Chapter thirty-two

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"So if I'm meeting the girls today, when am I going to meet Kony and Annie?" I ask Kayla while we walk.
"Well I can tell them to meet us tomorrow. Are you free tomorrow?" She asks looking at me.
"Yeah, about tomorrow, I have to ask you something." I say and she stops.
"What? Is something wrong?" The fact that she's prepared for something wrong to happen all the time, gives me this urge to take her away and protect her forever.
"There's nothing wrong cheesecakes." I smile so she could ease up and forget she has ever experienced worry. I want that for her.
"What's up then?"
"Since I came to your house last night, my parents have told me that they would love for you to join us too. Tomorrow night. That is if you want." I would never be mad at her, or sad, if she's not ready to meet my parents. But instead she takes my breath away, like always, with the answers she gives.
"Of course I'll come. I'd like to meet your parents too. They must be amazing people to have put up with you all these years." She says teasingly and I chuckle.
"Well it doesn't matter anymore, you'll have to put up with me now." I smirk and she nods.
"Trust me I am aware." She says laughing. "Is BB going to be there? Because he told me he has his own apartment here and I want to meet him tomorrow. I miss him." Kayla says, looking up at me with puppy eyes.
"Ridiculous. Yes he'll be there." I say and she smirks.
"What's ridiculous Aaron? Jealous that I bonded with your brother quicker than I did with you?"
"What's the problem cheesecakes? Jealous that I passed your father's examination faster than you thought?" I reply back and she scoffs. Just as she's about to say something I hear a screaming coming from behind me. No not a scream, a squeal, but it can definitely be mistaken.
"Kayla! Aaaaa, I can't believe it. I missed you girl." I turn around to be met with four lovely young women.
"Oh my God! You guys have changed so much! I missed you too!" Kayla says as they all say their piece and hug. I just look at her smiling, glad to know that she has had some loyal friends with her.
"Kayla?" One of the girls says. She is the shorter one out of all of them.
"Yes Kels?" Kayla replies back. Ah this must be Kelsey.
"Who is that great-looking man behind you?" I'm honoured?
"Oh, um. That's Aaron you silly!" She says and they all look at me as if I have four legs. I just smile lightly and wave.
"It's nice to meet you all." I say, but no one responds. "I've heard a lot about you." I add, but nothing.
"That's Aaron?!" The taller one asks. Voice full of disbelief.
"Yes Serena. That's Aaron." Kayla replies back and I understand this is Serena.
"You really weren't lying about the looks." The girl with the curly big hair whispers, but loud enough for everyone to hear. I just smirk.
"What looks is she talking about cheesecakes?" I ask Kayla teasingly, but she just glares at me.
"Lena?" Kayla looks at her. And this one is Lena I presume. "Why don't we tune it down for future references?" Lena just nods, but is grinning so big, it's contagious.
"Your name really is Aaron isn't it?" The brunette girl asks, which I gather is May. She's the only one left. Unlike the others, May looks almost pained to see me. I come to understand that's because my name means something more to her than it does to the others.
"I'm afraid so." I say and she just nods, then smiles.
"Well it's nice to meet you Aaron. We've heard a lot about you too. We like you. Up until now. But we will decide later. After we've examined you." May says now, hiding away all remains of her pain.
"What is it with you people and this obsession of examining me?" I tease and they all laugh. Well I hope I pass this one too.
"There's no way she did that. Kayla hasn't done something that crazy in a long time." May says to me and I smirk.
"I'm not lying. I witnessed it with my own eyes." I tell them, but they still have a hard time believing it.
"So you're telling me," Serena starts to say. "That she just went up and talked back to the professor?"
"He's not her favourite. He's an asshole actually." I reply and Kelsey chuckles.
"And he offended Aaron." Kayla chimes in and I nod. "I wouldn't have said anything, but that was the last straw." She explains and I can feel a smile forming. She had the urge to protect me.
"What exactly did you say?" Lena asks and I grin like an idiot.
"Well I-'' Kayla starts saying, but Kelsey cuts her off.
"Let Aaron say it. He's funny. I like the way he says it." She says and and they all nod. Kayla scoffs.
"Already betrayed by my friends." She looks at me then. "Well? Would you like to do the honours?" She asks all sarcastically, but what it really does, it's just makes me grin more.
"Well he was saying something about right and wrong, and since he's not a very reliable person in this matter, I cut in and spoke my opinion." I say and they all nod, indicating for me to continue. "He said: 'In my class, you will not utter an opinion again, since you're so amend on giving it. Acting all mature, when you're all just kids. Don't sprout out more of this nonsense, otherwise I will have you escorted out!'." I say mimicking his ugly voice. "I turned to look at Kayla so we could sympathize together over our idiot of a professor, but she wasn't even looking at me. Instead she was staring straight ahead at the professor, and girls" I say with a smirk. "If looks could kill, he'd be ten feet under and tossed away without a coffin." They all laugh and I can see a ghost of a smile on Kayla's face.
"So what happened then?" Serena asks, desperate for the rest of the story.
"Then," I say with a grin as big as my face. "Kayla here replied for me. I was about to tell her not to say anything, because he's not worth it. I knew she wasn't going to leave it alone the moment I looked at her, but before I could say anything, Kayla dropped the bomb." I say and they all groan in frustration.
"Come on! Tell us!" May demands. I just laugh and then carry on.
"She said and I quote: 'Well, you're right. We should not utter opinions. We should follow your lead. Nonetheless you don't have any opinion yourself, since you repeat what the book says over and over again. So if the teacher doesn't have an opinion, why should the student? Right, professor?' And then she smiled at him, all polite. I swear I have never heard a more deaf silence than the one that fell on that class that day." I finish and the girls are laughing and shaking their heads in disbelief.
"How come you did that?!" Serena asks looking at Kayla.
"It wasn't the first time he pissed me off. I almost got suspended from his class, which would have been fine by me, but I need his class on my degree, otherwise I can't graduate after the three-year period. Luckily Professor Lynne helped me out. I think she likes me." Kayla says and I scoff.
"Likes you?! The woman loves you. She thinks you'll be the best next lawyer Boston has ever seen and I agree with her." I say and this time Kayla scoffs.
"You're overreacting." She dismisses it with a hand. I look at the girls.
"I'm really not." I say and they all nod smiling.
"We believe you." Lena says and Kayla glares at them.
"Wow, Kayla hasn't done something like that in a long time." Kelsey says taking a sip from her coffee.
"What do you mean?" I ask her, but May's the one who answers.
"Up until everything, Kayla would always talk back to bullies, specially the teacher kind. But after, she just didn't really had the energy or inspire anymore." May finishes and Serena takes over.
"Yeah, we're glad she's back now. We missed this side of her." Kayla just rolls her eyes.
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here." She says, but I can see the look in her eyes. The one that shows she feels guilty about worrying her friends.
I just look at them surprised that they brought up 'the accident' with me so soon. Lena must have noticed it, because she's the one that acknowledges it.
"We know she told you. We know she trusts you otherwise we wouldn't have brought it up." She says and I nod, thankful for explaining.
"Well guys, what do you think about bowling?" Kayla asks wanting to change the subject and the girls smile.                            
"I thought you'd never ask!" Kelsey exclaims.
I intertwine my fingers with hers as we make our way there.
Two hours later we're all exhausted and ready to go home. Kayla is standing a few feet away from me, laughing with Kelsey, Serena and Lena, when I see May approaching me.
"Hey." She says.
"Hi." I say back. I have no idea what she would want to tell me.
"Thank you." May says and I'm confused.
"Why?" She smiles and I can see tears forming in her eyes, but she looks at Kayla. Her smile grows, when she watches her laugh.
"Because I feel like you brought my best friend back." She says as a tear slips from her eye. I know May is the one who got hit the hardest out of the others. Kayla told me. "She was better one day. She was 16 and she just came one day feeling better. We all saw the change in her, but she was never really the same you know? I don't think anyone can ever be the same after what she went through. But now? Now she's almost back. I can see that she doesn't think every moment of every day about her past. And something tells me that wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you." She turns to look at me, wiping her tear away. "So thank you for that." May exhales and I feel a tighten in my chest. It can't be because of me.
"I'm sorry. I understand what Aaron might have been to you. I'm sorry you never got the chance." I say and she nods thankfully. Unable to say words.
"May girl! Kayla here told me she'll kidnap us so we won't go back to Ohio and New York. I need help!" Serena shouts and May laughs. We both make our way to them.
"Only Lena loves me. She's the only one staying in Huston." Kayla whines and at this moment she looks so adorable I want to kiss her.
"Girl you literally have left Huston yourself, for Boston." Kelsey tells her.
"I had my justified reasons. And you're not one to talk. You don't even live in America. You have left us for dear Europe. Hope England is treating you well." Kayla accuses her and I laugh.
"Cheesecakes don't be mean to your friends. They want to study too." I say, but I haven't even finished my sentence, when four different 'awww' are released beside me.
"It's even better hearing him say it." Lena says and Kayla blushes. Now that's interesting.
"Lena I swear, you have decided to air the dirty today." Kayla mumbles to her, but I'm smirking way too much. The moment Kayla sees me she huffs.
"Wipe that smirk off your face." She tells me and the turns to Lena. "No need to stroke his ego, he has plenty himself." We just laugh.
"I have to go." May mumbles quietly. "My sister comes home today." She says, but Kayla just pouts.
"Fine, but we'll go out again this week. I missed you all." She says and they're all agreeing with her.
"We really wouldn't mind if you brought your hot boyfriend again." Kelsey teases her.
"Kelsey I swear." Kayla starts saying, but Kelsey cuts her off by hugging her.
They all hug and say their goodbyes. And then the girls turn to me.
"Kayla, would you mind stepping away a bit so we can have a talk with Aaron?" Serena asks all mischievously politely.
"Absolutely not! I have not yet lost my mind." Kayla says, but they're determined.
"Kayla, it's our duty as your best friends to have a talk with the guy. Now leave." Lena says firmly and Kayla huffs looking at me, but she doesn't move.
"Cheesecakes come on. I need to pass the examination." I joke and she waits, entertaining it. Then she turns to leave.
"Fine!" And then she stops some feet away. I turn to look at the girls.
"So? Did I pass?" I ask jokingly, but none of the expressions on their faces is even remotely close to funny.
"I believe May already said her piece, but we still have to add some." Kelsey says all serious now. "Thank you a lot Aaron. You really have no idea how much this means to us, seeing her like this again. Happy." She says and I just swallow.
"Yeah. As much as she doesn't show it, she really cares for you. And you have made a big impact on her life." Lena adds.
"Yes. We'll always be grateful to you for that." Serena says, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I appreciate everything you guys just said, but I don't think it was me. She really is amazing and that's not something I had anything to do with." I clarify. I'm not the one that brought her back.
"We know. She is truly amazing. But sometimes even amazing people need to be reminded of that. Take the credit Aaron. You deserve it." May replies and then motions for Kayla to come, leaving me no room to object.
"So? Did he pass?" Kayla asks.
"Did he pass?! Girl he freaking broke the standard. You're one lucky gal." Kelsey practically shouts.
"Kelsey let's leave before she puts you six feet under." Serena whispers loudly. They're all amused now. Any remain of the conversation we just had, gone from their faces. How many times have they had to do this?
"Great choice with this one Kayl." Lena mumbles and Kayla really looks like she's going to murder them.
"Okay! Let's leave. Bye you two. Try not to give each-other heart-eyes all the time." May says as they all hurry away.
"Sometimes it's like they want to get murdered." Kayla says to me, but I just found the whole encounter amusing. She looks at me then.
"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Kayla asks accusingly.
"Hey, it's only fair after what I had to endure with Ryan." I reply and she just rolls her eyes. We both start walking.
"So dinner with your parents tomorrow." She doesn't ask. Just states it.
"How much do they know?" Worry creeps over her face.
"Not much. That's for you to decide. If you want to change that. I'll support you either way." I tell her and mean it.
"You tell them." She whispers and I stop shocked.
"I can't say it again Aaron. It's different with you. But I can't say it again. I need them to know. I want them to know, because I want them to see me. The real me. Just like you did with my parents, but I don't want to be the one to do it. So please. Tell them a short version. But just tell them. I just hope they won't treat me differently." She says and my breath is caught in my throat.
"Of course I'll tell them, if you need me to. But are you sure? Are you sure this is what you want?" I ask her staring right at her.
"Yes." She says without missing a beat. "It is."
"Okay then. Your wish is my command cheesecakes." I say and hold her hand again, making our way home. Although it already feels like I'm home.

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