|59| When a Knock Came in the Door

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When a Knock Came in the Door
Haiku by Kate Ann Carada

Midnight of Summer,

When a knock came in the door,

Followed by the breeze.

From the author:

The concept of a "Midnight of Summer" might sound unusual, but envisioning darkness during days typically bathed in sunlight adds an unexpected layer to our perception. Summer, often synonymous with brightness, joy, and rainbows, harbors an inherent contradiction—moments of darkness that unexpectedly infiltrate the anticipated vibrancy. In the midst of euphoria, there looms an inevitable revelation: nothing in life is constant.

The subsequent lines serve as pillars reinforcing the notion of surprise when an unwelcome moment intrudes upon the zone of happiness. Much like how winter doesn't exclusively entail coldness, and summer doesn't perpetually radiate bright colors, the analogy underscores the transient and ever-changing nature of life's seasons.

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