Chapter 436: Shen Liang Unworthy of the Queen?!

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Outside the palace of the Xia Kingdom, the civil and military officials led by the left and right prime ministers all knelt on the ground tremblingly, even if the snow on the ground had long been shoveled, such a cold day, these pampered ministers still couldn't stand it, especially the older ministers, vaguely, they all knew why they would be punished, but even if they wanted to admit their mistakes, they couldn't help it, His Majesty the Emperor didn't know when he could remember their existence.

"Lu Xiang!"

The left phase Lu Shuren was old, the first one could not bear it, the trembling body almost fell to the ground, but fortunately, the right phase Lan Yunzen's eyes were quick, and he took the lead to help him: "Come, move a stool over, and send someone to report to Your Majesty by the way, please Your Majesty to stop your anger."


The left and right prime ministers are the head of a hundred officials, and their status in the Xia Kingdom is still very high, no one dares not listen to his orders, the guard at the gate of the palace moved a chair, and Lan Yunchan personally helped him to sit down: "Lu Xiang, take a break first, just drink a bowl of ginger soup later."

"Yun Chan, did Ben Xiang do something wrong?"

Lu Shuren, who was slumped in the chair, grabbed his wrist with his backhand, how did the Qin Kingdom treat their prince back then? If it weren't for Xiao Wei and King Qingping, their emperor would have gone with the first prince a long time ago, and even if he didn't deliberately inquire over the years, he could guess what kind of life the emperor lived in the Qin Kingdom, and why should the people of the Qin Kingdom be their empress? Daxia is full of talents, the concubines and daughters of the major families are top-notch in terms of Qinqi calligraphy and painting, and their personality, far better than that Shen Liang, he is not worthy of their emperor, not worthy of being an empress, it is more than enough to give him a concubine, but why should the emperor protect him? Didn't he hate the Qin Kingdom?

"Lu Xiang, as the left prime minister of the Great Xia Dynasty, you are not wrong, the Qin Kingdom does have a deep blood feud with my Xia Kingdom, but..."

"But what? What else is there to do? Since you also agree, then you will play with the old man to ask Your Majesty later, for the sake of the two princes, canonize Shen Liang as a concubine.

Without waiting for him to finish, Lu Shuren glared and said excitedly, his empress of the Great Xia Dynasty definitely cannot be from the Qin Kingdom.

"Sorry, Lu Xiang, this can't be the case."

Lan Yunchan became the right chancellor of Xia Guo at a young age and only in his twenties, an extremely powerful minister, obviously not the kind of person who will follow the flow, no matter how dissatisfied Lu Shuren is, he still withdrew his body and knelt back again, he had previously accompanied them to make trouble, and he already understood His Majesty's intentions, and then he will not make trouble with them again anyway, the emperor is not the kind of person who will be arbitrarily manipulated by hundreds of officials, if they don't notice this earlier, Next, I am afraid that I will hurt the monarch and the peace.

Imperial Palace, Imperial Study

Room "Are you dead?"

Under the leadership of Pei Yuanfeng and Chu Li, Pei Yuanxian finished visiting the entire front hall, and when he turned into the imperial study, he happened to meet the guards who came to pay the news, and pulled Pei Yuanxian who was sitting on the dragon chair with Shen Liang and lifted his mouth lazily, extremely cool!

"No, Lan Xiangwang His Majesty can stop his anger."

The guard in charge of the report subconsciously froze in his heart, Lu Xiang is also an auxiliary minister no matter what, the emperor's reaction is too terrifying, it seems that they will all have to be careful in the future, the emperor is not as benevolent as they think.

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