Chapter thirty-three

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As soon as I ring the doorbell, any courage I had built up until now leaves my body. I have this. I always have this. This feeling, this dread, every time I meet someone. I have to put on this armour, this wall to separate me from others. I have to be on constant alert, to not flinch when people get too close, to hide my eyes, because eyes always tell the truth and I feel like you can read my whole story once you look at me. And I can't have that. I can't have people knowing, because they start treating you differently once they know. They look at you with pity, like you're a poor broken girl who couldn't do anything for herself. And they're wrong. Because I'm not broken. I got up, after everything, I woke up in the morning. I was never alone and I never will be. Even if everyone leaves me, I'll never be alone. Because I have my God, who never left me. Who was there, when no one else was. Who led me through the light, gave me a purpose. 
But I get this pit at my stomach, when I hear Aaron's footsteps nearing the door, because I won't meet just anyone. I'll meet his parents for the first time and not only that, but the fact that they know everything, doesn't help at all.
I know I made the right decision asking Aaron to tell them. Because these people will become a big part of my life right now and I need them to know the real me. If they're going to accept me, I want them to accept me for who I am. Just like Aaron did with my parents. I also need to know if I can accept them too. As much as I love Aaron, I will not associate myself with people who underestimate me. I know Aaron wouldn't want me to, which is another downside to this whole story, because I would never want to break apart someone from their family, least of all Aaron. But something tells me that's not going to happen, because I see who Aaron is and parents have a big part on who we become on our lives, even if it happens unknowingly. So when Aaron opens the door I take a deep breath and plaster on the biggest smile on my face.
"Cheesecakes. You're here." Aaron says and the way his face transforms, when he takes me in, makes me forget all my worries for a second and get lost on him and just him.
"I brought my mom's homemade cheesecakes." I say holding up the box of cheesecakes.
"Aaron dear, why are you keeping the sweet girl over there. She must be freezing." Aaron's mom says behind him and I just chuckle.
"I think he's having a shock, because I brought cheesecakes." I tell her and she laughs, finally coming into view. Wow, she is one beautiful woman. I think I get it now, where Aaron takes his looks.
"Well that explains it." She says brushing past Aaron. "It's very nice to meet you Kayla. We've heard wonderful things about you." She extends her arms and pulls me into a hug with the sweetest motherly smile on her face. She smells like cookies and home.
"It's very nice to meet you too Ms's Andrews." I say hugging her back.
"Oh please, call me Hannah." She tells me pulling back. I can see Aaron smiling with the corner of my eye. "Aaron put the box in the fridge." She takes the box from my hands and gives it to Aaron. "And do not eat anything while you take it there." Hannah shouts after him and I chuckle. She looks at me smiling and welcoming me inside. "One needs to cover all bases, when it comes to Aaron and cheesecakes." She whispers to me as I head inside.
The first thing I see is how cozy their house is. Warm, welcoming, smells like Christmas. I believe that every house reflects what kind of person you are. And if that's the case then they are my kind of people. I smile to myself.
"Where is she?! Where is K?!" Ryan shouts so loud, I can't stop myself from laughing.
"BB! I'm here!" I say smiling so much my cheeks are hurting. I hear Hannah behind me asking Aaron.
"BB?" Aaron just sighs and answers his mom.
"Don't ask." After a beat he whispers. "Big brother."
Finally Ryan comes into view and runs toward me. He picks me and hugs me.
"I missed you so much K." He whispers on my hair. "No one gets me I swear. I'll come live in Boston again." I just laugh and hug him back.
"I missed you too. Your boring brother doesn't get my 'drama queen' act. Not like you do." I say and Ryan laughs now putting me down. I can hear Aaron's disapproving grunt behind me.
"How have you been K?" Ryan asks me and I realize this is the first time we're seeing each-other after Aaron has told him my past. But I don't see any differences in his behaviour. None at all. I sigh in relief.
"Good. Glad to be home for Christmas. How have you been BB? Still busy at Black&Co?" I ask and he nods pouting.
"We really should have sent Aaron to do my job. It would have been the best outcome for everyone." Ryan says while I chuckle. I'm about to reply with a sarcastic comment, when I hear footsteps behind Ryan. This must be their dad.
"Ryan stop hovering the girl, Aaron is shooting daggers at you." The first instinct I have is to laugh and look back at Aaron, but Mr. Andrews voice is oddly familiar. Where have I heard it before? "And for Pete's sake son, step aside so we can all meet her. She must think we're rude and I wouldn't blame her." He says and I'm about to object, that is no problem at all, but when Ryan steps aside and his dad comes into view, everything ceases to exist. It can't be.
All the colour on my face drained. I'm probably so pale I look like a ghost. This has got to be a joke.
I think his father is saying something, but I can't hear the words. I can't hear anything. I think he's saying something like its and nice and to and meet and you and Kayla, but I don't think I can reply. I actually think I'm going to faint. I'm probably shaking. I hear more voices now and I hear him ask something about me being okay, but I can't make out words yet. I need to recover, fast.
I think I just fell. No I didn't. Aaron came behind me. He steadied me, caught me. I'm okay.
"Wow cheesecakes. What's wrong? Are you okay?" He whispers in my ear and I'm back. I'm seeing again, I'm hearing again. His voice helped me. He's here with me.
"I'm fine." I say, but I'm not looking at Aaron or Ryan when I say this. I'm only looking at Mr.Andrews, who seems to be very confused on what's happening. Well that makes two of us buddy. "Aaron. I've met your dad before." I say and everyone stops breathing. Stops thinking. It's like I can hear their minds going quiet.
"I'm so sorry dear. I'm confused. Where have I met you before?" He asks and I can feel the smile that forms on my face. His voice is so soothing, so fatherly. Just like then. I think that's why I've always liked Aaron's voice, especially because it reminded me of another one, another voice who helped me, saved me.
"You're the man I met on the beach, two years ago. You're the man who wouldn't leave me there alone. Mr.Andrews, you're the man on the bench who saved my life." As soon as I finish my sentence, I leave Aaron's embrace and go to hug Mr.Andrews.
"Thank you so much sir. I've always wanted to thank you. But I never knew who you were, I never knew how to find you. And now here you are. Aaron's dad. I promised myself that if I ever saw you again, I would say how thankful I am and how much it meant to me what you did. If you would have left, I wouldn't have been here today. Thank you for hearing God's voice. Thank you for not leaving." I say all of this while hugging him and crying. Mr.Andrews hugs me back.
"It wasn't me dear. It was Him." He says quietly with that voice I've come to know so well. The voice I've replayed a million times on my mind. "And please call me Oscar."

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