|4| Rainbow Clasps It

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Rainbow Clasps It
Haiku by Trixcee De Leon

Holding a downpour,

seeing dreams to fade away,

And rainbow clasps it.

From the author:

As individuals, we invariably nurture our dreams, yearning for their realization. Within the context of the poem, the term "downpour" serves as a metaphor for the challenges and hardships we encounter while pursuing our aspirations. "Holding a downpour" depicts our endeavor to grapple with numerous life challenges—an inevitable facet of our journey. The subsequent line, "seeing dreams fade away," underscores the potential consequence of succumbing to these challenges, hinting at the risk of dreams dissipating under the weight of adversity.

This realization jeopardizes the attainment of our aspirations. Conversely, "and rainbow clasps it" offers a beacon of hope, akin to the adage, "there is always a rainbow after the rain." Here, the rainbow represents the resilience and optimism essential for navigating challenges—a symbol of hope. In essence, the poem conveys that despite the formidable struggles encountered on the path to realizing our dreams, perseverance is paramount. Challenges are integral components of our journey, and embracing them fosters personal growth.

Upon reflecting on this poem, it became evident that maintaining a positive outlook during the pursuit of our dreams is imperative. By choosing to focus on the brighter aspects, we can rise above problems rather than letting them impede our progress.

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