Chapter thirty-one

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I'm probably in a dream, because what I'm witnessing can't actually be happening. It physically can't.
"Really? You have to show it to me someday. I love motorcycles." My dad says to Aaron with the biggest grin on his face. "You know when I was young, I used to have one too. Me and Leila would ride around the city all day with it."
Aaron matches his grin.
"When you come to Boston, give me a call. I'll let you borrow it, sir." Dad just shakes his head.
"Thank you son, but don't call me 'sir' anymore. John is fine." No this has got to be some prank. My dad has never let anyone call him John before, except mom and two or three of his friends. My eyes are open wide and I make my way to mom. She's in the kitchen, ready to serve the dessert.
"Yes sweetie."
"Did I get hit in the head or dad and Aaron are getting along?" I ask and she just smiles.
"I thought that was what you wanted." She replies, while taking out a box from the fridge.
"I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm saying someone is probably pulling a prank on me." Just as I finish my sentence, I hear dad laughing, hard. He hasn't laughed like that in years. "That's no way that was dad." I say.
"Kayla honey, are you a little mad, that Aaron passed dad's, what do you always call it?" She proceeds to think about it a bit and then her features form into realization. "Ah yes, examination. Are you mad he passed it that easily?"
"I'm not mad. I'm just shocked." I go to open the box, but she hits my hand away. "Do you like him ma?" I ask and she looks at me, while taking out little forks.
"Who your dad? Sweetie I wouldn't have married him, if I didn't." She teases and I laugh. I'm glad things are easing up a bit. For a long time, no one joked and teased around anymore. But Aaron coming here, I think it has occupied my parents mind. It has helped them look more at the future and less at the past. I may have been through a lot, but my parents also lost a sister and a nephew, had to see their daughter degenerate in front of a courtroom, hearing rumors that 'she made it up.' Aaron here has allowed them to think about new chances, better ones. I'm so thankful to him for it.
"Mom! I mean Aaron." I say and she just smiles more.
"I like him hun. He really looks like a great guy. And the story he said about you. You being the reason he chose law," she says and looks at me while starting to open the box. "I think that's God's way of showing both of you, that this is His will." She opens the box. "And I like that, a lot." She turns the box to me and then asks. "Do you know if Aaron likes cheesecakes?"
I have the biggest grin on my face, when I enter the living room.
"Why are you grinning like a Cheshire cat?" Addie asks suspicious, from his spot on the couch. That gets the attention of dad and Aaron too.
"Nothing. Just glad you're all getting along." I say, but Aaron doesn't buy it. I can see him trying to figure out what I'm up to. Just as he's about to say something, my mom enters.
"Dessert is served!" Mom says and if it's possible for me to grin more, it's happening.
"Cheesecakes what is it?" Aaron asks me.
"Yes it is cheesecakes!" My mom says and everyone is so clueless, except me.
"What?" Aaron asks all confused.
"Aaron, why don't you take a seat?" I say all teasingly. They're all confused now and looking at me. "Just sit." I say and he does.
"What's up cheesecakes?" Aaron asks me, but I don't reply him.
"Addie ask Aaron, what's his most favorite thing in the whole world." I say and Addie looks at me in confusion. I give him the look he and I have, when we're up to something and realization forms in his features. He then nods grinning.
"Aaron, what is your most favorite thing in the whole world?" Aaron is trying so hard to figure out what's happening, but I won't let him.
"Come on Aaron, answer my brother. You don't want him to start disliking you now, do you?" I ask and my mom comes near me and whispers in my ear.
"Sweetie, what exactly are you doing?"
"Shhh, just wait with the dessert." I whisper back and she does. She still looks at me if I have lost my mind though.
"Well Aaron? I really don't want to dislike you. You do seem like a great guy." Addie says and finally he's on my side.
"My most favorite things in the whole world are cheesecakes." Aaron answers, simple as that and I can hear my mom gasping.
"Pumpkin what are you doing?" Dad asks and I just keep grinning.
"Mom you may now serve the dessert." I say and Aaron just looks at me, a smile playing on his lips and mouthes 'is that what I think it is?'." I just smile in return.
"Well Aaron darling," My mom starts saying. "I have cooked the right dessert apparently."
"Ms.s Everson you are amazing. I mean I couldn't expected anything else, being you are cheesecakes mom, but this is the best cheesecake I've ever had." Aaron says while taking another bite. "Can I get another piece?" He asks and that small action makes him look like a 5-year old, asking his mom if he can buy the toy he saw on the store.
"Of course you can dear." My mom says putting another piece on his plate. "I'll even pack you what's left for you to take home." She says and Aaron is not making a facial expression whatsoever. And then...
"Can I hug you?" He asks my mom and we all start laughing like idiots. This man.
"Kayla honey, you didn't tell me he was this obsessed with cheesecakes." My mom says to me and I just laugh more.
"Oh I have some nice stories of Aaron and cheesecakes. One was when he was two, eating them from the trash can," I say and everyone gasps laughing. "and the other was when he ate 5 and a half pieces on one afternoon." I say and proceed to tell them both stories, while Aaron looks at me and just shaking his head the whole time. My family on the other side, hasn't stoped laughing for the last 10 minutes.
"I can't believe you turned on me, spilling all my deepest darkest secrets to everyone. Cheesecakes that is mean, even for you." Aaron says jokingly.
"Why do you call her cheesecakes?" Addie asks him and I can make out the distress on Aaron's face as he swallows. "Is it because she's your most favorite thing in the whole world?" Nope, nope, Addie wrong territory. We don't ask questions like that. I look at my mom for help, but she's too focused on Aaron answering and she doesn't see me. So I look at dad. He sees it. He knows it. He always has somehow. My dad and I, we've always had this strong bond. I was always his little daughter and he was broken, after the accident. I hate what it did to him. So he understands better than anyone, when I need help. He's a father. He knows I don't want to hear this, he knows I don't want to go down that road, so he helps me. Like he always has.
"Addie, leave the poor guy alone. Stop asking him questions, he wants to enjoy his cheesecakes. I'm not even examining him anymore." My dad says and I look at him, showing him exactly on my face, how grateful I am for him.
"Aaron?" Addie asks him again. "After you've finished all these cheesecakes," he motions at the plate full of cheesecakes Aaron's holding. "wanna play video games with me?" If I could cry now, I would. But I don't want to worry anyone. Up until the accident, our cousin Aaron, would play with Addie all the time. Aaron might have acted like a big brother to me, but he really was one for Addie. Since then Addie's been playing alone, trying to not get in anyone's way. I used to play with him from time to time, but I could see that he missed Aaron. I could see how much losing him meant to him too. So when my Aaron speaks the next words, I might even had forgotten everything and gone to kiss him.
"Of course I will. I miss playing." Aaron says and Addie smiles.
"When Aaron died, it always felt wrong playing without him. So sometimes I'd play with Kayla, but now that she left, I haven't touched a game. I can't. So I thought maybe I'd try with you." I'm not holding my tears now, neither is my mom. I don't miss the effect that this has on both my parents.
"Well let's give it a try." Aaron doesn't miss a beat. "When my brother Ryan, left for college, I had to play alone too. I used to play with him all the time, but after he left, it just wasn't the same anymore. I can't even begin to imagine how much harder it must have been for you." Aaron gets up and motions for Addie to do the same.
"What are you doing?" Addie asks. "You haven't finished your cheesecakes."
"What do you think I'm doing?" Aaron replies, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I have a game to play." Addie just looks at him shocked. "Come on buddy. I've got you." Aaron says and then out of nowhere Addie hugs him.
After a bit, he pulls back and looks away, because he doesn't want to feel embarrassed, he thinks that was weak. My baby brother.
"Hey, come on now! I have a game to win. Don't leave me hanging like this. I need to beat you." Aaron tells him and at that Addie chuckles.
"If you think you're going to win, you have another thing coming." Addie says as they both make their way to his room, but I can still hear their voices.
"Oh and before we begin," Aaron starts saying. "I'm gonna need another one of that hug of yours. Dude you give such good hugs." And if my falling in love with him, wasn't enough the first time, I think I just fell in love with him all over again.

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