking the lord and cheating the king?" Xiaguan does not deny that the emperor's attitude of provoking us to suspect us is very hurtful, but the Lu family died so strangely, in other words, anyone will do this suspicion, including myself, Xiaguan feels that there is nothing to blame, the emperor and we pick and secretly let people check us, if the two want to choose one of the two, I would rather he pick the clear and honest investigation, moreover, the emperor installed Yang Shilang in the criminal department, trying to replace Sun Shangshu You take over the criminal department, Xiaguan does not feel that there is anything wrong, no matter what official position, the able person occupies, If Yang Wanli is indeed more talented than us, why can't he retreat and give up to Xian? As courtiers, our duty is to assist the emperor to govern the world, not to compete with the emperor, there is a saying I think the emperor is right, the people are the foundation of the country, as long as we are dedicated to the people, don't give birth to any side thoughts, the emperor should not treat us badly. 

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