|9| My Heart's Beating Like a Drum

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My Heart's Beating Like a Drum
Haiku by Bernadeth A. Abrigo

You look happier,

My heart is beating like a drum,

I'm scared to let go.

From the author:

This poem delves into the complexities of a couple navigating a tumultuous relationship. The girl experiences a sense of unease witnessing her partner's apparent happiness with another woman, fearing he may choose someone else. Despite the pain, she is reluctant to let go, determined to fight for their relationship. As a reader, the poem evokes a profound sense of heartbreak, even though I may not personally relate to the girl's situation. It serves as a poignant reminder that true love often involves choosing to fight for the relationship, despite the hardships. The poem's poignant narrative prompts reflection on the importance of appreciating and reciprocating the love we receive from our partners to maintain a meaningful connection.

Having a Poem is Like A Love for You: CAS Haiku Collections 2020-2021Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz