Benefits (Continuation to Jeans)

Start from the beginning

"Remind me never to fall in love," Jimin chuckles, moving to hug Jungkook. "It's dangerous."

Jungkook's hug is so warm. Jimin has been told countless times that he was a good hugger, but he brushed it off. After all, he had never truly met a good hugger, all hugs from loved ones were equally nice. But then he got his first hug from Jungkook. And suddenly he understood.

"Hi Kook," Jimin greets as they pull apart. "Did you miss me?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing," He smirks, playful.

"Oh?" Hoseok inquires. "Have you been hanging out together? You guys seem awfully close for two people that just met."

"We hang out a couple times a week," Jimin says simply. "Hit it off at Yoongi's birthday, and decided to be friends. I was serious about being in desperate need of a social life."

"Oh, cool," Yoongi remarks. "I guess it makes sense. It's easy for people with mutual friends to become friends themselves."

"Woah, what an epiphany," Hoseok teases. "We're all here now, so let's go. The waterfall at the top is so pretty! I hope you don't mind that a big reason I brought you two is to help carry Yoongi down if he gets dramatic."

"You're so mean," Yoongi whines, setting off first.

"Yeah but I love you," Hoseok quickly catches up to him, pecking his cheek.

"They're so gross," Jimin scrunches his nose, but he smiles despite it all. "All weird and in love."

"Dating is fun," Jungkook shrugs, as they begin their walk, side by side. "I can see the appeal. Come on, you have to also. Haven't you ever dated?"

"I haven't even been on a first date," He confesses. "I've never wanted to. And if any of my sexual partners told me they had feelings for me, I've quickly cut them off. I just can't deal with it. Romantic feelings are just so...mushy, so complicated. I'm glad Yoongi and Hoseok are happy together...but, for now at least, for a long while yet, I physically can't imagine having feelings for anyone. Which is why I'm glad we're just friends. I like being your friend. I'm glad Yoongs and Hobi gave me reason to be your friend."

"I like being your friend too Min," Jungkook pats his shoulder. "And I like the bonuses I get for being your friend."

"Shut up," Jimin pushes him playfully. "Wanna come over tomorrow?"

"You wanna come over tonight?" Jungkook counters.

"Geez, are you never not horny?" Jimin murmurs, but he can't help but find it kind of cute, oddly enough. He's glad Jungkook always wants him around. "We're going to be exhausted after the hike. I'm gonna wanna go to bed."

"You could still come by," Jungkook gives him a look. "In case you change your mind."

"I want to sleep in my own bed."

"Well then I could-"

"Alone," Jimin giggles. "So clingy. Am I really that good?"

"Don't flatter yourself," He laughs as well.

"Hurry up!" Yoongi calls from ahead. "You guys are so slow!"

Jimin dashes so he's right behind them, Jungkook on his heels. The path narrows, so, with Yoongi in the lead, they walk in a single file line.

"You're welcome," Jimin whispers behind him.

Jungkook gives him a look. "For what?"

The shorter smirks. "The view."

Jungkook's eyes dart downwards for just a second. "Ah." Louder, he says. "The view is really nice."

"Isn't it?" Hoseok beams. "I've wanted to go on this trail for so long. I love nature."

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