Chapter 419: Are You Still Human?

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"Did Pei Yuanxian really say that?"

In the dead of night, the Qianyang Main Palace was still brightly lit, and the emperor was exhausted because of the affairs of the royal family, and only then did he have the effort to listen to the report of the commander of the shadow guard.

"It is true that many people can testify."

The shadow guard leader standing on the side was extremely sure, after all, this happened under the public, and Princess Qingping was poisoned by him himself, that is, I don't know if he deliberately scared the crown princess, or if it was really something, so far he has not received news from the prince's mansion, and it is impossible to determine whether the crown princess is poisoned.

"In that case, it must have been the fourth old man who provoked him."

After a short silence, the emperor raised his forehead and said, Pei Yuanxian still knows some of his nature, and the six relatives do not recognize it, so far, his weakness is only Shen Liang, and Chen Zhiqi's fool insulted him in front of the public, pouring dirty water on his body, Pei Yuanxian is not playing muddy and strange, this is good, at least they will not stand on the side of the fourth old, now Daqin is worried about internal and external troubles, and he is troubled by the royal family, There is really no way to deal with Pei Yuanxian and the Nether Dark Guard and Iron Armored Guard in their hands, let them go for a while for the time being.

"What happened to that Yiqing King you were talking about?"

In contrast, he minded this more, any wind and grass in the Xia Kingdom was enough to make him sit still, especially the mysterious emperor of the Xia Kingdom, he always felt that something was not quite right.

"According to Princess Qingping, he and King Qingping seem to be brothers, and they should have come to visit King Qingping in a private name this time."

"Pei Yuanxian Master Cheng Xuefeng, this Xuefeng resident is said to have accepted a total of seven apprentices, but I didn't expect that there was a king with a different surname from the Xia Kingdom, keep an eye on that person, if possible, find a way to arrest him, maybe he can tell Xu what is going on with the emperor of the Xia Kingdom."

The emperor's face slipped with a strong killing intent in an instant, he remembered very well, the father emperor had suspected that the only bloodline of the first prince Fufu Qin Yunxian was not dead, the first emperor of the Xia Kingdom only had a prince and a concubine, if the emperor of the Xia Kingdom was really the grandson of the first emperor in exile, why should he hide it? Among them, there must be something strange, he even suspected that the emperor of the Xia Kingdom was Qin Yunxian, if it was really him, then he would definitely send troops to Daqin and destroy Daqin Jiangshan!


The Shadow Guard Commander did not know what was in his heart, let alone know the grievances and grievances of the previous generation of the Great Qin royal family, and he only did his part.

"Go ahead."

Rubbing his eyebrows tiredly, the emperor waved his hand.

"Resign from your humble position!"

After speaking, the leader of the shadow guard disappeared in an instant, the emperor summoned Yang An, bathed and changed clothes under the service of a group of palace eunuchs, lay down on the bed and fell asleep shortly after, during this time, too many things happened beyond his expectations, originally thought that the Wei family was gone, no one could press him anymore, but he didn't expect ... Even in his sleep, the emperor frowned and could not relax.

At the same time, the Qingping royal palace.


With a broken hoarse, strong ** moan sounded high, Shen Liang, who straddled Pei Yuanxi's body, fell weakly on his chest, and through the faint moonlight, it was not difficult to find that his fair skin was covered with crisscrossing kiss marks, and the entire bedroom was wafting with a thick ** breath.

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