|22| The Most Beautiful

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The Most Beautiful
Haiku by Mary Rosset M. Maraña

Mirror in front,

reveals the beauty,

of butterfly.

From the author:

The haiku I crafted delves into the theme of self-encouragement. The opening line, "mirror in front," alludes to the often overlooked truth that people fail to recognize. Subsequently, "reveals the beauty" depicts the mirror's transformative act of unveiling the genuine beauty inherent in a butterfly. The butterfly serves as a symbolic representation of an individual who may doubt their own beauty and potential.

Within our contemporary society, rigid beauty standards dictate the parameters we are expected to adhere to. These standards impose unrealistic benchmarks for what qualifies as beauty and attractiveness. Many individuals, spanning from teenagers to adults, grapple with the arduous pursuit of meeting these criteria, leading to feelings of inadequacy and discontent.

Through this haiku, my intention is to foster encouragement by advocating for the acceptance of our bodies, faces, and unique attributes. Regardless of size, gender, race, body type, or color, each individual possesses a inherent beauty. We are marvelously created, and this fundamental truth deserves to be acknowledged and embraced.

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