Chapter three

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One week later
"Grandma, I'm gonna be late!! Where did you put my shoes?!"
"Sweetheart they're right at the door. See?" She points out. I think I'm losing my mind. How did I not see them?
"Always just like your mom and uncle. I can't find this, I can't find that, and then once I'm there, somehow it magically appears." She mumbles while she starts leaving.
I put my shoes on, grab my keys and bag and open the door, finding my uncle there.
"Heyy, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" He smiles and comes hugging me and spinning me around. Just like me, my mom has a younger brother and he has always spoiled me and showered me with all of his love.
"How could I let my favorite niece go alone on her first day of uni?" I laugh as he puts me down.
"I'm your only niece." I push his arm away laughing.
"Exactly!" He winks.
"Ok, time to leave, or I'll be really late!" I say shouting.
"Stop shouting and come give your grandpa a hug." He quietly says. I go over there hug him and grandma.
"Ok, stop squishing her. She's going to school, not war." My uncle says behind me.
"How did she grow up so fast? Remember when she was just a little baby, playing with water, since the first time she experienced it! Really though, it freaked us out. Babies are supposed to cry at their first contact of water, but she not only didn't cry, she laid her head down and started moving it in the water!"
"Yes grandma, I love everything that has to do with water, we know that. I'll be back at 3 I guess, I don't know. Love you all!" I say as we leave.
"She really gets emotional about these stuff." My uncle said, once we were in his car.
"Yeah I know, just like every other grandma." I reply.
He puts music on, full blast, like he always does.
"So are you a chauffeur now, driving students to school and picking them up?" I joke knowingly.
"Nah, I only do that for the special ones." He stretches his arm and ruffles my hair.
"Where's Anya? Home or at work?" Anya it's his wife. They got engaged on Christmas and they got married a few weeks ago. The wedding was beautiful with a great cake showing 'Anya&Michael'. They now are expecting a little baby boy. I can't wait to meet my new cousin.
"Home, the doctor told her to rest now. She shouldn't be moving much." She's four months along.
"Maybe I can come later to meet up with you guys, if you're free?" I had missed my uncle, I want to spend some time with him and try to get to know his wife more.
"That would be great, do you want to order in or go outside?" He asks me.
"In, better not to go out, since Anya needs to stay inside. Let's order pizza!" I say way too excited about it. Food is my husband. We're getting married. The only marriage I'll ever have.
"Sounds great. I'll let Anya know. Opp, we're here." He says. I look out of the window and indeed we're here. The car stops.
"You know I love you peanut." My uncle says from his seat.
"Love you too uncle." I say and hug him. He drops me off and I start heading at the uni. Oh boy, this is gonna be something else, I just know it.
I do want to punch people throughout the day. And today is no exception. I was walking at campus trying to find my class and an idiot, a stupid idiot groped one of my breasts and walked away. Like it was nothing. And now I'm imagining kneeing him in the balls. Looks great. Once, twice, I still want to punch him. Can't a girl go one day without getting hit on?! Jeez!! Now I'm angry, super angry while I find my class and go in. My resting face it's like a bitchy angry face and this certainly doesn't help.
I find a seat that's not in the middle, but not in the end either. It's somewhere in between. We have stand-alone desks, thank God, or I really might have punched someone today.
There aren't many people here yet, just a few. At least I'm early. While I wait for the professor to come in and start his lecture, I check my phone. I have 6 messages. One from mom and dad saying: "Good luck hunn, call us when you are done!", one from Kony: "Hey I know you'll be amazing, text me when you're done. And try to find me a brother in law! ;)", and one from all my friends and Annie. All wishing me 'good luck' and 'have fun' and 'call us later'.
Just as I'm about to reply to my texts I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around only to be met with the most beautiful man I have ever laid my eyes on...

We were never meant to beTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang