Chapter fifty-two

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I cannot believe I just did that.
What the fuck was I thinking?
She's already under a lot of stress, I didn't need to add to that.
What the hell is wrong with me?
"Those are all good questions that need answering." Naomi says to me. Amusement is plastered all over her face.
"What?" I ask confused.
"Yeah no, I'm not helping you answer those questions, you have to do that yourself." She replies satisfied. Only then do I realize, I must have voiced all the thoughts brewing inside my head. Great, now I don't even have control over my own damn mind. Is there anything else I will be losing control of lately? Because my hands already have a mind of their own by pulling Kayla towards me like that and kissing her.
But God did it feel good. It felt right. It felt like I was coming home after running around all the time. Can't she see that? Can't she feel that? Doesn't she feel the same?
I run a hand through my dark hair frustrated at this situation, frustrated at myself for letting it go there. Of course I decided to take a step forward, but not like this, not rushing it. Everything is still so fragile, every little look, touch, word, is under a magnifying glass being inspected. I can't ruin this, I won't.
I think Naomi's talking, but I'm fussing too much over my actions to actually hear her.
A scientific research states that 90% of people are emotion. Now imagine someone's reaction after a unexpected event. It might lead to a higher percentage of emotions. And emotions, feelings, they mess you up, rush you to make hasty decisions, which lead to hasty actions, which lead to catastrophic consequences, like Kayla leaving and we don't want that. God, just the thought of it threatens to bring me to my knees, makes my throat close in leaving me breathless.
The percentage of someone leaving you after you've done something to them is somewhere to 49-51%, which means th-
Nope, I need to fix this situation and fast. And just like Kayla has told me countless times, I can't fix feelings or relationship with science or statistics, only with communication and trust. I need to remember that more often.
But if she leaves me, who will remind me of it? This is getting out of hand. I need help.
My legs are moving before I even finish the thought. I only have time until she comes out of that room.
"Hey genius/lover boy! Where are you going?!" Naomi's voice booms out in the middle of the courtroom hallway, but my feet don't stop until I find the face I'm looking for and then I'm standing in front of her. As soon as she sees the expression in my face she practically jumps out of the chair.
"What's wrong?" Kony asks searching my face for any hints.
"I kissed Kayla." I don't waste any precious time on unnecessary details. Ryan shoots out of his chair at my words.
"You kissed K?!" He shouts loud enough for the whole world to hear.
"Keep it down will you!" I hiss at him, but it's too late. I already see Cory and Nate heading my way. Lizzie and Ella following behind. I swear under my breath.
"Am I getting old or did my ears actually picked up the words right?" Cory asks with the widest grin on his face. "You kissed Kayl?" You have got to be shitting me. Is this some kids theatre? With the way everyone is staring at me, I might just believe that.
"Are you guys out of your minds?! Leave me alone! I'm not going to discuss this with you." I dismiss all of them, but I don't think I can call it that, when five ridiculous figures are staring at me, unmoving, with big eyes and absurd smiles. Kony aside.
"But did you?" Lizzie asks. All of them are waiting for my response completely ignoring my plea.
"Oh yeah he did. I saw it with my own eyes." A voice behind the five muppet dolls confirms their so eager answer. They all turn to look at a delighted Naomi shooting me a wink the moment she spots me. I glare at her in return.
"I knew it!" Both Cory and Nate shout in unison. They let out hysterical laughs hugging each-other and jumping up and down. What the hell is going on? Kony and Naomi share a concerned look, while Lizzie and Ella just scoff.
"Girls if you may?" Cory asks in a seductive voice. Both he and Nate hold their hands up as if waiting for someone to hand them something.
Ella and Lizzie just slam a 20 dollar bill on each of their hanging hands. Okay what the actual heck is going on now?
"Natalie what is this?" Ryan asks Nate.
"Oh nothing. Just a bet we had going on." He replies.
"What bet?" I ask this time.
"About you and Kayl." Cory says satisfied with his 20.
"Explain Cornellia." Ryan again. Clearly. But Cory doesn't utter a word. "Come on!" Ryan whines. I cannot deal with the drama queen act, not today. Cory opens his mouth to explain, but Nate elbows him lightly shutting him up.
"Dude no! He'll rip us to shreds." He whispers not so quietly. Something tells me they mean me.
"I won't rip you to shreds!" Ryan says gasping.
"Not you Reyna!" Cory shouts. "Him!" He points at me. I just shoot daggers at them with my eyes.
Seeing as neither Cory or Nate will answer, Ryan turns to Lizzie.
"Elizabeth The Queen, Your Majesty would you honour us with a clarification." I roll my eyes at his usage of words.
"Seeing that Aaron has been like a love-sick puppy ever since this trial started, the four of us," Lizzie gestures between them. "made a bet, a week ago."
"Don't be ridiculous. That's not true." Ryan cuts Lizzie off. I nod eagerly. Finally he's coming to his senses. "Aaron has been like a love-sick puppy ever since he saw Kayla." Naomi snorts at that. I give up with these people. Just when I thought my brother would be mature for once.
"That is right." Laughs Ella.
"Shhh!! Don't interrupt Ellastica." Ryan scolds her as if he didn't just interrupt Lizzie himself. Ella just throws up her hands in frustration.
"Anyway," Lizzie continues. "point being, Nate and Cory were certain without a doubt that Aaron here would make a move on Kayla, probably kiss her, by the end of the week. While Ella and I thought that he'd do it later. Like a month or so. In the end they obviously won." Lizzie motions to Nate and Cory. The idiots high-five each-other at that.
"I find it so entertaining that none of them doubted you would do something in the first place." Naomi speaks.
"Oh yeah there was no hesitation."
"Not one no."
"Yeah no way." All of them mumble in agreement.
"I cannot believe this!" Ryan blasts at them. They all face him.
"Me neither." I say behind him.
"How could you bet on your own friend?" Ryan goes on.
"Exactly." I leave no room for disagreement.
"While he's having a hard time no less?!" He continues.
"No less." I mutter.
"And behind his back for a whole week?!" Ryan scoffs in disbelief.
"Seven whole days." I mumble, the anger evident.
"And did not think to include me on it?! How could you do that?!" He ends it with a high-pitched voice.
"Yeah, how could y-, wait what?!" I snap my head so fast at him, my neck cracks.
"What?!" He looks at me like I'm the ludicrous one. "I could have won 20 dollars." Kony hits his arm. "OW!" Ryan exaggerates his pain holding his arm like Kony stabbed it. "Woman why would you do that?!" I close my eyes so I don't close my fist in anyone's face.
A loud cracking laugh pulls everyone's attention. Naomi is laughing so much her face has turned red and tears are rolling down her cheeks. She gasps for air holding her tummy.
"This is fantastic!" She wheezes. "Do you guys just practice lines like this at home before you go out?!" I don't have time for this. "It's like watching a real life comedy!" She can't stop her hysterics. "How was that even not orchestrated?!" She swipes off her many tears. "God, I haven't laughed like this in years!"
That comment tugs at my heart, making some of my anger disappear. Who knows what more has Naomi been through? She needs this.
"Wow we need to do this more often! This was something else." She follows it with another laugh. At that they all start laughing and talking, creating a disarray of noises.
"As much as I hate to interrupt this special bonding moment, some of us are in need of help." I say voice filled with sarcasm.
"YES! Of course we'll help you Little Shit!" Ryan's voice booms.
"I actually just need my sister-in-law. Not anyone else." It's the first time I call Kony that and she blushes slightly. Well it's about time, she's been on my side for years now. She's practically a sister.
"As much as I love the-shit-out-of-you right now for saying that, we will all help." Ryan states firmly. Kony blushes even further. "We all love you and Kayla and we want you guys to be happy, despite certain circumstances. So like it or not we'll help." I open my mouth to protest, but Ryan beats me to it. "For Kayla more than you." He adds. I slap my mouth shut. He knew the exact words to convince me.
"Fine." I say resigned. They all cheer in sweet victory. I'll never tell them, but this means the world to me. Them helping us in a difficult situation, being here for us. I'll always be grateful and can always hope to repay them somehow one day.
"Well then, let's get you two lovebirds together." Kony smiles at me.
"Aaron!" I hear Kayla's voice calling me. Shit! She can't know about this.
"She's coming! Everyone act natural!" Ryan whispers loudly. We all fix our face expressions and start a random conversation like that's what we've been really doing for the last thirty minutes.
Kayla's steps get closer and closer until she's standing in front of us.
"Hey guys. What's up?" Kayla asks in her usual soft tone.
"Nothin' much. Why? What did you think we were doing? It's not like we're hiding something from you. Why would you even think that? That's crazy!" Ryan says in one breath. I mentally face-palm myself. Ryan can't lie for shit. He gets so stressed out, most times it's funny. Now it's just fatal. We all act like we don't know what he's talking about.
"I only asked what's up..." Kayla mumbles confused.
"UP?! Nothing's up! Only skies and clouds you silly! Probably some birds too." This is excruciating to watch.
"Please someone make him stop." Naomi pleads. If someone doesn't interfere, he really will mess this up.
"BB are you keeping something from me?" Kayla questions. Ryan's face goes through five stages of grief in ten seconds. And then he just grabs Kony by her arms and kisses her so he won't have to answer Kayla.
"Well that's one way to stop him." Naomi comments.
"I guess it runs in the family to kiss like that." Kayla taunts. She looks straight at me when she says that. Everyone tries to hide their smile, while I swallow the guilt that cripples in me.
We have a plan.
"Hey cheesecakes. How did it go?" I ask nearing her and trying to distract her from the mess of a situation Ryan caused.
"Good, I uh hope at least. Can we um, can we talk in private please?" She says out of nowhere knocking out the breath in my lungs.
"Sure yeah." I try not to show my distress.
"Ooooo, lover/genius boy is in troublee!" Cory sings. I shoot him a glare that shuts him up instantly. Then I follow Kayla to a small room.
Once I close the door behind me she turns to look at me and the pain in her face is evident.
"Did you mean it or it was really just a distraction?" She asks immediately pain coating her voice.
I stare at her. I stare at the love of my life and think, why is she doing this to herself, to me, to us? Why isn't she fighting for us like I am?
"What do you want it to be?" My voice barely audible.
"No don't do that. Don't ask me that. This is not about what I want." She replies back.
"What you want is all that matters." I say getting angry.
"What I want is irrelevant."
"The hell it is."
"No don't Aaron me. I've watched you go through hell, I've watched you suffer again and again, only for it not to matter in the end. Because you don't let yourself be happy. I don't think I'm okay with that Kayla. I love you too damn much to stand by and do nothing while you deny yourself the happiness you deserve. I'm done doing that." She freezes in her spot.
"What does that mean?" She asks in a wary voice, like she's afraid to learn the answer.
"You'll see." Before she has a chance to say something else, a knock at the door interrupts us.
"Miss Everson? You're in there?" Huntley's voice beams on the other side of the door. Kayla goes to open it.
"What is the matter?" She asks once we come to face with Huntley.
"Mr. Baldwin left me with the task to inform you." We wait for him to complete his task. What a ridiculous choice of words! Where are we at Downtown Abbey? I think Baldwin is rubbing off on him. "The Dawsons came to a decision. They will be not accepting the deal from the defense."
"What? I thought they'd take time to think about it?" Kayla asks shocked.
"They didn't. Whatever you discussed with them, it succeeded. They'll be waiting for the verdict." Huntley explains. I haven't even processed the information, when I hear Kayla letting out a breath of relief and throwing her arms on me. I waste no time on wrapping my arms around her, holding her tight against me.
"My congratulations Miss." Huntley says from his spot on the doorway. He's still here?
"Thank you sir." Kayla replies, but her eyes are shut closed and her arms still clinging to me.
"I'll leave you both to it." He says before scooting away. About time.
"I can't believe it!" She shouts excited. I let go of her, but only enough so I can put enough space between us to look at her face. My hands are still holding her waist.
"What did you even say to them?" I ask. I need to know how completely amazing she was.
"I told them about my story more thoroughly. That's all." She responds. It's clear she doesn't want to take the credit she so deserves.
"It must have been something more than that." I press on.
"I just said that whatever decision they make, I won't hold it against them, because I understand what's at stake. But I also told them that money is something that will pass, it's something that will be spent. His actions on her life though, won't. The money that they will use, it will serve as a constant reminder that it came from him. The man who ruined her life. No matter how much good you may do with it, it still came from his succeeded attempt on saving as much as his life as he can, while he deserves to rot in that jail. Just like he made us rot in our own kind of prison."
"I told them to believe that in the end, only one thing matters. Love. Love conquers all. And whatever choice they make, I'll always show them my love. I'll show them how grateful I am for them giving to me this opportunity, whether we win or not. I told her that she always has an open door in my heart. If she ever needs someone to talk to, I'll be there." She finishes. Then adds. "That's all." As if she didn't just utter the most meaningful words to her younger self. Because whether she believes it or not, Kayla saw her younger self in that girl, and I know she helped her where she couldn't help herself five years ago.
I pull her against me hugging her again. "You're the best thing that ever happened to me cheesecakes. The best." I kiss the top of her head lightly.
I just hope somewhere along the way she feels the same about me.
"Aww my sweetie! You must be so tired." My mom says to Kayla once we get home. My parents are staying with me at my apartment for the time being, but Kayla wanted to see them before I took her home today, so here we are.
"I am a bit mom, but nothing I can't handle." Kayla replies sitting next to her and dad. She wraps her arms around both of them breathing them in.
It's the most beautiful and painful site at the same time. I don't even know where to begin explaining all of that.
"That's my dear girl. She can handle anything that gets thrown her way." My dad says smiling down at her.
"Damn right I can." Kayla chirps making both of them laugh. "Even though the circumstances we gathered from weren't that nice, I've enjoyed so much every minute of having you guys here. I wish we had more time to spend together. I miss you all." She says tearing up.
"Aw sweets Kayla. We miss you too dear. Why don't you both come home to Huston all summer and we can travel places and have some real deserving fun?" My mom suggests to both of us.
"Can Konyushka and BB come too?" Kayla pouts.
"Of course they can! John and Leila too, the Carters, Addie and Annie. Whoever you like." My dad declares. I don't think he is capable of denying her anything. Something I'm familiar with.
"That will be the best summer ever! I already want to get started on it." Kayla says brightening up. And that's exactly why I can't say no. Because of the look she has on her face right now. Who am I to deny her anything?
"I know sweetie, but first you both need to finish school for this year." My mom replies combing through Kayla's hair with her hand. It's the most motherly gesture ever and the fact that she feels comfortable enough to do it to Kayla, fills my soul with joy.
"Yeah okay. Just two more months." Kayla sighs. They both kiss her cheeks at the same time and she giggles in excitement.
I know why she wants to spend time with all her parents. It's because every time she's around them she still feels like a kid. Like she doesn't need to think, or be responsible for everything, or cautious or on edge. She gets to be her parents little child. Something she never fully achieved, because she had to grow faster then most kids. She didn't get to enjoy her entire childhood. It was stripped away from her.
So the joy of being a kid that lacked back then, she fills it now each-time she's around her parents.
A phone ringing interferes in our precious bubble. It's Kayla's.
She takes her phone out of her pocket, while I go to take my jacket off.
"It's Baldwin." She says looking up at me.
"What is he calling about now?" My mom asks. I keep my jacket on.
Do you think it's out? I ask her with my eyes.
I don't know. She replies back.
"Open it." I speak. She accepts the call and puts the phone in her ear.
"Yes sir?" The second Kayla's head snaps at me I know. I go to put my shoes back on.
"We're on our way." She replies before ending the call.
"The verdict's out. The court session will be held in an hour." Well at last. Let's go put the jackass in jail.

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