Chapter seven

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"Grandma, I'm leaving!" I shout while I take my keys and start heading out.
"Honey, where are you going?" She comes into view, having an apron on. Of course she's cooking. She's one of the best.
"Oh, um, I have this meeting on Saturdays with the church. All young adults, we gather and talk about God and life, share our stories. Tomorrow though we have church. You coming?"
"Yes, of course sweetheart. When will you be home? I thought you didn't want to go out and interact with people these days." She asks and she's right. I don't plan on making friends, but this is isn't about me, it's about Him. And if I have to, I would rather make friends than fall in love. So if I'm gonna survive around here, I need to let go of some of these rules of mine, and this is the only one I can afford to.
"Yes, you're right, but um I might have changed my mind a bit. Just a bit though. But to answer your question, I think I'll be home at 8pm max." I say and she smiles so big it breaks my heart.
"Honeyy, that's great! I'm glad you want to go out more! Whole week, all you've done is school-home, home-school and I've been a bit worried, but I am very glad now. Thank God!"
"Grandma, you don't need to worry. I'm fine. I have been for a while now, you know that."
"Yes, I know that sweetie, but a grandma still worries. Well okay then, I won't keep you, so you won't be late. Love you hun."
"Love you too, bye." As soon as she goes back to the kitchen, I can hear her calling my mom.
"Leila, you won't believe what happened! She's going out again, I'm so hap-''
And I close the door, not wanting to hear the rest of the conversation. I can't blame them for getting worried, but I'm fine. In fact better than I've been in a while. Had a lot of stuff in my mind this week, a lot to do, so I didn't have time to go back to that dark place. Specially, because someone has been occupying my thoughts lately. Aaron. I have no idea how I will solve this situation. He seems to be restless. All freaking week he has been waving at me, saying 'hi, how are you today?', 'bye, see you tomorrow' or 'see you next class'. He comes in later, so he can see where I'm sitting in order to sit near me, whispering funny things throughout the lesson at me. He is one funny asshole, but that's not the point. And every time I have given him the silent treatment. I feel bad, because I do actually want to hang out with him and I hate that I can't, but I also feel bad for what I said to him at the park the first day. That wasn't nice and he was right. For some reason, he knows, the freak actually knows that I'm doing this on purpose and not because I don't want to. I don't know how to convince him to change his mind. He's freaking stubborn. I thought I was the most stubborn person I knew, but apparently I was wrong. I have no freaking clue how to stop him, and the truth is I don't think I want to.
I love this place. It's a small room, white tiles, empty, but with some chairs, all placed in a circle, forming a nice environment. People here are very nice and sweet, up until now at least.
Apparently we are six people in total. So far I've met four of them: Lizze (short for Elizabeth), Nate, Cory and Ella. There's one more missing. They said he's on his way. No name though.
Lizze is a second year, studying economics. Nate is a third year, doing IT. Cory is also a first year, studying to be a vet. As for Ella she is my kind of girl, she's a second year studying law, just like me.
"So you guys have all been living here, all your lives?" I ask.
"Yes, except for Cory."
"Yeah, I came here a year ago. I'm actually from Chicago."
"Oh wow, that's nice, I've always wanted to visit Chicago." I say and he smiles.
"Nah, it's not that fun, but if you ever go there, text me."
"I will." I say and I realize I actually mean it.
"Nate, stop calling him. He's probably stuck in traffic. You know the buses around this area." Ella says to him and he ends the call.
"Who's that?" I ask. Trying not to sound too curious, but failing, because Lizzie replies with a smirk.
"Oh just one of our friends. We know his older brother, Ryan. He came 5 years ago to study here and he left on Summer after graduating. He's back in Texas now, but his brother used to visit a lot back then, and now he's come here to study too. He actually studies law, you might have crossed paths. He's also a first year."
"Texas? I'm from Texas too." I'm about to ask for his name when Nate speaks, worried.
"It's just weird, Aaron is never late. Ryan told me to look after him, from time to time." He keeps talking, but I zoned out after I heard the name Aaron. He can't be talking about the same Aaron. Right?! What are the chances that there is another first year law student named Aaron? Pretty low actually. There are a lot of people out there named Aaron. Right?! I'm about to ask what he looks like, when the door opens and a guy comes in. And not just any guy. Aaron. That's right, the Aaron. This is either a very bad prank or I'm hallucinating.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late. Traffic sucks here. Nate, stop calling me. I'm alive. And don't give me that look, I know Ryan has told you to look after me, but I'm fine. I'm 19, for the love of God. Now, where's this new girl you guys said would be joining us?" As soon as his eyes find mine he flinches. He actually flinches as if I punched him. I don't know what to say. What am I supposed to say? He's probably going to tell everyone what a bitch I have been all week and I won't blame him, because I was being one. Oh God, why is this happening right now? The one time I decided to go out.
I need to start saying something, because everyone is looking at us, waiting for us to introduce ourselves, but we're both stuck starting at each-others eyes and doing nothing. He's so handsome. Shut up you freak!
"Um, do we guys need to introduce you, or are you capable of doing it by yourselves?" Lizzie asks laughing.
"Um yeah, guys what is going on?" Cory asks. An amused look on his face.
At that he seems to wake up. Oh God, here it comes!
"Um right. Well you guys should know, I've met Kayla here. We have the same classes. I've known her only for one week though, so don't ask me questions about her. I'm still getting to know her." He says that without leaving my eyes, not for one second. Like we have some sort of secret understanding. The next words are directed at me.
"Kayla, nice to see you here. I didn't know you were a Christian. Should've probably spent more time with you, but that's my fault. How are you this evening?" He asks and I don't get it. Why isn't he ratting me out? Why is he still being nice to me after everything I've done to him this week? Why is he blaming himself for not knowing stuff about me, when I'm the one who didn't let him do that? Why is presenting me as the 'good guy' in front of his friends, when he could have easily blamed me and take revenge on what I've done all week? Why is he making me like him?
"I'm good, thanks. I.. I" I clear my throat. Get yourself together woman! "I didn't know you came here." He just stares at me. "Right, so um. So you're a Christian too?"
"Yes I am. Got baptized when I was 16. You?" He asks and I realize this is probably our first normal conversation.
"17. Haven't turned one yet." I say and he nods.
"Aaron you know you can sit. You don't have to stand there and freeze. We get it, you like her, but you're being way too obvious. Not cool man." Cory says and I blush. Aaron starts walking in his direction. When he reaches him, he hits Cory's head.
"Smooth bro." Cory whispers smirking and Aaron looks like he actually wants to kill him. He comes sits next to me and whispers.
"Sorry about that. He's an idiot sometimes."
"It's okay." I whisper back.
Everyone starts talking again, except me and Aaron. I know I shouldn't, I really shouldn't, but I can't seem to help it. I turn to look at him, but he's already looking at me. Those damn blue eyes. And then I do something, something I should have done long ago. I start talking to him.

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