Chapter 540: Breaking the City at the Speed of Light

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At the end of the hour, the Xia army suddenly stopped attacking the city, and the Qin army, which had long been without tung oil, felt strange and should not relax, until Pei Yuanxian and others deliberately let the news about Shen Liang's attack reach Yang Tiancheng Liao Pengcheng's ears, goodbye their army is indeed moving in a large way, Pei Yuanxian loves Shen Liang, the world knows, the two thought that Shen Liang was seriously injured, so they were relieved to let the soldiers go to rest, but...



Before noon, seeing that the flames under the city tower were extinguished, and a heavy and long trumpet sounded over Linping City, Shenyang City and Hanyuan City, the commander of the three armies personally rushed to the front, commanding the soldiers to attack the city, the soldiers pushing the battering ram rushed to the front, and the soldiers carrying the ladder followed.


The battering ram hit the gates and walls fiercely, as they expected, after two days and two nights of attack, the gates were already crumbling, and the battering ram almost hit them directly with one blow.

"It's not good, resist the city gate, don't let the Qin army rush in?"

"The Xia army has attacked the city, quickly inform Yang Shuai..."

"Stop them from climbing up with the ladder."

"Archer, where are the archers..."

The Qin army, who had not closed their eyes after fighting for two days and two nights, couldn't react at first at all, and after reacting, they didn't even know what to do, the city tower was a mess, the dense ladder climbed against the city wall, the soldiers of the Xia Kingdom were not afraid of difficulties, climbing up one after another, and soon someone rushed up the city tower.



At the same time, just with the second blow, the ruined city gate was knocked away, and the soldiers of the Xia Kingdom suddenly rushed into the city gate one after another like chicken blood, while the soldiers of the Qin State, most of them had just gotten up from the bed, and they could not form combat effectiveness at all.

"Report, the city gate is broken, and Xia Jun rushed in."


In the marshal mansion of Linping City, Yang Tiancheng, who was still dressed, stared in disbelief, heard the sound of fighting and charging outside, and quickly reacted again: "Quick, notify the Tian'er who is guarding Shenyang City, retreat immediately, count as many soldiers as you can take, don't make senseless resistance."


After the guards left, Yang Tiancheng also quickly arranged, and he never thought of going out to command the battle to turn the tide, because he knew that now they were not the opponents of the Xia army at all, and in order to escape as quickly as possible, he even threw down the concubines who accompanied the army.

"Chong, don't let Yang Tiancheng run."


At the same time, under the order of Tianxuan, who led the troops to rush into Linping City, the soldiers charged more courageously.

"The empress has a will, surrender and do not kill!"

"Surrender without killing!"

"Surrender without killing..."

A light horse followed the soldiers and rushed into the city, the voice containing strong internal strength spread to every corner of the city, not long after, the Qin army that was still resisting in confusion stopped one after another, after the first person lost the weapon in his hand and was not killed, almost everyone threw away their weapons and surrendered, the soldiers of the Qin State are also composed of the people, the people love the former Qingping princess Shen Liang, why don't they admire? But they are soldiers, soldiers take obedience to orders as their duty, what the marshal asks them to do, they must do, now the Xia army has broken through the city, the marshal has not arrived, they are not really stupid, how can they not know that people have abandoned them and fled first?

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