Chapter 415: Beat the Crown Princess Again, Wang Ye Protects His Wife!

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It is worthy of being from Xuefeng, Lin Yiqing's figure rushed out as fast as lightning, everyone only saw a light blue afterimage, the next second, the galloping horse suddenly suffered a strong impact, traversed several meters away and collapsed, the person riding on its back had been taken away first, at the same time, Shen Liang ran to the doll sitting on the ground with two children who were so scared that they couldn't cry.

"Are you all right?"

Not disgusted at all that the little doll was dirty, Shen Liang picked him up and freed a hand to touch his wrist, and Xiao Shen You, who was with him, was also a little frightened, but still stepped out and touched the doll's face: "Don't, don't be afraid, uncle is very powerful."

"Brother is good, well-behaved!"

Little Bean, who was also a big thief, also touched him like his brother, and appeased him childishly.

"Wow wow..."

I don't know if it came back to his senses, or if the two buns touched something, the little doll who was originally scared and lost its soul suddenly cried loudly, looking like it hurts a lot.

"Child, my child..."

The frightened woman who collapsed on the ground came back to her senses and crawled over, grabbed the child and held it tightly in her arms, both mother and son cried heartbreakingly, Shen Liang squatted on the ground and gently soothed: "The child is fine, it's just a little frightened transition, bring it back to coax well, just sleep."

"Whew... Thank you, Princess... Whew..."

The woman thanked her with unkempt and tearful faces, Shen Liang nodded, turned her head and said: "Little bean, don't you like to put candy on your body?" Give two to the younger brother and let the younger brother stop crying.


Little Bean obediently pulled over the small satchel on his waist, grabbed a large handful of candy from it and shoved it into the little doll who kept crying: "Brother doesn't cry, sugar candy oh, good times!"

"Hmm... Hmm..."

The little doll was attracted by the candy, crying while looking at the hands full of candy, Shen Liang reached over and touched him: "Eat quickly, brother is not a bad person Oh, don't cry obediently, it's already fine."

"Here, I'll feed you."

Xiao Shenyou picked up one of the candies, uncovered the oil paper wrapped outside, and sent the sugar inside to his mouth, the little doll finally stopped crying with the candy, but there were still tears in the corners of his eyes, and he still sobbed.

"Thank you, thank you Princess, thank you Xiao Shizi Second Son, thank you..."

The woman held the child with tears on her face and kept bowing to thank them, Shen Liang smiled, the moment she got up, the smile on her face disappeared without a trace, and her phoenix eyes shot towards the perpetrator like a sharp blade: "If it is not for the urgent military situation, no one is allowed to run wild in the imperial city, Chen Zhiqi, you are a crown princess, and you haven't learned my Daqin law for a few years?" Or is it that Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess did not put the lives of the people in mind at all?

Shen Liang is really a little angry, in the past he bit him hard, for the sake of his loss of children, they should not be too ostentatious, he has never compared with him, if it were not for the Netherworld Dark Guard and Lin Yiqing to make a timely move, I am afraid that several revenants would have been added here, especially the little doll, which looks only two or three years old, he has also lost children, haven't you thought about how painful it will be after others lose their children?

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