|56| Strangers

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Haiku by Ivy Jane Valles

Breathtaking eclipse,

Only lasted for a bit,

Now, strangers again.

From the author:

IIn the opening line, I chose the word 'eclipse' to conjure an evocative image of the sun and moon uniting, symbolizing the creation of a stunning and memorable eclipse. My deep affinity for the metaphorical 'love story' between the sun and moon consistently influences my writing. In this haiku, the celestial duo serves as a metaphor for two individuals unexpectedly brought together by fate. The use of 'breathtaking' implies the enchantment of love blossoming between them, creating a blissful and enchanting moment.

The second line, 'only lasted for a bit,' conveys the transient nature of their relationship, despite its apparent perfection. This hints at the brevity of their time together, suggesting that, unfortunately, it couldn't endure. The concluding line, 'Now, strangers again,' serves as a poignant confirmation that their romantic journey didn't conclude harmoniously. Instead, it evokes the notion of reverting to a state of unfamiliarity, transforming them back into strangers who now share only memories of what once was.

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