Chapter forty-nine

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All thoughts of what I just admitted in open court, vanish when I see Aaron grab Jack from his shirt and yank him up like he weighs nothing.
The gasps in everyone at the court are so loud and dramatic, I feel like I'm witnessing a real life soap-opera.
"You piece of shit, do you get off on watching how you overpower underage girls?! You're a waste of space and oxygen you know that?" I've never seen Aaron this angry and if someone doesn't get him off Jack right the heck now, he's going to do something that he really shouldn't.
Jack only smiles at him. Oh shit.
"You fucker." Aaron mutters. He's about to punch the hell out of Jack, but strong arms pull him away before there's no going back. Jack slumps back in his chair like a piece of garbage.
"Let me go the fuck now." I really have never seen him this angry. That kind of fury could kill someone and right now that someone is Jack.
"Not about to do that." Ryan mumbles loud enough. He and Cory have caught both his arms and are trying to return him to his seat, while Nate is in front of him, trying to push him back. Keyword: trying.
There's such a loud mess. Everyone is moving and talking and no one has even seen her yet.
"Order! Order!" The judge says banging the hammer several times. "There will be order in my courtroom!" People quiet a bit down, but Aaron is nowhere near to backing off. "If the gentleman there won't sit down in this instance, he will be escorted out of my courtroom and if he disobeys my direct orders further, he will be held 24 hours in contempt. Understood?!" The judge shouts and finally there's silence again, but Aaron looks like he's not even hearing her. He's only staring at Jack, looking like he wants to rip his head off his body and then feed it to the wolves.
I shoot a worried look to the guys, but they're busy trying to sit Aaron the fuck down. They were supposed to react immediately in case Aaron did this, but I guess they too were a bit shocked of my revelation. One look at the others tells me everyone is.
I told Cory, Nate and Ryan to sit near Aaron so they can prevent exactly this, but I don't think there ever was a way to stop this. It was always coming.
Seeing that Aaron isn't budging, both our dads and uncle Mike stand to escort him out, so he can cool off. My dad though looks like he wants to help Aaron kill Jack, rather than stop him.
Aaron looks at me then and the look in his eyes it's not hurt, it's not disappointment, it's not even regret, it's betrayal. And it's so evident, it sucks all the oxygen out of my lungs.
I don't know what changed, maybe at the fact that all the men are standing to stop him or something he saw in my face, but he sits down pushing everyone and looks away.
The guards who had closed in on Aaron, which apparently are the same ones who were trying to get Ryan to go through security, return to their places.
"Naomi?" Kony's voice echoes throughout all the courtroom. Shit. One problem after another. Can't a girl catch a break?
Naomi just waves a bit to Kony, glances at Aaron and then looks at me. She gives me a reassuring smile before putting both her thumbs up as if she approves of Aaron. She hasn't changed a lot, and I'm glad.
My cousin Naomi, Aaron's sister, left Huston after my aunt's passing. She couldn't handle all the memories that came with the town, all the reminders of what used to live among us, but no longer did.
Her dad is still there, my parents visit him all the time. So do Aaron and I every time we go home, but that man is broken in a whole other way. My parents hurt for him. Before my aunt's and Aaron's passing, the four of them, along with the Carters, were unbreakable. After all they grew up together. My mom, my aunt and Ms.s Carter were best friends. Since my dad and aunt were siblings, they all used to hang out together. My dad met two other best friends, when they were in high-school. Mr. Carter and Naomi's dad. He introduced them to their group and ever since then they were inseparable.
It was like a dream come true for all of them.
They got married and then we came along. We also grew up together. And when everything got stripped away from us, we did stuck together, Naomi aside, but it was never the same. A part of us was missing, it always will.
None of our parents could have imagined such an outcome when they met.
Sometimes I wonder, if they knew what would happen to them, would they do it all over again? Knowing the outcome, would they have gotten through with it?
"Are you Miss Hart?" Baldwin asks Naomi, pulling me out of my trip down memory lane. Naomi is currently holding a big folder in her hands.
I knew she would come through.
"Yes. I am." She says with a hand salute.
"Counselor, what is going on?" The judge asks. The poor woman is so sick of this trial, I can tell.
"This Your Honor, is Naomi Hart. Miss Everson's cousin, the only living person who always knew about the miscarriage and the one person who can confirm it. She has the needed evidence." I dare and glance at my family. They all seem hurt. Kony looks at me with tears and mouthes: 'Why didn't you tell me?'
I swallow the lump and look away, only for my mom to catch my eyes. She only shakes her head as tears slip her eyes. Before I mirror her tears, I close my eyes to get myself together. This is not the time to breakdown. Just a bit more.
When I open them again, I see Aaron looking at Naomi with a very blatant shock. Knowing him, he's probably jealous that she knew and he didn't. Well in my defense, she wasn't supposed to know either.
"Miss Hart, is this true?" The judge asks and Naomi faces her, straightening up.
"Yes." And then as if remembering something, she adds. "Your Honor." Accompanying it with a small smile.
I missed her.
"I have the evidence, of what Kay- um, Miss Everson just admitted, here with me." She says holding up the blue folder she owns.
"Your Honor this is outrageous! Not only did Baldwin informed us about all of this right before we started-''
"That's when I found out too." Baldwin lies.
"But then he proceeds to keep calling rebuttal witnesses, new evidence he clearly had the time to go through them with a fine-tooth comb-''
"I was prepared unlike you." He cuts Orlando off again.
"And all this in a trial, which was originated from the Dawson family. Not the Everson's. And it's clear Mr. Baldwin here has forgotten about it."
"I haven't forgotten a thing. The Dawson's hired me as their attorney to put Mr. Tyler away on the charges of rape and sexual assault. Since Miss Alina herself isn't able to testify under oath, having been disqualified by your presentation of facts, another victim of Mr. Tyler came forward on her own, one which Mr. Orlando himself told us that didn't exist, and she is now helping us determine Mr. Tyler's character. Isn't that what we are here for? To unearth his character, based on the charges made by the Dawson family? It doesn't matter how we present the type of person Mr. Tyler is, just that we do." Baldwin finishes.
"I'm the one that's going to decide if it matters or not." The judge says angry.
"Exactly what I'm saying Your Honor." Orlando cuts in. "The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution provides that no person shall 'be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb.' And we are hearing clearly the same story in this courtroom, like we have in another."
"I'm fully aware what the law says sir."
"Yes of course, Your Honor." Orlando shrinks back in at the sound of the judge's voice. Coward.
"What does that mean?" Naomi asks, not so quietly.
"It means that the government can't prosecute someone more than once for the same crime."
Huntley tries to explain to her. She just nods and shuts up again.
"Just because we are hearing a story twice, doesn't mean that Mr. Tyler will be convicted or prosecuted of those crimes again. Not on impregnating an underage girl, not on causing her irreparable damages that will last her a lifetime et cetera, et cetera. I could go on. But no. We won't. Because right now we are trying to show to the jury what kind of man Mr. Tyler is. We're not trying to prosecute him for more crimes, which he so obviously deserves." Baldwin mumbles that last part loud.
"Your Honor!" Orlando shouts, but Baldwin doesn't give him much time for further objections.
"If the Everson's want to resume their counts, because as you know, Mr. Tyler hasn't been prosecuted for the further damages he has caused Miss Everson here," Baldwin states pointing at me. "they are very welcome to. But right now the only conviction he may come to have, will be that of rape and sexual assault by the Dawson family." At that everyone is quiet, waiting for the judge to speak. I don't dare look at Aaron.
I'm still on the stand, but no one is asking me questions. Now one of two things may happen. Either the evidence are admitted, which will lead to me or Naomi being questioned on the stand or they aren't admitted and it doesn't look very good on us. It will be a non human miracle if they do, because the way we brought this upon trial, was so unexpectedly and bending of rules kind, that we don't truly stand a chance here.
"With all due respect, Your Honor you can't let this evidence be admitted." Wow bold of Orlando.
"Come again?" The judge questions not so pleased.
"All I'm saying is, look at the way all of this came. It's quite obvious that he planned all of this." Orlando points at Baldwin without looking at him. "You can't just allow it." I don't know whether he's being brave or stupid.
The judge doesn't say anything for two whole minutes. It may not seem much, but in a suspense, anxious waiting and full courtroom, those two minutes feel like an eternity.
She glances at Naomi, Baldwin and Huntley, Orlando and Jack. She looks at me and then at Aaron? She stares at him for quite sometime. I don't know what she sees in him, but when she turns to me, there's something different about her expression. I can't quite put my finger on it.
Then she speaks.
"Mr. Orlando." I have no idea if it is from the just ended silence, but her voice just sounded way too loud. "If I were you, I would think twice before deciding to advise me on how to do my job. Because next time, I won't be so forgiving." No one missed the cold voice she added on the sentence. The temperature of the room dropped drastically.
She turn to Baldwin now.
Oh God.
"Mr. Baldwin. It's quite obvious what your strategy here was, yet I see what you're really doing. But, do not pull this stunt again in my courtroom!" Angry is better than cold, right?
She looks straight ahead then, inhaling deeply.
My God this is it.
"The evidence Mr. Hart is currently holding, will be admitted in the continuance of this trial. Miss Hart please do come forward." I can actually hear the sighs of relief coming from the prosecutor's side of the court. Meanwhile I feel like I can cry in the solace of knowing we made it so far.
Naomi approaches the judge's bench along with Baldwin and Orlando. She drops the sack of documents in front of the judge and then just leaves the talking part to Baldwin.
"Miss Everson you may return to your seat." The judge says before turning to Baldwin. "I believe you want to call Miss Hart as your witness?"
"That's right Your Honor." Baldwin answers, but he's not pleased. Naomi hasn't been prepared for cross-examination and this could blow up in our faces. The original plan was for me to answer all the evidence, while on the stand, but now that the judge dismissed me, that isn't an option anymore.
Naomi being under oath is the only and last chance we can take to put a win on all of this.
"Miss Hart please take a seat." The judge orders.
I step out of the bench, while Naomi comes toward it. She squeezes my hand as a sign of support, while passing beside me. I squeeze hers right back.
Baldwin gives me an approving nod, silently telling me that I successfully accomplished my part in this trial. Let's hope so at least.
I return to my old seat. Cory who was occupying it at the time of my testimony, stands up and frees it for me. He hugs me and whispers in my ear.
"You were amazing and the bravest. We're here for you Kayl." Says in a hushed voice, before squeezing my shoulders and sitting back down. I only smile and mirror his actions, sitting next to Aaron, who is very tentatively looking only straightly at Naomi.
"Aaron, I'm s-''
"Not now." He answers immediately. His response would sound normal to anyone, but I caught the edge in it.
"Explain to me what all of this is counsel." Judge Giller says stealing my attention.
"Your Honor here we have the death certificate along with the autopsy report of Aaron Hart, Miss Everson's cousin, the supposed friend of Mr. Tyler. Here states," Baldwin says underlining with his finger the sentence on the document. "that the C.O.D of citizen Aaron James Hart was by overdose of opioid. Ruled as suicide. And just like Miss Everson said he died on April the 29th, somewhere exactly to two weeks after the not-guilty verdict of Mr. Tyler." I swallow the acid taste that fills my mouth caused by the words that leave Baldwin.
"On this other letter right here, we have the hospital records proving that Miss Everson is diagnosed with some type of dysfunction, stating she's not able to conceive. On the doctor's professional opinion, this often happens to females who have been sexually assaulted. It proclaims it right here." More 'delightful' reminders.
"While here we have another hospital record. One that shows that Miss Everson has suffered from a miscarriage, three months after the rape."
"Alleged rape." Orlando cuts in studying the documents in front of him. Baldwin ignores him.
"Your Honor may I question Miss Hart?" Baldwin says in that thick British accent of his.
"You may." Judge Giller replies. Orlando returns to his seat while Baldwin faces Naomi.
The guard does the whole swearing under oath ceremony once again, whilst Baldwin asks her to state her full name.
"Naomi Rebecca Hart." He just nods.
"How old are you Miss Hart?"
"And how old would that have made you back then?"
"19." Naomi answers.
"Old enough. Good. Tell me Miss Hart, how did you find out Miss Everson was pregnant?" He's using the same questions he had for me, but changing them slightly so they apply to Naomi. "Did she confide in you about it?"
"No, she didn't. I learned about it by accident." Naomi replies.
"How so?"
"It was the two months anniversary of my brother's death." She whispers and I see her eyes tear instantly. Mine do the same. "That first year you, um, you count every month. And so having passed only two, everything being still so fresh, I-I needed to see someone who understood my pain, if not worse. And that was Kayla." She swallows before continuing. "I-um, I went to her house, I wasn't okay, I'm pretty sure I was having a panic attack, but I went there and without even realizing it, I bursted through her door room." Naomi adverts her eyes away and looks at me.
"What happened when you went into Miss Everson's room Miss?" Baldwin presses, yet Naomi doesn't answer. She just looks at me waiting for my approval, as if it is a choice not to answer. Although with the look she's giving me, I might just believe her that this is a choice. So I nod at her and she faces Baldwin once more.
"I saw her laying on the floor." She whispers and I feel Aaron stiffening beside me. "I don't think she even realized someone just entered her room. She was just there rigid on the floor clutching her tummy. At first, I thought she was maybe having severe menstrual cramps, but then I saw the test on the floor next to her." A tear slips her eye and my tears follow behind.  I don't look at anyone, I can't. "I closed the door and went to sit down with her. I remember asking her what's wrong and she, she just kept shaking her head, as if she was in denial..."
"Kayl, what's wrong?" Naomi whispers above me, but I don't respond. I can't. How did this happen? How could this happen? Not this. Not the most important thing to me. "Please stop shaking your head and answer me." Naomi says again. I look at her then. Her eyes are wet and they have dark circles around them. Yet she still looks so pretty. With my eyes still on her, I extend my arm and grab the test on the floor. I shove it in front of her face.
"I'm pregnant." I choke on hearing the words play out loud. "I'm 15 and I'm pregnant by my raper. Just the best teenage dream isn't it?" Naomi's eyes are wide.
"I always thought that the first time I'd say these words, would be one of the happiest days of my life. Ironic right? What a sadistic twist that it turned out to be the worst day." I smile, but there's no humor to it.
"Kayla we need help. We need to tell someone about this." Naomi says, but I ignore her cry of worry.
"Is it weird?" I whisper. "Is it fucked-up that I can't go through with it?"
"With keeping it?" She asks me. I shake my head.
"No. With taking rid of it. I don't think I can do it. I've been sitting here for the last hour and every time I think about aborting it, bile forms in my throat. This little baby hasn't done anything. He doesn't know what kind of awful world this is. It's not the baby's fault Naomi. The baby didn't do anything Naomi. It's not the baby's fault. It's not. It's not Naomi. There is no fault in the baby Naomi. Why should the baby suffer? What did the baby do for it to suffer? It doesn't deserve this. It doesn't." I don't know who I'm talking about anymore.
"Shh, it's okay Kayl. We will do whatever you want. We can keep the baby or not. It's your choice." Naomi whispers above me.
"I cannot keep the baby! How can someone like me raise a child?! Can't you see the state I'm in?! The baby would grow up to be a psychopath! With a rapist father and a mentally sick mother! No, I cannot raise this child Naomi!"
"Then we will take care of it." I grab her by the shoulders. She's caught so off guard she screams a little.
"Didn't you just hear me?! It's not the baby's fault! I will not kill this baby! He didn't ask to be made!" I slump back down on the floor, drained of all my energy. Completely unstable, completely defeated. "Promise me." I whisper.
"Promise me, you won't tell anyone. Not yet. I need to figure out what I'm going to do, without everyone breathing down my neck. Promise me Naomi, please. Promise me. Please. Promise me."
"I promise Kayla. I promise." That's the last thing I hear, before everything goes black...
"Then she collapsed. Just like that." I return back to the present. This whole thing unlocked a memory, I had stored away. One I had closed safe, not wanting to ever open again. I feel something wet touch my lips and bring my fingers on to them, realizing they're tears. I wasn't aware I was crying.
"I took care of the test, took care of Kayla and I kept my promise. I didn't tell a soul. Up until now, no one had heard this story come out of my mouth." Naomi says. I dry my tears and look ahead.
"What happened next?" Baldwin asks.
"After a month, my mom, Kayla's aunt, was diagnosed with brain cancer. I guess seeing your niece get raped, dragged through the mud and then your only son killing himself for it, does that to you. The night that we found out, Kayla and I were at my house. We cried and cried about it.
Later we fell asleep on my room.
By then Kayla was three months pregnant. She didn't show much yet, but a little bump was forming and soon it would be way more recognizable, anyone would tell.
So on top of everything, we had this other matter to solve. Kayla wasn't really sure yet, but she wanted to give birth and then give up the baby for adoption. She has always had a special connection with kids and could never stomach aborting one. She still is the strongest person I know.
Kayla decided to wait on telling everyone, until she no longer could. So that awful night, she wakes up in the middle of it. I knew there was something wrong the minute she ran for the bathroom.
I didn't go in right away, hoping she just had some morning-sickness, even if it was only two am, but when I got in, nothing could have ever prepared me for what my eyes stumbled upon." Whispers Naomi. She looks at me yet again. I nod at her a second time and she resumes. "Kayla was standing in the middle of an open shower, wh-while a tremendous amount of blood was covering her legs. Blood dripping all over her. She was b-bleeding so so much, I thought she was going to die!" I don't think Naomi realizes she just shouted. This is not easy for her either, not easy at all. "I don't know how I didn't scream. I only know that she had her head on the bathroom tiles, sobbing her heart out on it."
"What then Miss?"
"Then, I wanted to tell my parents who were sleeping on the other room, but Kayla didn't let me. As soon as she saw me trying to leave, she stopped me. She.."
"No! Do not do what you're thinking of doing!" If I had any chance of surviving this, I had to pull myself together and step up now. So I need to stop crying.
"Are you crazy?! You're bleeding out! We need to go to the hospital!" Naomi says headed for the bathroom door.
"Listen to me! I'm not going to bleed out! I'm pretty sure I'm miscarrying my baby right now, but that doesn't mean I'll run out of blood." I wasn't so sure about that, but I need to get her to believe me. "And yes you're right. We do need to go to the hospital and we are." Naomi just looks at me in shock.
"Lower your voice! You'll drive me. We will sneak out, quietly, and we'll go now. But do not tell anyone. They got enough bad news today, no need to add more. Plus we don't know how it may affect your mom's sickness, if she finds out. Please Naomi, trust me on this! You know I'm right. Imagine what it can do to her. It may make things worse." Tears are flooding her face, while I'm still bleeding continuously.
After a short beat she nods.
"Okay, okay, fine. Let's do this. Imma grab two towels and we'll get out of here."
"Thank you." I say and before she leaves I stop her again. "Naomi, grab three." I voice this instead of telling her how light-headed I feel and how much I feel like laying down, closing my eyes and never opening them again.
Only when we're in the car, did it hit me. I referred to it as my baby. I had never done that before...
"So we sneaked out and I drove us to the nearest hospital. The whole drive there I thought she was going to die at any moment, I had never been more terrified in my life." Naomi dries her tears and then carries on. "When we arrived the doctors took her in immediately. She looked so weak from the loss of blood, so purple. Part of me thought she wouldn't make it and was on the edge all the time. If she wasn't going to make it, then I needed to call everyone straight away, but then I'd remember what Kayla said and I'd tell myself to wait a few more minutes." Her voice is shaking now.
"Somewhere to an hour later, the doctor came out. He told me she lost the baby, but that Kayla was fine. She was under the effect of anesthesia, so she couldn't interact just yet, but in two hours she was clear to go home. Apparently they performed on her some procedure called D&C, I'm not sure, I think it explains it in the document too." Naomi says and Baldwin doesn't miss a chance to grab the medical report.
"Dilation and curettage (D&C), which involves widening your cervix and scraping the uterine lining, or endometrium. The doctor used suction along with scraping. This procedure can be uncomfortable, so we had to use general anesthesia." Baldwin reads.
"Yeah that." Naomi whispers. "The doctor prescribed some light pills she had to take. When she woke up we went home, it was somewhere to 5am. Like nothing ever happened." Naomi finishes. A hand covers mine. I hadn't noticed that I had placed my hand on my tummy, but apparently Aaron did, because he put his hand over mine on my belly. I hold his silently, not a word spoken.
"And you never told anyone?" Baldwin proceeds.
"Never. When we got back she made me promised that I would never tell a soul about this. And I kept that promise." Baldwin just nods. He picks up all the papers Naomi brought and starts speaking again.
"Your Honor these prove everything, not to mention the rape kit Miss Everson had to do that unfortunate night, that clearly shows she was raped. The DNA of the sperm that was found all over her and traces of skin under Miss Everson's fingernails match Mr. Tyler's DNA by a successful 97.3% rate. It's all right here Your Honor. And I know we can't charge the defended for this, but if he's already done it once, what makes us sure he hasn't done it again? If this defended," He says pointing at Jack. "is capable of committing these kind of actions, what's to make us think he won't do it again? How can we be certain that this hasn't already happened again?" Baldwin voices this piercingly. The questions echo all around the courtroom, while Baldwin faces the jury. "If Mr. Tyler is so innocent, then why am I holding a sack of evidence in my hand, proving otherwise? Look at these girls. Would any of them go through all of this, just for money? Miss Alina doesn't even need money. Miss Everson has been through enough.
Both these girls just need justice in their lives, can't we give it to them? They deserve it more than anyone." Baldwin lowers the hand that's holding all the papers and looks at Naomi.
"No further questions Your Honor." And sits back down.
Oh God this is the worst part.
Orlando will ask the questions now and I know from firsthand experience, how that's like. Aaron squeezes my hand in reassurance and I squeeze right back.
We got this.
"Counsel? How would you like to proceed?" Judge Giller asks Orlando. We're all holding our breath, waiting for his response.
"Your Honor, we have no questions. The defense rests."
This is some kind of sick joke, because there's no way what I heard right now, it's real.
"Are you sure counsel?" The judge asks as shocked as us.
"Positive." Orlando replies.
"Very well then. You have one week to prepare for closing arguments, where the board will reach a verdict. Miss Hart you're excused.
For today, this meeting is adjourned." And she bangs the hammer. I'm still not moving from my stool.
"Are you insane?! Why did you do that?!" The voice that haunts me in my sleep, screams at Orlando and I turn to look at his furious face.
"You're lucky they didn't reveal more you idiot. It was your fault! You shouldn't have asked that question! You shouldn't have asked her about the miscarriage! Yet you did! Right in an open court! Who in their right mind does that?!" Orlando shouts back at him. The judge and the jury have left, but the majority of people and the guards are still here.
"The bitch was clearly lying! Prove it or I will sue you!" I flinch, but cover it fast, before Aaron can see it. We need to get out of here.
"You will sue me shit! We need to make a deal, that's what we need to do."
"But she's a slut, who didn't get knocked up by me! She probably couldn't keep her legs clo-'' Jack's words get cut off by the punch Aaron delivered him.
Wait, what?!
Oh my God! How didn't I see Aaron leave? How did no one?!
He punches him again and then whispers something to him, before punching him three more times and then throwing him to the floor like garbage.
"I will sue you!" Jack shouts while holding his bleeding nose with his hands. Aaron just laughs and hits him with his leg in the face. I'm pretty sure this time he broke his nose.
"You're lucky she's not suing you further, you jackass." I know this isn't the time to laugh, but the nickname is so on point.
I turn to look at everyone, hoping someone will help me with taking Aaron off of Jack, but none of them will look at me.
"Will someone do something about it?" I shout in the courtroom. They all reply at the same time.
"No." Simple as that. My dad looks like he's actually enjoying the show. I huff.
"If you don't, the guards will." I point at the doors, where the guards stand. "And it will not look good for us."
"Which guards?" Ryan asks me.
"Wh-what do you mean which guards? The same ones that s- oh." I stop mid-sentence. "Where did they go?"
"How should I know?" Ryan replies.
"Yeah. It's not like he told them to take a five-minute break, so Aaron can have some fun with the jackass back there. And it's not like the guards agreed, because they heard what a jackass he really is."
"Cory!" They all shout in unison.
"What?!" He asks grinning.
Two things. One: I can't believe Cory just cursed twice. Two: How on earth did Ryan manage to convince the very same guards who hated his guts, to turn a blind eye for us?
Before I can ask that very question, I see Aaron coming in my direction.
I want to shout at him, but something in his face tells me not to. When he approaches me, he only says: "I've been wanting to do that for 3 years." Before passing by me and exiting this damned shitshow.

We were never meant to beحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن