"Hey...is everything okay?" He asked then he looked at the scene around me "It's just you have been in here for an hour" he whispered

I quickly wiped my eyes and dropped my phone on the bathroom carpet "Yes...everything is okay" I whispered "I got distracted sorry" I added

He hummed and moved to sit next to me on the floor the shower still running but the steam is leaving the room since he left the door open. He had a small bruise under his eye from one of Taehyung's punches I wanted to hold his face and kiss it, I didn't like seeing him hurt.

"Are you...are you mad at me?" He asked and I snapped my head over at him.

"No! Of course not...nothing is your fault Moonlight" I said but his head was hanging low while he fiddled with his wedding ring "I swear I'm not mad...I'm just worried about Hoseok and Taehyung" I said "And what happened to Yunho it's a lot to process" I said

He let out a sigh "I've been thinking about that too...he was a good kid, very smart...I liked his company he was always down for anything I said, eager to please the boss I guess" he whispered softly

I rest my head on his shoulders "He would bring me back Tangerines from his uncle's farm in Jeju" I whispered

"I'm not a monster...I don't want any of my men getting killed I trust them and they trust me" he whispered and my heart aches "And Hoseok...I have a team trying to find him, he is my best friend of course I care about him" he said I nodded along to his words.

"You're not a monster far from it..." I whispered the sound of the shower was kinda peaceful at this point.

"You're the only one who thinks that..." he whispered. I sat up to look at him and gently grabbed his hand to lock our fingers together.

"Do...do you wanna shower with me? I'll wash your hair then maybe we can cuddle a little in bed" I whispered.

He stared right at me blinking a couple of times then tucked some hair behind my ear "No baby it's okay, you go ahead and I'll make you something to eat after you're done" he hummed

I furrowed my eyebrows at him trying to not stutter as I talk but my heart was aching. Jimin used to jump at the chance to shower together. It always ended with me pressed against the tile wall moaning his name.

"Please?...I-I want you" I murmured gripping his hand hoping he didn't feel my shaking.

He put on a fake smile "It's okay baby, enjoy your shower then I make you some tea and a sandwich then you can go to sleep I have some work to do" he hummed letting go of my hand. He stood up but I saw him gulp as he did he looked tense.

I sat on the floor feeling so ugly and rejected, I wanted to sob my eyes out right there but I couldn't do it in front of him. He will pity me even more than he already does...I'm just a sore to him now something he used to love but now has too much baggage.

He doesn't even call me Sunshine anymore...

Maybe Kinn was right? Maybe Taehyung was right...

Something changed in our relationship and Jimin isn't the same he doesn't look at me the same...he doesn't love me anymore...a broken toy

"I'm not hungry" I whispered turning away from him and standing up as well "Just go do your work," I said grabbing a towel from the rack. Trying my best to avoid eye contact before I burst into pathetic tears.

"You have to eat baby," he said and the nickname felt like knives....I wasn't his sunshine anymore?

The tears were sting my eyes causing my vision to get blurring. I held the sink letting out small breaths to calm myself as best I could. I just wanted him to leave so I could cry in peace knowing the shower water will blend in with my tears.

"I said I'm not hungry! Just go" I snapped

I couldn't look at him....those eyes didn't love me anymore I was just an old broken toy he hasn't thrown out yet....

Kinn was right....

"Okay...I'll be outside if you need me," he said then I heard the bathroom close and I fully broke down.

After a long cry in the shower that was very cold because all the hot water ran out I emerge from the bathroom in my pajamas ready for another cold night's sleep next to my husband.

But the bedroom was empty so was the living room...

The only thing was a sandwich and a glass of my favorite orange juice on the table with a note.

I'm sorry, I had to run out suddenly news about Hoseok

Please eat something before bed even just the juice if you can.

- Park Jimin

I crush the note in my hands and toss it across the room.... ever since I told him about what happened to me he has been acting differently...

I looked at the food on the bedside table only feeling knots in my stomach at the sight. I climb into our bed, completely ignoring the food he made...

The old Jimin wouldn't have left me alone...

I thought once I got free everything would be okay but... everything is falling apart.

I take out my phone and send one more text to Taehyung

you were right...


y'all aren't ready for the next few chapters 😭
please prepare yourself for the storm that is
coming ⛈️

y'all aren't ready for the next few chapters 😭please prepare yourself for the storm that is coming ⛈️

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