|13| Roses that Bleeds

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Roses the Bleeds
Haiku by Nabalona, Franchette L.

The thorn of roses,

Sharp and spiky, I cut it,

Fingers starts bleeding.

From the author:

The thorn of roses symbolizes an individual in my life who has done me wrong. Its sharp and spiky nature reflects the harm this person's actions can inflict, potentially ruining my life. Consequently, I made the decision to cut this person out of my life. The bleeding fingers symbolize the pain associated with this choice, as, despite knowing this person is wrong for me, there is still a lingering love that makes the separation emotionally painful. Nevertheless, cutting ties is the best way for me to find happiness and personal improvement.

The poem's impact lies in the realization that one must sever ties with individuals whose only purpose is to cause harm. While the initial departure may cause pain and bleeding, it is a short-term suffering compared to the enduring hurt of maintaining a relationship with such a person. Over time, the wounds will heal, and by leaving, you free yourself from ongoing suffering, paving the way for personal growth and becoming a better person.

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