Chapter fifty-seven

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I'd like to believe that in every little girl lives the dream of Prince Charming. At least that's how it was for me, Kony and Naomi. Of course growing up we realized there is no actual Prince Charming and that it is more likely for you to end up with Scar from The Lion King, rather than a prince. Plus, honestly? I think princes are overrated, Naveen and Flynn Rider aside. The others just get to take all the credit by 'saving' you with true love's kiss? Hell no. I'm better up alone. If only you could save someone with just a kiss. Spoil alert: That's now how the world works. Trust me I know better than anyone.
But let's leave all these depressive thoughts aside and get to the point in hand. My best friend is getting engaged today and the funny thing about it? She doesn't even know it. The thought breaks the widest smile on my face.
These last three weeks Aaron, the guys and I have been doing everything, pulling every possible string for this day to be as perfect as ever. But Ryan? Yeah he has done the impossible. I never imagined I'd see Ryan like this. Even though he doesn't voice it, I see the small amount yet evident anxiety that has been over him lately. He is himself sure, excited, dramatic, but he's not the easy going guy I met and came to love. He's secretly freaking out.
Most of it has been the stress and uncertainty of how the plan will turn out. Will it work or be a complete disaster? And yes, we're all very positive about Kony's answer, but while Ryan's heart knows that, I'm not so sure about his mind. Our mind is always trying to keep us away from harm. Always trying to make sure we're safe and not putting ourselves in compromising positions where we can get hurt. It's almost always the logical part of the making of a decision.
Sometimes though, it's the only part that's keeping us from living, from experiencing, from actually being happy. So even if Ryan knows this is right, because it feels that way right in the middle of his chest, I guess his brain is unconsciously calculating the probabilities and ways to survive if things go south, which I'm very sure won't happen.
"We got a problem!" Aaron's voice pulls me out of my thoughts, where I was fixing the decorating flowers on my childhood table. That's right. We're in Huston. We couldn't risk Kony coming for a 'spontaneous' trip to Boston. She would pick right up on it, she's very cunning like that. So we did everything we could from Boston and came to Texas three days before the actual date. Kony has no idea we're here. The guys stayed behind, because they have school and stuff, but Aaron and I wouldn't miss this for the world. Also Ryan clearly needs us.
"What's wrong?" I turn to look at Aaron immediately. He's panting and looks like has been running from his house to mine. "Did you ran all the way here from your home?" I ask scanning him head to toe. His hair are a mess and his shirt wrinkled, pants aren't even tied hanging low, and about to fall down. He ran here alright. "Tie your trousers before they fall pretty boy." I say while putting the flowers away.
Addie comes strolling to the living room then, looking all bored. A pair of headphones are hanging on his neck. He takes one look at Aaron and then says.
"Tie your fucking trousers man. You look like you just had a quickie."
I look at Addie in horror.
"Dude stop swearing and saying stuff like that. It's tiring to keep scolding you about it. Poor mom that has to go through this with you." I say. Now that he's almost 17, he thinks is cool to cuss.
Aaron ties his trousers and then fixes Addie with a stare.
"It's not cool man." Aaron voices my thoughts exactly. " That's what I thought when I was your age too, but it's not. If you think you're gonna get chicks like that, I'm telling you, you won't. Not the ones like your sister at least."
Addie just scoffs.
"Well good. I don't want chicks like my sister obviously. That's sick dude."
"Stop calling girls chick." I say to both of them. No one acknowledges me.
"You know what I mean. Your sister is amazing and you would be lucky to find a girl half as perfect as her." I blush crimson.
"I heard you cursed shit at the trial though. How about that?" Addie taunts. God this kid. I had real problems to deal with when I was his age. Is this what he's thinking about? Actually I'm glad he doesn't have to face what I had to. No one should.
"Yes I did. I never said I'm perfect. But lemme tell you this. Never did she found it attractive when I cussed." Aaron says pointing at me. "Now shut your mouth up and stop cursing the heck out of words. Specially in front of your mom and in front of kids. That's definitely not cool." I love this man.
Addie doesn't say anything. He just drags himself to his room again saluting us on the way in.
"Teenagers are a different specie." I say turning to Aaron. He just shakes his head still looking at Addie's retrieving figure.
"Yes, but teenage boys? They're disgusting."
"Honey hate to be the one to tell you this, but that's men in general." Aaron just smirks at me.
"So what is the problem?" I ask Aaron once we're out of the house. We're walking and are on our way to his.
"The guy from planetarium called. Said he's not so sure if he can give us the room for tonight after all." Aaron states and I stop dead in my tracks. He follows my moves.
"No hell no. Why the fu-uh fudge not?!" Aaron gives me a pointed look. "I'm a damn hypocrite I know. But why though?"
"I have no idea. But Ryan can't know about this, otherwise he'll freak the hell out. Which is why we need to fix this in the next..." He checks the time on his phone. "In the next three hours."
"What?! That is impossible! We're not Santa's elves that just get shit done!" I stomp my foot on the ground like a spoiled brat. "And I need to stop doing the same thing I just scolded my brother for!"
"Cheesecakes look at me." Aaron says softly, putting his hands on my shoulders. "I know you hate plans changing. I know you hate change in general, but you need to calm down. Let's go to my house and fix this mess. Come on, you know we can do it. We're unstoppable together." He rasps in my ear. A rush of tingles takes over all my body.
"You sound so dirty right now. Inviting me to your house, saying we're unstoppable, whispering in my ear. If you were anyone else I'd turn the other way around." I taunt.
He just grins like the idiot he is.
"You know you love it. So stop guilt-tripping me and let's move." He says as we start walking again.
"But wait." I stop again. He must be annoyed out of his mind, but shows no sign of it. Just waits for me patiently. "Why did you come running at my house, while you could have just called me about it and I'd have come to yours?" I ask genuinely curious, pulling my hat and jacket closer as to not be spotted. Did I mention that we have been wearing hats and sunglasses each time we leave the house in case we run into Kony and she spots us? Because yeah we have.
"Because your house is closer to Kony's and I didn't want her passing by and discovering us." He explains and I draw my eyebrows in confusion.
"But that still doesn't explain why you didn't just call me to come over?"
He sighs before answering.
"Because I know how much you hate walking these streets and I didn't want to leave you alone. If you're walking them with someone else, then you don't have to think about...stuff."
I stare at him astonished for a good 20 seconds. Then I turn in my heels and walk forward before I do something stupid, like kiss him on his gorgeous lips for being so considerate. He literally ran for 30 minutes from his house to mine for no other reason rather than making sure I don't experience anything uncomfortable by walking alone.
Sometimes I wish I could explain how much I love this man.
We're met with a seated Ryan, the minute we're inside the Andrews house.
"BB! What on earth you're doing here you lover boy?! Shouldn't you be home getting ready for the big night?" I fire questions when I spot Ryan on his old house. Then shoot a worried look at Aaron.
"Yeah. I'll go now, but I just wanted to check with Aaron if everything was ready and on place. What are you doing here K? Shouldn't you finish up with the decorating flowers? You wanted to cover that part. I was just gonna pass by your house to pick 'em up." Oh oh.
"I uh- I well I finished with the flowers. They're back at home. So is Addie. So no worries, you can go pick them up. He'll give them to you." I hope this strays his mind away from the reason why I'm here. But of course it doesn't, because Ryan is like a frickin' hawk lately.
"Okay. But why are you here?" I resist the urge to groan in frustration. Aaron and I don't say anything, besides shooting worried looks at each-other, which stirs Ryan's suspicion up. "What the hell are you guys hiding from me?"
"Nothing. We just um." Aaron tries, but it's no help. "She just came here, because uh..." This is excruciating to watch.
I see the exact moment Aaron resigns and is about to tell him the truth. He can't. It'll be a disaster. "Look man, we didn't want to say anything to you, bu-''
"We came here to make out." I cut Aaron off. Oh my God I didn't just say that! Aaron looks at me with wide eyes, but covers it fast before Ryan can catch up on it.
"What?" He surveys Aaron skeptically.
"It's true." Aaron confrims.
"Yeah dude. We couldn't stay at my place, because duh Addie is there, so we decided to come here. But you caught us a bit off guard. That's why we're so flushed I guess." I cannot believe the lies spilling from my mouth.
"Yeah what she said." That's the only thing Aaron says. Ha hates pretending about stuff. He's always so straightforward. If I somehow would need to fake-date someone, Aaron would be a no-no. Good thing we're not Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, otherwise we'd be screwed.
Ryan stays quiet a beat, two, then...cracks the widest grin ever.
"Guys!! I knew it! Does this mean you're together now?!" He asks so hopeful that I will hate to squish his joy once everything is over and he'll need to find out.
"Something like that." I mutter. Aaron is making not a sound nor a move.
"Well I want to hear about everything! But it is going to have to wait. Imma go now to pick up the flowers and you guys keep at it." He winks at us. I'm dying here. "Don't get too caught up on it, otherwise you'll be late!"
"No worries!" I sing.
"Just don't tell anyone about it man. We haven't told anyone yet." Aaron says making sure Ryan doesn't start spreading the fake word.
"You got it. My lips are sealed! See you in a  bit." And then he's out of the house.
Aaron and I stare at the door for what feels like forever until Aaron breaks the silence.
"Why is it that you always come up with the craziest ideas in these situations?"
"I have no idea." I reply swallowing the unease.
"I'm pretty sure that the doctor that operated on your grandpa still thinks we're happily married with kids now."
"Well I'm not the one breaking the news to him. It'll be hard enough with Ryan." I joke but Aaron doesn't look amused in the slightest.
"I wish we didn't have to break any news in the first place." He says before heading for the living room, leaving me alone with my fears and thoughts.
"No! I will not be waiting for the 23rd time on the line sir! This is important!" I shout on the phone, but the stupid useless worker puts me on wait, again. He has been doing this for the last hour and I'm so done already. I now know by heart the 5th symphony of Beethoven, having it heard 23 times.
"That's a very specific number to be on hold for. Did they really make you wait 23 times?" Aaron asks from the couch. He is seeing if he can fix anything from the laptop.
"Yes! Which is crazy! You hear me you freak?! It's crazy!" I scream into the phone in the hopes that the coward bimbo of a person will hear.
And then as if he actually heard me the dear symphony ends and another guy's voice comes through the phone.
"Hi miss. How may I help you?" I already decide this guy's an asshole by the way he says 'you'.
"You may help me, by telling me why isn't it able for us to have the room we reserved for tonight at 7pm with 11pm. We closed this reservation three weeks ago and I called two days ago to check on it and everything was fine. Why oh why isn't it available the actual day we need it?!" I need to probably stop shouting at random dudes on the phone otherwise they'll close the call and we'll end up with nothing. Aaron having come to the same conclusion, just whispers 'tone it a bit down cheesecakes', without even looking up from his laptop.
"Apparently today, there's this big birthday party there. Someone important." He says as if that is supposed to explain this idiotic mixup.
"Whose birthday party?" I ask blandly.
"I'm sorry Miss. I'm not at liberty to say." He responds.
The minute he says utters those words, Aaron must have seen something on my face, because he picks up a pillow and throws it my way. I catch it and while holding the phone away, scream into it so I don't scream on this fool's phone.
After I'm more settled, I throw the pillow back to Aaron, whom puts it in its place.
Then I return back to the prick in word.
"Okay. With all due respect sir, I don't care if Joe Biden himself wants the room. We reserved it way before." The dude doesn't say anything for a beat and then.
"Who the hell is Joe Biden?"
I put the phone down before I throw it on the wall and break it.
Aaron leaves the laptop on the couch, stands up and faces his bicep my way before asking.
"What'd he say now?"
I take one breath, two, three and then answer.
"He doesn't know who is the president of his own country." I say before punching Aaron's bicep with as much force as I can muster, letting all my anger dispose there. Aaron doesn't even flinch.
I do this two more times and then return back to the call. So does Aaron to his place.
"Sir listen to me. John Biden is none of your concern. And clearly not the 'important' person who's coming today." I take another breath so I don't cuss at him and all he stands for. "I need that room. Tonight." My statement is final.
"But Miss they payed a lot of money for that room." He replies as if that's supposed to convince me.
"So did we." Asshole.
"Okay look let me put you on hold and I'll put you on with my supervisor."
"No no no! I will not be fucking holding again!" But Beethoven's symphony is already playing through the phone, when I finish my sentence.
"They put you on hold again?" Aaron asks quietly, but I don't answer. I just close the call. I meant it when I said I won't be holding anything again.
"Let's go. I'm not letting these idiots make a fool out of me. Not when my best friend's future is at stake."
Aaron is up in no time.
"Let's take my dad's car. I'm driving." He declares. "With the rage pouring off of you, we'll end up there with five injuries and six victims."
He's right even though I won't admit it.
On our way out we see mom coming in with some groceries on.
"Hey guyss! Where are you going in such a rush?" She asks all sweet. I missed her voice.
"To show some people the taste of their own medicine." I huff all angry.
"Oh oh." She looks at Aaron for an explanation.
"Don't ask." He just says. "Lemme help you with those groceries." Aaron goes to help her, but she scolds him away.
"No no. Go. You guys clearly have stuff to do. I hope you fix everything, just give me a call when we have the answer okay?" She asks all excited.
Hannah loves Kony and they have the best relationship together. I'm glad. Kony deserves to have a great mother-in-law.
"You got it ma." Aaron replies.
"Love you!" We both say in unison before we're out of there and into the drive to murder some people.

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