"What are you talking about?" I asked not understanding what he meant. "Can you not talk in riddles and come straight?"

"You don't want the deal because of her, right?" He said after a couple seconds of silence. "You don't want to marry someone else." He emphasised on the last words.

I didn't say anything to that. I kept my mouth shut. I mean what was I supposed to say to that? I couldn't possibly tell him how right he was!

I simply looked away, well aware of his strong gaze on me. I knew he wanted me to say something. But I wasn't going to give him that.

"Now that we both are on the same boat, I guess we should inform De Luca about the same as well." I said instead.

"You don't have to hide it from me mio figlio." He then said. "You know I'm your padre, you can tell me anything."

I knew what he was insinuating, he wanted me to have a father - son talk with him. Nope! Not gonna happen.

"I'm not hiding anything from you." He looked unconvinced but didn't push me and just hummed in response.

"How's Maya doing by the way?" He then asked. "Unfortunately, I couldn't come to see her at the hospital. Is she recovering well?"

Giving him a curt nod I said, "She's fine. Much better than before."

"Very well then....let me take to her." He said now getting up from his seat. "I want to see her."

"She's probably in her room right now, or with her friends somewhere. I'm sure you can very well find her by yourself." I wanted to go. I so wanted to go see her, but I knew she still wouldn't want to see me.

"Of course I can, but I want you to come along with me." As he said that I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"And why is that, may I ask?"

Now walking forwards, he stood in front of me. "Sometimes just listen to what your padre says." He lightly patted my shoulder as he said that.

"Come on. Let's get going." And with that he started walking out of the office room. I obviously followed after him. Still being unaware as to why he wanted me to join him.

When we reached outside her room it was all quiet as if no one's inside. And sure enough, when we knocked we got no response. At first I thought she might be sleeping, but then we noticed that the gate was locked from the outside.

"She's probably with her friends." I told him.

"Hmm her friends." He looked at me as if he knew something I didn't. "Enzo told me about how her friends found out about her, and the rest of the story." Of course that cazzo would tell padre everything.

I didn't say anything and just continued to walk. "You know I find it difficult to believe how instead of taking some sort of action, you're letting her friends stay here with her."

"I mean as far I know you mio figlio, you have some rules and regulations, that you never change for anybody." I could sense curiosity and something else in his voice. "And yet here you're making exceptions. I find this very interesting."

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now