Chapter eighteen

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"K, I had no idea. I'm so sorry. That must have been awful." Ryan says, while looking at Kayla.
"It really, really was. At first I wasn't even understanding what was happening and then once I realized, I knew that there was nothing I could do. I just had to suck it up and let it be." She says and I scoff.
"Why are you two acting like I killed her or something? I only picked her up to get her to come with me. She wasn't going to, If I hadn't." I say and they're barely contacting their smiles. "Dramatic asses. I had one, now I've got two." I say and they both burst laughing and high-five each-other. "Since when, did you two become best friends? You've only known each-other for two hours!" I say and they both hug, looking at me.
"We're inseparable now. He's my big brother, not yours anymore. Sorry Aaron." She says and Ryan nods. "You know I missed having one." She directs this to Ryan and then realizes she has let something slip up. Ryan notices that too, and the way she's trying to find something to say, to cover it up. But fortunately he saves her from it.
"No need to miss anything anymore. Being a big brother has been my duty since this jackass came 19 years ago." He says and I could kiss him right now, for saving her. She looks so thankful too.
"Been real pleasure to get bothered and teased on for 19 years. Very." I say sarcastically and Kayla laughs.
"Hey! Don't talk bad about my big bro! He's my spirit animal." She says and Ryan gasps.
"K! You are mine too!" Ryan shouts and they both exclaim in happiness. What have I gotten myself into?
"How long are you staying here BB?" She asks Ryan and I'm confused.
"BB?" I ask and Ryan answers.
"Big brother. I'm staying three more days. Stupid work, can't live without me. I'm apparently very important."
"I don't blame them. I don't know how I will live without you now." Kayla says and I roll my eyes. It's like they're on their own world now.
"I've got an idea!" Ryan says and Kayla stops walking and looks at him. "What if we send Aaron to do my job, and I can stay here?" He asks and Kayla's thinking about. She's thinking about it!
"You're entertaining his idea?!" I ask and they both ignore me.
"But does Aaron know how to do your work?" She asks and Ryan nods.
"Yes. The freak is stupidly smart. Knows what I'm talking about, meanwhile he chose law." He says and I huff. Kayla's not talking at all though.
"I'm not stupidly smart. I just have general knowledge." I say.
"As much as you're my best hit target, I do not lie when I say that. He can solve the algorithms and all my work problems, which I will not bore you about now, better and faster than half of the guys I work with. Yet, he's never told anyone, why he chose law. Only that he loves the law." Ryan mimics and I resist the urge to roll my eyes again.
Kayla's looking at me now and I can see all the questions brewing on her head.
"So yes. We can send him. We just have to make some appearance changes, because he needs to look as beautiful as me." Ryan finishes and Kayla chuckles.
"Okay you two. Enough bonding for one night." I say as we reach Kayla's station.
"Someone's getting jealous." Ryan says.
"Shut up." I say.
"Don't worry little bro. She's all yours." He whispers in my ear, loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. I look at Kayla and see her smiling at us and my heart is happy, full, content. That's all I ever want for her.
"I had a lot of fun today guys." She says and we both look at her. "It was very nice to meet you BB." She says and even though I act all grumpy, I am so thrilled that Ryan likes her. So glad that they like each-other's company. It's a dream come true. My brother and and my love bonding. Being like brother and sister. It's everything I could have ever asked for.
"Oh K. Aaron here wouldn't shut up about you. Talking my ear off." Ryan says and I hit him in the back of his head. "Now I understand why. I already know we'll be inseparable." He says having ignored again all my warnings.
They hug and damn me if my eyes don't water.
"See you tomorrow at the Saturday meeting." He says and Kayla nods. "Oh and pay a little more attention to my little bro here. For my sake not his's. It's me who has to hear him complaining at phone all the time." He says and I pinch his arm while he jumps. "Fine I deserved that." Kayla laughs. "Now I'm gonna stand there, while I let you two talk, pretending I'm not hearing anything, when I'm actually eavesdropping everything." He says while he walks away, and stops 7 feet away.
"I'm sorry, if he made you uncomfortable, with some of the things he said." I say and we hear Ryan shout.
"Hey! I made no one uncomfortable!" And I glare at him, while he shuts up. "Sorry, pretend I'm not even here." While he drags his fingers over his lips, pretending he's zipping them. I shake my head while Kayla laughs.
"No it's fine. He made me laugh a lot of times and he clearly didn't hold back on you. Which was hilarious." She says smirking.
"Oh you found my actions hilarious, cheesecakes?" I whisper and her breath gets caught. And just like that the tension has risen, making it hard to breathe. "You think, me being crazy after you, mad by your scent, your beauty, is hilarious?" She's not even blinking. "Tell me cheesecakes, you like me squirming, being mad, thinking about you, every second of every day? Is that what you like?" I ask and she looks at me straight in the eyes and this time she takes my breath away, by looking at me like that. And then she whispers.
"So what if I do?" And then I really do go mad.
"Are you teasing me love? Are you getting me worked up, on purpose?"
"I may. What are you gonna do about it?" She whispers back.
"Who are you and what have you done to Kayla Everson?" I ask and she smirks.
"Oh this is Kayla Everson. You think you've seen me, the real me, up until now? Boy you have no idea what you got yourself into. Get out, while you still have time."
"I never back up from a challenge cheesecakes."
"You should, this is a challenge you can't handle or win." She whispers.
"You're lucky Ryan is here, otherwise things would have taken a different turn." I say as we see the bus coming to a stop.
"No. You're lucky BB is here." With that she gets on the bus and with one last look she says: "Goodnight Aaron." And she leaves.

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