Chapter nineteen

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"I'm going to miss you so much BB." I say as I hug Ryan. We're at the airport Ryan, Aaron and me. I really wanted to see Ryan before he left. He wanted the same thing, because he said and I quote: "You have to come my dearest K. Otherwise I don't think I'll get on that flying moving vehicle, without you standing at the gate, waving me farewell." And so now here I am. Aaron told me the time and I met them both here not 10 minutes ago.
"Not the way I'll miss you K." He hugs me back. "I had so much fun these 4 days. I really did enjoy meeting you. You are something else. My brother, he's right. I'm glad he met you. He may have taken an eternity to choose the lo-'' Ryan starts saying, but Aaron cuts him off. They've done that a lot these days. Ryan starts saying something and Aaron cuts him off, almost always.
"Okay, enough with your dramatics." Aaron says and gives him a look, I do not understand. Probably brothers stuff.
"The one time I'm serious." Ryan mumbles.
"Well I'm sorry Aaron interrupted you," I say giving Aaron a look that said leave him alone and got an eye roll in response. "But I also had a lot of fun these days. I'm glad Aaron and I met too." I say and look at Aaron, who's already looking at me with an intensity I don't think I can handle. So I do what I do best now, I say something to keep me from thinking about it and him to stop doing whatever it is that he's doing.
"Because then I wouldn't have met my BB!" I exclaim and Aaron pouts. He makes such a stupidly cute face I want to grab his face and kiss him. Whoa there, let's slow down a bit, shall we? Thankfully Ryan says something, preventing me from doing just that.
"Don't cry Aaron. I'm sure she means only 99.9% of it, the 0.1% is still yours." I laugh and join.
"Yeah I would never do such a horrible despicable thing as to take that 0.1% away from you. I'm not a monster." I say and Ryan high-fives me.
"This is the last call for all passengers to gate 10B, from Boston, Massachusetts to Huston, Texas."
"Well I guess, I better get going. My pirates are calling, the ship can't leave without me. I'm the Captain after all." Ryan says and both me and Aaron chuckle. "Come here little bro." Ryan whispers and Aaron goes in for the hug. My eyes get watery. I know what it's like to say goodbye to family. It never gets easier. "I'll miss you little shit." Ryan says to him while they're still hugging.
"I'll miss you too dumbass. Even though you spent you whole days with cheesecakes and you both barely acknowledged me." Aaron says, but he's smiling wide.
"Well I had to bond with my sister in-'' Ryan says something, but I can't hear it, because he whispers it to Aaron. Probably him saying little sister. Or maybe something else they didn't want me to hear, so in case it's the latter, I step further away to give them some privacy. They mumble some more words, Aaron laughs a bit and then I hear Ryan.
"You'll be fine. You always have." And Aaron nods. I wonder what that means.
After their hug I go to stand with Aaron as Ryan prepares to leave.
"So long my loyal friends, a new journey I'll begin." He turns to me. "K, be strong, good and please woman give him some more attention." Ryan says, I laugh and Aaron grunts. He then turns to Aaron. "Little shit, don't do anything stupid 'till I get back."
"How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Aaron finishes and I stand there with my mouth open.
"You guys like Marvel?!" I ask and they both look at me.
"We love Marvel." They both say in union.
"I love Marvel too." I say. They just look at me, none of them saying anything.
"Two words for you Aaron: Great choice." Ryan says, but I don't get it. Great choice in watching Marvel?
"Okay I really gotta go now. K, Little shit..." He says and I'm waiting for something. What is he gonna say? And then "Bye." And with that he heads to the gate.
"He really is something else isn't he?" I ask Aaron who's standing beside me, watching his brother leave.
"You have no idea." He whispers.
"I should probably get a taxi. It's getting late and it'll take too long with a bus." I say once we're outside the airport.
"No way I'm letting you leave alone now." Aaron says and I glance at the time.
"It's not even 10." I say. "I'll be fine." Though with what I've seen, I probably should be more careful.
"No words about it cheesecakes. You're coming with me." He says and I'm confused.
"I'm coming with you where exactly? It's not like you have a car." I say and he grins.
"You're right. I do not have a car." He says heading to the parking directions. "But I have a motorcycle."

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