Chapter fifty-eight

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"What the hell do you think you're doing cheesecakes?" I ask Kayla.
"I'm going to fix this mess-up." She replies simple as that.
"And how will you be doing that? By throwing yourself at the poor guy there?"
"If I have to, then yes."
I resist the urge to shout some sense into her.
"Now while I take care of the situation there, why don't you go to the planetarium and see if everything in its place. Then wait for me at the control center. If you come with me at the reception, you will intimidate the poor dude so much, he'll probably piss himself." She says before unbuttoning the front of her shirt and messing her hair up. I'm speechless as she goes to the guy she spoke on the phone and somehow getting him to show her the books.
I have to get out of here before I murder the guy with the way he's ogling Kayla's chest.
Once I'm inside the room we have reserved for the two love birds, I quickly make a sweep scan of all things and check to see if they're in their places.
Everything seems to be fine so far. Thankfully they hadn't yet touched the room due to the mix-up.
After making sure all things are ready to go, I climb up to the control center and sit on one of the two chairs there, trying not to think about Kayla and what on earth she's doing with that dude. I trust Kayla, even though my murder instinct awakes each time she's near a guy. I know she's a responsible woman and won't take stupid decision, so I set all doubts aside.
I put my legs up and rest them on the console center. I sit there and think how Ryan must feel now. Sure he's freaking the hell out, but I know he's unexplainably excited. Why wouldn't he? He's about to be the happiest man ever.
I'm so glad Kony's becoming my sister-in-law. To me she always was, but it's nice for the world to finally know it too.
Kayla has been over the moon since she found out. Jumping up and down like a little kid, shouting in excitement every time she remembered. Except today, which I can't really blame her. Who idiot puts you on hold 24 times? That's crazy.
A buzz on my left pocket tells me someone just texted me. I check my phone and three texts from Ryan await me alright.
'Hey Little Shit! We'll be at the planetarium in an hour. DO NOT BE NOWHERE NEAR THE PLACE! You can't spoil the surprise!! I'll text u 30 mins be4 the BIG MOMENT!!! You guys know ur job so pls don't mess this up. You know how important this is to me.'
'Thank u for everything though. Couldn't have done it without u guys! See u in a bit:)'
'Btw, so happy for u and K dude!! It was about time!'
At the last text the smile that had formed on my face vanishes. God I hate when we have to pretend for our relationship. Not because I mind doing that, but because I'd rather it'd be true. I feel like I pretend every day with Kayla. I have to act like I'm not fucking crazy for her. Like she isn't the one I would quite literally die for.
God I hope Kayla is able to fix this mess, otherwise Ryan would be crushed. I don't know if I can tell him on the same day that he can't propose to Kony and that Kayla and I aren't actually together.
This whole plan is perfect. I'd hate to see it ruin. Ryan thought of the best proposal for Kony, down to the very small details.
He will bring her here to show her constellations and galaxies, her favourite being the Andromeda Galaxy, or else known as the Andromeda Nebula. She loves it. Then he'll show her how he named a star after her and then when she's too caught up on everything, he'll pop the big question, while Kayla and I put on some effects up here at the control center, to make it more memorable. I just hope Kayla will come running with good n-
"Take your feet off the console sweetie and wipe that worried look of your face. It's not needed." Kayla's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I pull my feet away and rotate on my chair facing her.
"I see you're still on your seductive mode." I say eyeing her open shirt.
"When aren't I?" She teases.
"With that face and body? Good point." I reply stretching out my hands and reaching for her waist. Then drag her small figure towards me capturing her between my legs, while I'm still seated at the rotating chair.
"So don't you wanna hear how amazing your gir-uh frienddd is?" Kayla asks flushed. She always gets so flustered when we're in closed proximity.
"I do want to hear how amazing my gir-friend is." I tease and she smacks my arm, while I want to smack my lips against hers and kiss away the word friend I've come to despise.
"We got the room. All night. Ours." She says smugly.
"No way. Are you serious right now?"
"Yess! I would never lie about this."
"Jeez. Men are disgusting. He gave you all the information and fixed the mix-up, just because you- what did you do?" I ask concerned now.
"Nothing big. I just helped him put the 'important' person in another room, which was just some random rich guy by the way, and then thanked him for his 'wonderful help', after I made sure that no one was going to take our room again." I eye her sceptically. "I'm serious! I just was more polite than at the phone and might have used my um other voice, when I talked to him. And might have been more clingy." She adds in the end and I narrow my eyes at her. "Hey at least we have the room now!"
"So good thing I wasn't there to witness anything."
"Very good. Guys are idiots. Why on earth would you give me your information just because I told you I'd call you." Kayla wonders out loud. I tighten my hold on her waist.
"You did what?"
"Oh stop being like an overprotective dog! It's not like I'm actually going to call him. I threw the number card on my way here." She sighs then looks at my pouting lips. "If it makes you feel better, I didn't enjoy any of that. You know how much I hate these stuff and the reasons why I feel so uncomfortable doing them." I nod bringing her closer. Her breath gets caught.
"So everything in it's place?" She asks breathless.
"Yep. We're good to go." I reply drawing lazy strokes with my thumb on her waist.
"Then let's get out of here before Kony and Ryan appear." She says stepping out of my embrace and leaving the control center. What she actually means is 'let's get out of here before we do something I'll regret later'.
"When is he going to do it? We've been waiting for 15 minutes already. Do you think he's getting cold feet?" Kayla whisper-screams at me from her seat on the chair.
Half an hour ago Ryan texted us to get here and then we arrived 15 minutes ago. I texted him that we're on stand by, ready for his signal, but he has neither answered me nor signaled anything for that matter.
Now we're waiting at the control center where we're supposed to.
We can see them, but they can't see us.
"No I don't think so." I reply to Kayla's earlier question. "And why are you whispering? They can't hear us here." I ask her.
"I know. It's just very weird to speak loud in a place where you're hiding." She says and I smile to myself. Another one of her weird thoughts I've come to love.
"You know we can open the microphone and hear what they're saying?" I inform her.
"Really?! Does this mean they can hear us too?"
"Not if we don't want to." I say scanning the console.
"Do you know how to do that?" She comes closer to watch me.
"I believe so." I say before pressing the right buttons. Sound fills the room and Kayla and I break in a matching grin.
"I can't believe you did all this." Kony's voice echoes through the room. "No one has ever done something like this for me. I don't know how to thank you you." They're slow-dancing in the room, while the constellations are surrounding them everywhere.
"I have some ideas in mind." Ryan replies. Both Kayla and I gag.
"If the conversation keeps taking this direction, imma mute it again." I say to Kayla.
"If you don't I'll do it myself." She replies.
"You're an idiot." Kony laughs at him.
"So you like it?" Ryan says.
"Like it? I love it! I have no words to describe what I'm feeling."
"This reminds me of the day we spied on them on the beach." Kayla whispers besides me.
"I know. Me too." I whisper back. Then I put an arm over her shoulder and bring her closer to me. She rests her head on my chest getting comfortable. "Back then they were talking if there even was an 'us' and now he's about to propose to her."
"I know right? Look how far they've come." She says clinging to me. The chattering of Ryan and Kony barely audible in the background now.
"Except for us. We keep stumbling on the same place." I say and she stiffens. I thought she wasn't going to say anything, but she surprises me by quietly mumbling.
"I don't have a choice baby."
I grunt in response.
"You do have a choice. You have a choice to be with me, but you don't want to. And that kills me every day I breathe." I mute Ryan and Kony. I don't want to hear what they're saying anymore.
"I do want to. I just can't." She whispers sniffing. If she's crying, I'll fucking lose it. I hate it when she cries. She should be only smiling for the rest of her life.
"Don't you understand? I will never be with anyone else. I will never want anyone else. Not with you around me all the time. I love you baby. I love you so damn much. I can't even look at another girl without comparing her to you. And in the end, no one fucking wins. You're unreachable. This stupid idea of yours that I'll move on and find someone else is bullshit. Because I won't. I can't. Not when I have you." I expect her to fight me or scream at me. But she just whispers.
"You're right. You will not be able to move on with me around you."
Before I can ask her what she means by that, Ryan looks in our direction and gives us the signal. Kayla is out of her chair instantly.
"Shit! We gotta move." I mutter. "It's time." I put the mic back on and then start on the lightning and projector, while Kayla takes care of the music.
"Hey I think I dropped my house key somewhere here. Can you help me search for it?" Ryan's voice booms through the room.
"Yes. But honestly baby, only you would drop stuff somewhere where it's so dark, you can barely see anything except the stars." Kony says while bending down to search for 'the lost keys'.
I see Ryan pulling out a box so I take that as my cue to change the lightning, while Kayla is seconds away from blasting the song.
"Wow why is it suddenly so bright? Baby?"
Ryan gets on his knees quickly and opens the little box, before Kony has a chance to turn around. At that, Kayla starts the song making Kony turn to Ryan. The moment Kony faces him, I start the projector full show.
'WILL YOU MARRY ME?' Is standing high and mighty on each and everyone of the walls surrounding them. Now instead of only constellations and galaxies, there is the big question plastered on every one of them. The letters are formed with little shining stars. The algorithms took Ryan and me two whole weeks to build.
"Wh-what is this?" Kony asks. Even from up here you can see how much she's shaking.
"My Konyushka." He starts and then silence, he doesn't say anything.
"What is he doing?" Kayla is freaking out beside me. "The song will end."
"Well just roll it again." I say. "He probably freaked out and forgot all the words."
"I freaked out and now I don't remember any of the words I practiced, so please bear with me baby." Ryan says just that. "I don't know what else to say except that I love you. I love you so damn much that I'd do anything for you. Every stupid weird thing. I would even stop being dramatic for you." Kayla gasps beside me. "But I know you wouldn't ask that of me. Because I know you love me too. I mean of course. With my looks no one would be able to resist anyway." That's the jokes when he's nervous talking. But Kony laughs nonetheless. Well at least I hope she did. With all those tears running from her eyes I can barely tell. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you Konyushka. I want to go through everything together. The good, the bad, the crazy, the love, the idiots we have as siblings, whom are together now by the way, but we'll talk about it later."
"Well there's that." I mutter.
"Really?" Kony asks hopeful.
"Yes! But back to us. I want to do everything with you. And if that makes me a clingy ass who can't do without his wife then so be it. Married life is underrated anyway." We all chuckle at that. "The first moment I saw you, I knew it inside me that I was going to do everything possible to make you mine and I didn't stop, not once."
"I don't deserve you my love. I'm in too deep with you and too selfish to let you go. So will you do something very important for me please?" He waits for Kony.
"What?" She says between tears and gasps of happy cries.
"Will you shut me up by marrying me? Because if you don't I'm pretty sure I'll start blabbering like an idiot and won't stop. Marry me. Marry me and make me the happiest guy in the world. Marry me and end my misery."
Kony wastes no time on closing the distance between them. I'm pretty sure she completely forgot about the ring.
"Yes." That was barely audible by all the kisses and cries between them. "Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" Ryan kisses her back with same passion.
"Better stop with the kisses." Ryan mumbles against her lips. "We have an audience and I know you're not into PDA." Kony widens her eyes a bit, but stops anyway.
Ryan then rises and slips the shining ring from the little velvet box on Kony's finger.
"I love it." She says. "I love you." And then kisses him again before they both pull back. That's our cue to close everything shut now and get down to them.
One look at Kayla shows me she's barely drying all her happy tears.
The minute we step out of the room, Kony's head snaps towards us. She and Kayla are running to get to each-other like someone will kill them if they don't.
"Congratulations! Oh my God! I can't believe it!! You're engaged." Kayla throws herself at Kony's arms.
"I know! I know! I'm so happy! Thank you for everything!"
"Let me see the ring!" Kayla shouts. "The prick wouldn't let anyone see it. You had to be the first."
I let the girls gush over the ring and their excitement and go join my brother.
"Congratulations man! I'm happy for you." I say giving him a hug. He hugs me right back holding me tightly.
"Thanks man. For everything." He mumbles and I see his eyes almost watering, but he blinks them away immediately.
"It was nothing man. You deserve to be happy. Both of you." I say pulling back.
The girls finally join us and as Kayla runs to hug Ryan, I go to hug Kony.
"BB!! Congratulations!" Kayla's voice echoes behind me.
Kony laughs loudly. "I haven't seen her this jumpy since forever." She says and I laugh too before approaching her.
"Congratulations Kon." I hug her close as she holds me back.
"Thanks A. Really. Thank you so much for everything. You have no idea how glad I am that you never stopped bugging Kayla until she relented." She says pulling back to look me in the eyes. "I'm not saying it only for me, but for her more. Things would've turned out very differently if it weren't for you. I love you and your stubborn head for that." Kony says taking my hand in her and squeezing it tightly. I squeeze hers right back.
As we go to join both our dramatic halves, I sent a quick text to ma and then forward it to everyone else waiting for the news.
'She said yes.' Immediately a thousand messages ping my phone, but I close it and return to Kayla's side.
Ryan goes to Kony and pulls her besides him, while they both turn to us.
"So? Did I hear about the impossible finally turning possible? Are you guys at last together?" Kony question Kayla and I. Both her and Ryan eager for an answer.
Kayla and I share a look before:
"Yeah, about that..."

We were never meant to beKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat