Chapter twelve

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"So how exactly did she ask you?" I ask her while we're both walking home. My arm is still on her shoulders, tucking her closer to me.
"Oh um, she just asked me why I know so much and why I chose law." She says and I feel like she's keeping something from me.
"So why did you choose law?" I ask and she stiffens.
"Well, it's a long story."
"Can't be that long, since you told Professor Lynne."
"I didn't tell her details, just the short version of the truth, and when I tell you, I don't want you to hear the short version." She says and I understand. She's not ready yet. We're not there yet. She's not there yet.
"Okay. Fair enough. You don't trust me yet. I'll wait."
"Aaron, no. It's not that I don't tru-'' She says, but I cut her off.
"Hey, it's okay, even if you don't. This is the second week we've known each-other. I don't expect you to spill your deepest darkest secrets to me." I wink at her and she chuckles. "I'm patient love, no worries."
"You are, but you're also restless, determined and stubborn."
"Only for you, blondie. Only for you."
"Ohooo lover boy's here!" Cory shouts as he sees me making my way to them. We decided to get together. Me, Cory and Nate. Only Ryan's missing.
"What do you mean?" Nate asks him as I sit down with them.
"Aaron here, has set eyes on dear Kayla. He's so whipped." I glare at him.
"No way. Dude is this for real?" Nate laughs and looks at me, waiting for an answer. I sigh.
"Yeah, it's true. She's just amazing. No, amazing is not the right word. She's like...she's just..."
"Bro you got it baaad!" Nate keeps laughing."Where's all this coming from?"
"I just, I don't know, really. I saw her on class last Monday and I just knew. She is the one." They both stare at me as if I'm growing legs out of my head.
"So what, you're in love with her? Already?" Cory asks, very serious all of the sudden.
"I'm not yet. But I am falling. I can see myself falling hard in the near future. I already know I will love the shit out of her. Everything, very soon, very fast and I can't seem to find a problem with that. Can't seem to regret it. I just know it in my heart that it's right. It's like she is made for me. I don't know why God put her on my life now. I mean she's lived all her life in Huston. He could have put her before, later. I don't know why now, but I think it has to do with her. My life's been mostly perfect, whereas her's, I'm not so sure. I see it in the way she closes off, the way she stiffens, when someone comes too close or when I got too close to her the first time, when I mentioned my name. There is something there, but she won't say and I'll wait. I'll wait as long as it takes for her. I mean that. She's lost in her mind a lot of times, but she is so smart, so bright. She's like this mystery, waiting for me to solve, like a puzzle. And I can't wait to find each piece and place it in the right one. Admiring each part for what it is, because if a piece of her is this wonderful, imagine what the whole picture is like. Imagine what it looks like, when you have the whole figure in front of your eyes. She will be unimaginable.
I know she's been through a lot, I just know it and yet she stands and smiles, like any of us deserve her smile. She has so much faith. And I can't wait for this experience. I can't wait to live my  life with her in it." I finish and to say they're speechless is to lie. 'Cause I don't think they're even moving or breathing? Cory's the one to break the spell.
"I'm happy for you man. I really am. I just hope you're not going to forget who you are in the process. I hope you won't lose in this idea of her, while she rejects you. You do tend not to take no for an answer. I've experienced it first hand. But if you take the steps carefully and thought through, I trust you. I know you won't screw it up. I just don't want you to get hurt. None of us do, but if you know what you're doing then we definitely support you. We do like Kayla so far, we'll see more of her this Saturday." He says and smiles. I love my best friend. He knows that. He just doesn't know what he's talking about, but I know it comes from the good of his heart, that he worries, so I just have to ease their worries.
"Thanks for the advice man, but I'm okay. I never forget the purpose, I know what I'm doing. No need for you guys to lose sleep over this." I'm losing plenty of my own.
"No one's losing any sleep, but you're definitely losing some calories with all this Kayla thoughts on your head." Nate winks and I shoot him a glare.
"Don't talk about her like that, or I will seriously beat the shit out of you." I say and they laugh.
"Ease up man, we're just messing. You are in too deep to get it. Kayla's great." Nate says while Cory nods.
"Damn right she is. And stop acting like I haven't seen how you check out Ella." I say and Nate straightens up. Cory laughs and I look at him. "Or you Lizzie." I say and he gets serious and clears his throat.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Oh bullshit, you have crushes, just like me and if you don't want me grilling you about them, I suggest you both shut up." I say and they look like they want to kill me.
"Mood killer." Cory whispers.
"Now what was that new offer you got from school?" I ask Nate and the topic finally changes. I'll lose my mind one day.

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