|20| Together with a Cup of Coffee

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Together with a Cup of Coffee
Haiku by Aquino Maria Felicity Ruth B.

A cup of coffee,

Better when we're together,

Just sip and let's talk.

From the author:

The poem conveys the idea that coffee serves as a symbol binding friendships together, allowing individuals to reunite. This concept mirrors the reality of how we typically spend time with friends to catch up on each other's lives. However, the current pandemic has imposed limitations on physical interactions, leading to a yearning for the companionship of friends. The poet believes that engaging in simple conversations over coffee can alleviate the emotional burdens carried during these challenging times, providing an avenue to express feelings to trusted friends.

Personally, this poem has prompted me to recognize the significance of valuing friendships. It emphasizes that moments spent with friends are precious and should be cherished. The simplicity of sharing a cup of coffee with friends is highlighted as a meaningful and comforting experience. The impact of the poem lies in its reminder that spending quality time with friends and loved ones, even in simple moments, holds immense importance.

The notion of quality time is underscored, emphasizing the joy derived from being together with friends and special individuals. The poet expresses gratitude for having trustworthy friends who are consistently supportive. Despite the uncertainties, there is a steadfast belief that these friends will always be there to offer assistance in every possible way.

Having a Poem is Like A Love for You: CAS Haiku Collections 2020-2021Where stories live. Discover now