|18| Letters Not Sent

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Letters Not Sent
Haiku by Millar, Kailah Ann Marie M.

I always show love,

But I never told you that,

Letters never sent.

From the author:

This haiku delicately encapsulates the struggle of a person withholding their feelings for someone they hold dear. The inability to vocalize emotions leads to silent expressions, leaving uncertainty about whether the depth of love is truly understood. The poignant realization arises that, in the absence of verbal confession, the love remains unspoken, an unfulfilled sentiment.

The genesis of this poem lies in the profound recesses of my heart. As I penned these verses, the impact reverberated through my emotions, underscoring the profound difficulty inherent in confessing one's love. The intricate dance of desire and the fear of unreciprocated emotions often prompt the choice to conceal feelings, a complex decision rooted in the desire to preserve a connection. This composition stems from the recognition that sharing heartfelt sentiments is a formidable task, especially when the yearning for reciprocal affection looms large.

Having a Poem is Like A Love for You: CAS Haiku Collections 2020-2021Where stories live. Discover now