|74| The Cloud's Quiet Storm

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The Cloud's Quiet Storm
by Jeanne M. Maquiling

It's about to rain,

But no one even noticed,

the cloud's quiet storm.

From the author:

In this poignant reflection, I seek to articulate the profound solitude that often accompanies concealed sorrows. It's akin to a cloud that perpetually appears bright, yet harbors the potential to darken and release its emotional downpour. The rain within symbolizes the unspoken emotions within an individual, hidden behind the façade of perpetual brightness. What makes this journey even more challenging is the difficulty of navigating a world that consistently perceives you as a radiant personality. There's a common notion that the brightest individuals bear the weight of piled-up sadness, yet the irony lies in the fact that their struggles often go unnoticed, leaving them bereft of comfort. The quiet storm signifies the silent hardships endured alone, even in the company of friends, as expressing the true depth of their struggles remains an uncharted territory. As I penned down these words, a realization struck me, leading to tears that flowed freely, for no one has ever asked if I harbor sadness. While sadness plays a vital role in our lives, offering opportunities for love and comfort, its true significance lies in the compassionate acknowledgment of one's struggles. A gentle tap, a wordless gesture, has the power to initiate a cascade of healing raindrops, alleviating the storms within, little by little.

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