|7| She is a Flower

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She is a Flower
Haiku by Tanyag, Alyssa Charmaine B.

She is a flower,

and still blooms even at night,

that we must mimic.

From the author:

This poem draws a symbolic parallel between a flower and a person, equating the blossoming process with perseverance, and portraying the night as symbolic of life's challenges. The tenacity represented in the organic nature of the flower conveys a powerful message about resilience and strength in the face of adversity. The overarching effect is a profound realization urging us to emulate the flower's positivity, strength, and motivation. By doing so, we can cultivate emotional and mental fortitude, emphasizing the importance of understanding and making sound decisions in our journey of personal growth.

Having a Poem is Like A Love for You: CAS Haiku Collections 2020-2021Where stories live. Discover now