Chapter twenty-seven

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"What?!" I ask. I can feel my heart beating on my throat.
"I can't believe it." Aaron mumbles under his breath. I think he's not even hearing me. "Of course. How did I not see it before?"
"Aaron. What the hell are you talking about?" I ask and he finally looks at me.
"Cheesecakes, you asked me why I chose law? Why I haven't told anyone about it? Why am I so determined and sure on my choice?" He says searching my eyes.
"Yes. I did." He looks at me. Really looks at me. He takes my hands into his and he draws circles into the back of them with his thumb. I don't think he even realizes he's doing it, it's like a reflex. Like it helps him calm down, clears his mind, sorts his thoughts. He gives me a can you believe it look and he finally answers.
"You are the reason I'm studying law Kayla. You are the reason I'm becoming a lawyer, love.
You are the reason I crave justice, I hunt it.
You are cheesecakes." I don't think I'm breathing. Or alive for that matter.
"What are you saying Aaron?" I whisper, his hands still on mine.
"Two years ago, we had a project on school. We had to discuss about a social problem, amongst our lives. I had just come back from my trip with Ryan, after I came to my senses, and I was thinking a lot about the future, about what I wanted to pursue. Doctor, medicine, was out of the picture, along with architecture. My fingers couldn't handle it. But I had a lot of other options." He takes a deep breath and continues.
"So to explain, I had a lot of motivation, a lot of determination, I just needed a purpose. I prayed for the right one and went on with my life. I took the project and started researching for anything that would fit me. Anything I found important enough to follow." He's looking at me so passionately, I don't think my heart can handle it.
"One night, I came home and heard my parents talking about something. They were discussing about some article they read on the morning's paper." He's staring into my soul now. "It was about a 15-year old girl who was raped and the rapist was founded not guilty." This can't be true. "My dad's exact words were: 'What is wrong with these people, this system? Not only do we have to get tortured and raped, but we also have to stand by and see justice destroyed. God, with what do you have to put up with.' And I was just hearing them talk back and forth and I went to check about it. I went to my room, opened up my laptop and searched for it, for you. And I found you. I tried to find as many information as possible, but the only thing was the article the newspaper had published. I was drawn to it, to its injustice. It made me angry, irritated. I wanted to find out your name, but there was nothing. No matter how much I searched. I wanted to see you, meet you. To ask you. But that also didn't look like a good idea, because why would you talk to a stranger, about something you were clearly trying to forget and move on."
"So I didn't search for your identity anymore. But I didn't let go of you either. I used your case and some others, to prove, reflect the corruption and flaws of our system. About how the world is going to flames and we're standing by, watching, adding fuel." A tear slips my eye again. "My project was a big success. Everyone loved it." He whispers.
"But I didn't feel successful, I didn't feel like I'd done something good, something different. I felt hopeless. And I wanted to change that. I imagined how awful, it must have been for you to stand there and not be able to do anything. And I wanted to change that. I wanted to help everyone that ever felt like that. Wanted to be there and show them that justice exists, its real. And is no way human." I feel like he'll say something very big now, because he comes closer and intertwines our fingers together.
"I decided who I was going to become, because I didn't want someone else to ever go through, what you went through, ever again. I wanted to find you, and help you to bring your case to light again. To help you win it. I promised myself that I would finish law school, become a good lawyer, and then I would look for you, find you and somehow convince you to take me as your attorney and hopefully find some other way to charge him with. So he could serve the sentence he was supposed to. And in case I didn't find you, I would treat all my cases fair and right, to make up for never finding you. To make up for never being able to win yours. To help you, by making sure no one else had to suffer the same way. Little did I know, that I didn't even have to try, we found each-other. God brought you to me cheesecakes. And now I will help you bring justice. Because you deserve it more, than anyone else." My heart has either stopped or is beating so fast, I can't feel it anymore. I love this man so much. I love him.
"Aaron." I whisper. "How is it possible? How do you explain this? All these coincidences? I don't believe in them. I don't believe in coincidences Aaron. What do they mean?" I ask, closing my eyes. I feel Aaron coming closer. He forehead touches mine and we're both staying like that.
"All I know cheesecakes, is that we were always supposed to find our way to each-other." He says and if I'm not careful, I'll tell him. I will and I won't even regret it. "Cheesecakes," he whispers "look at me." I can't. I don't trust myself. If I look at his eyes, his crystal blue eyes, I'll fold. "Look at me." I just shake my head. His forehead still on mine.
"Please love, look at me." It's the way he says it, with such desperation, begging, that makes me lose any self-control and open my eyes. I look at him and I think, I think I've never known love like this. The way this is. It's different from any other love I've experienced, but it's strong, passionate, consuming. Life-changing.
"I need to tell you something." He whispers. I just wait for him. I'd always wait for him. "Cheesecakes I-'' a phone ringing prevents him from whatever he was going to say. He sighs, closes his eyes, but doesn't move.
"Aaron, that's your phone. You need to get it." I say, but no reaction. The phone stops ringing and not two seconds later it rings again. "Aaron, it must be important. Please go answer it." I say and he untwines our fingers and goes to take his phone. I already miss his presence.
"It's Professor Lynne." He says. I forgot to tell Aaron. Shoot.
"Good day to you too Professor. She did? I mean yes, she did. Yeah, that's what we think. No, not Landon. Why, thank you, but it was mostly Kayla. She figured it out. Yes. Yes, everything's fine. Kayla and I just had a personal matter to attend. Thank you. Goodbye." He ends the call and looks at me.
"You sent an email to Professor Lynne last night, to explain to her about what we found?" I nod.
"Yes, sorry. I forgot to tell you. I knew yesterday, when you left, that today I was going to tell you everything, so I sent Professor Lynne an email, because as much as we needed a personal day, Landon and Emma can't be given one. I wanted to inform her, so she could keep going with the case."
"She also said, she called you, before calling me, but you wouldn't answer."
"Oh well, I put my phone on silent. I knew what day lay ahead of me, I didn't want any distractions." He looks sad. I don't understand.
"Should've done the same thing." He mumbles.
"Aaron, is everything okay?" I ask. I'm afraid, he feels differently about me now. "Did I overwhelm you? I'm so-''
"Don't you dare say sorry. You did not overwhelm me. You could never. I'm fine cheesecakes. I'm great actually, you finally opened up to me." Thank God. I was afraid I messed up. "Nothing you say, could ever overwhelm me or drive me away from you. Remember that. Okay cheesecakes?" I don't answer. I just look at him and wonder. I wonder, how is it that someone can turn you world upside down? Because he has. All my world. Because it's not my world anymore, it's his's. And that terrifies me, so much. Why? Well because, in the end is going to be harder to walk away. I don't want to walk away from him, but I will, because I love him.

We were never meant to beUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum