Chapter ten

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"Hey all good, I'm home:) hbu?" The text pinged on my phone. A rush of relief swept through me knowing she's home safe. I open the text and reply: "home in 2 mins, no worries👍🏻"
I was too happy when she gave me her phone number. Now I've saved her in my contacts with the name Blondie🔥. The emoji fire is to express how cranky and how dangerous she is. The more you get closer to her, the more she consumes you, just like fire.
What am I doing? It hasn't even been a week and all I think about is her. I need to get ahold of myself.
Just as I'm about to put my phone back in my pocket, I feel it vibrating against my hand. I see the caller and pick it up.
"So a little time in Boston and you already forget about your big brother?" Ryan's voice shoots through the phone. I put it on speaker while opening the door to my apartment. Once I'm in I set the phone on the counter.
"I could say the same. Why have you not called?" I ask and I can hear his scoff from the speaker.
"Fine, fair enough. What are you up to?"
"Just got home. Probably will head to bed soon. I'm exhausted. This week was exhausting."
"Why are you coming home so late? Where were you up 'till now?" Shoot, I should have been more careful about my whereabouts.
"I was at the Saturday meeting, just like always." I reply and I'm praying he'll let it go.
"Why so late though? The meeting ends at 8pm max, it takes 30 minutes tops to get home. It's 10:30pm. Did you guys go out?"
"Jeez, what are you, the time police? No we did not go out tonight." Silence on the other line.
"Okay, so where were you?" He asks and I resist the urge to groan. I take off my jacket and sit on the couch, preparing myself for the conversation I didn't plan on having tonight.
"I was making sure the 'new girl', who also happens to be my classmate, got home safe. There I said it." More silence. This is absurd. I'm 19, I don't have to explain to people why I was home late.
"Do you finally have a crush on someone?" Now the silence is on my end.
"So what if I do? She's smart, beautiful, very beautiful might I add, she's a Christian, she's on all my classes and on our church. She's feisty, ballsy and witty. She also reminds me of Rapunzel, not to ment-''
"WHOA, RAPUNZEL?! Dudeee, you've got it bad, don't you?" If he were here, I might've punched him.
"Shut up."
"Bro, I need more info. I gotta talk to Nate. What's her name? Where is she from? Did Cory tease you about her? I'm sure he did."
"Okay stop. See, this is why I don't call you, you make everything such a big deal. You're like a drama queen."
"Hey, it is a big deal! You've never had a crush on someone. Not even on high-school. Which was weird, I was deeply concerned. The only crush you've had was, when you were eight and saw this girl with her cousin on the playground. Your exact words were 'Ryann, I met this pretty girl, she's seven, so cute and nice and I want to hang out with her forever. She's also so funny. Ryan come onn, you have to meet her!' But when we got back she was gone, along with her cousin, you never even got her name. Shame. But heyy who cares? You finally have a crush now, I'm relieved. I seriously thought there was something wrong with you. So now, answer my questions." He demands and I'm getting a headache.
"She's from Huston, just like us, she's 18 and her name is Kayla. And yes, Cory did tease me about her. A lot of times."
"Ooohooo, Aaron and Kayla sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
"It's under a tree you idiot." I mumble, but he doesn't seem to hear me over all his singing.
"Oh I'm having a blast! Wait 'till mom and dad hear about this. They are gonna throw a party and probably invite her to our next family dinner."
"Ryan, I swear if you tell mom and dad, I'll call and tell them about the tattoo you got when you were 15."
"You wouldn't dare!"
"Try me."
"Fine, but they need to know about this."
"And I will tell them, but not now. It still hasn't been a week since I've known her."
"Okay, okay. I'm just teasing you. So tell me more! What's she like?"
"You know, she's actually like you, but way prettier. I think she's the female version of you."
"So that's why she's so cool. Nicee, I need to meet sister-in-law immediately."
"I'm sure you do." And then silence again.
"Did you not hear what I just said? Sister-in-law!"
"Oh I heard loud and clear, but it doesn't sound strange to me at all, because that's who she'll be one day. Your sister-in-law." Silence. "You really need to stop with the silence dude."
"Aaron. You are serious." It wasn't a question, more like an acknowledgment.
"Dead serious. She's the one bro. I'm sure. I'm just waiting for her to see it too."
"Now I really need to meet her. I'll book a ticket for next month." He says and I sigh. I guess there's no point in arguing. When Ryan sets his mind on something, he never changes it. Plus, I love the idea of Kayla and Ryan bonding.
"Fine, have at it. See you in a month."
"Big news today Aaron. Big news."
I'm talking with Cory, when I see her entering the door. God, I'll never stop being amazed every time I see her. She's wearing a beautiful red blouse and dark jeans. Her hair is all curled up and the dirty blonde color of them, only points the green in her eyes more. I want to get lost in those eyes.
"So what do you think?" Cory asks and I realize he's been talking to me this whole time.
"Bro are you even listening to me? Where is your head at?" He says and follows the line of the direction I'm looking at.
"Oo that's why. Dude you're so whipped. Keep it in your pants lover boy." He laughs and I want to hit him.
"Shut up." He sighs.
"Since you didn't listen to me, because you were to busy checking out Kayla over there," I glare at him. "I was saying that, what if we go out next Saturday after the meeting, so Kayla can be more comfortable with us and we get know her better. I mean, she is going to be your wife, so we definitely need to be friends with her." I flick him in the forehead. He starts laughing and starts rubbing his forehead.
"Okay I had that one coming, but seriously though what do you say?"
"Yes, of course. I would obviously love that."
"Okay great. I'll tell the others. You worry about not melting all over the floor." I'm about to flick him again, when he runs yelling 'okay byee'. I will kill him.
Once he's gone, I start looking for her familiar face again. I find her talking with Lizzie. An old woman besides her with blonde hair. Must be her grandma.
She looks up and her eyes find mine, as if she was looking for me. That knowledge does something to my heart. She smiles and waves a little and then she makes her way over here, along with her grandma.
"What was that with Cory? Why did he run screaming like that?" She whispers, before her grandma reaches us.
"You know, just Cory being Cory, nothing much." And her grandma is here, before she has time to ask more questions about Cory's behavior. Thank God.
"Grandma I want you to meet my friend Aaron. He's also one of my classmates." She says and then turns to me.
"Aaron this is my grandma, Rosie Chase." I stretch my hand for her to shake.
"It is very nice to meet you Ms.s Chase." I say and she looks at me. Hand hanging in the air.
"His name is Aaron? How does that make you feel sweetie? Are you okay?" She asks and I'm very confused.
"It's fine grandma, just meet him. You'll see."
"Are you the young man, who made sure my granddaughter came home safely last night?" I look at Kayla and she just gives me an apologetic smile.
"I um, yes I am, but it was nothing. I'm just glad she's fine." I say and my hand is still hanging in the air, when two arms circle over me and hug me tightly. Kayla's grandma is hugging me. I hug her back. She seems very nice.
"Grandma, let's not kill Aaron, not just yet." She's mouthing 'sorry', but I don't mind at all. 'It's okay', I mouth back.
Ms.s Chase lets me go and looks at me. "I like you Aaron." And with that she leaves.
"I don't understand what just happened. But I'm pretty sure my grandma is in love with you and I don't even understand how." She says, but a smile is playing on her lips.
"I'm glad she likes me. I want everyone from your family and friends to like me." I say.
"Why? What possible explanation would you have for that? Or are you one of those people, who needs everyone to like them, otherwise they can't live with it?" She teases me.
"I'm definitely not that kind of guy, I don't  mind one bit if people think I'm a freak."
"Then why?" She's serious this time.
"Because you care about them. They're your people. Their opinion matters to you. And if I leave a bad impression on the people you love, you're not gonna see me for who I really am and well I guess, you're not gonna like me anymore." I'm digging my own grave here.
"Who says I like you now?" She asks smirking and I want to kiss her, again.
"Okay, smart-ass. Come on let's find a seat." I say and start walking.
"Aaron?" I turn to look at her.
"Yes, blondie?" She's containing her smile, I can see that.
"Once I see someone for who they really are, no one's opinion influences me. Well of course, except God's." She says and I take a very deep breath.
"Glad to know that Kayla." Very glad to know that.

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