Chapter twenty-nine

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"She's home! John she's home!" My mom shouts, once I ring the doorbell. Yes, she's shouting that much. I can hear her with the door closed. Some more key noises and she finally opens the door. I come to stand with my mom's beautiful face, whom I missed so much. FaceTime doesn't do justice.
"Mom! I missed you so much!" I say hugging her. There's nothing like a mother's scent and her arms wrapping around you. It's anything a child could ever want.
I can hear my dad's footsteps nearing.
"Is that my little pumpkin?" Dad asks, as mom lets go of me.
"Dad! I missed you!" He hugs me and there's something that always makes you feel safe on dad's arms. Like no bad thing can ever touch you there. It's a father's love.
He kisses my head and lets go of me. "Come in, stop staying at the doorway." He says.
Once I'm in and the door is closed, I hear loud footsteps running at my direction. Addie.
"Is that my big not so tall stupid sister?!" He shouts as almost knocks me down, while hugging me.
"I do not respond to that name." I say hugging him back.
"You should. It describes you." I hit his head as he laughs.
"Addie stop teasing your sister and actually tell her how much you missed her." My mom scolds him.
"She knows. No need for me to point out." He replies back.
"It wouldn't kill you to let some emotions show, you know?" Dad tells him all sarcastic and I grin.
"Addie?! Showing emotion?! Never!" I say all 'drama queen' and Addie pushes me lightly. "I missed you too Addie." I say and laugh.
"So pumpkin, why didn't you tell us to help you with the suitcase? You did it all by yourself." Dad says.
"Oh no I didn't. Aaron helped me. He came all the way here, to make sure I was home safe. And then went back home." I say and all three of them just stare at me.
"Didn't you tell me he lives close to 'the Danes'?" My mom asks.
"Yes he does."
"So he came all the way here, when he could have stopped way before, just so he could help you with the suitcase and bring you home safe?" Addie asks, his voice full of unbelief.
"Don't get me started on it. I'm mad at him about it. He wouldn't even let me pay for the taxi. Not one penny. He's very stubborn, when it comes to some stuff." I add and I am greeted with three different face expressions. Mom smiling with awe, Addie smirking like an idiot and dad...well dad looks like he wants to have a talk with Aaron.
"Tell Aaron, that we expect him to dine with us tomorrow." Dad says, all business.
"What?!" I ask, but no one agrees with my shock. Addie's still smiling like an idiot and mom's just nodding. "I am not gonna tell Aaron to come here and talk with you. Specially you." I point at dad. He just brings his hands up as if I'm pointing a gun at him.
"Hey we just want to meet the guy you're in love with." My dad says and I think I'll dig up a grave and get in.
"Can we not say that?" I say, but no one's hearing me.
"Your dad's right. We want to meet him. See if he's as amazing as everyone says he is." My mom speaks this time and I think I'll cry in frustration.
"Mom. If you tell a guy, come meet my parents, you're practically telling him, we're engaged let's meet the families." I say and looks at Addie for help. He just keeps grinning.
"Well, no. If you consider him a friend, then there's nothing wrong with meeting a friend's family." Addie says and I'm gonna kill him. 'Whose side are you on?' I mouth. 'Theirs.' He mouths back. This is absurd!
"See your brother is right." My dad says.
"Well I don't consider him a friend!" I say and realize my mistake the moment it left my mouth.
"You don't?!" The three of them say in unison.
"Are you guys together?"
"Is it official?"
"Then we definitely have to meet him."
"Guys!" I shout and they all look at me. "We are not together and nothing's official. We are friends. I expressed myself wrong." I say, but no one's buying it. There's only one way this is going to go and it's not going to be on my favor.
God give me patience.
"Fine. I'll tell him. But be prepared, because he quite literally might not want to come." That's bullshit, he will. I know he will.
"If he loves you, he'll come." My mom says as if she didn't just drop a bomb.
"I will not take that into consideration." I say. "And I'll only tell him, if you all promise me that you won't grill him with questions and put him under pressure. It's just a family dinner, not 'I'll marry your daughter' kind of dinner. Okay?"
"If he's that good, he won't mind the pressure."
"Fine, fine. We promise." Dad says. I look at mom.
"Of course honey! I'm not the one who's gonna be doing the questioning." She says.
"No one will be doing any questioning." I say and they all sigh. And then nod. God what did I get myself into?
"I'll just tell him how much you love him." Addie says. I wait three seconds for my anger to cool off, it doesn't. I lunge for him. He starts running and laughing.
"If you utter him one word of this, I will quite literally kill you!"
The phone rings twice, before I can hear him pick up.
"Cheesecakes. I know you miss me already, but you do sound a little desperate." He teases.
"Oh shut up. That's not why I'm calling. Are you home yet?"
"I will be, in about two minutes." He says and I sigh. "What's wrong cheesecakes?"
"Nothing. Everything. I don't know." I close my eyes and try to formulate a sentence, I didn't expect to say today. "My parents have invited you to dine with us tomorrow." I say and wait. He isn't saying anything. Clearly he's shocked. Who wouldn't be?
"I'd love to. About time I met the wonderful people who convinced you." He says and I'm shocked.
"What?" I ask. "Do you hear yourself? Did you get hit on the head? Did someone kidnap you? Is this your way of telling me?" Aaron just laughs.
"Kayla cheesecakes, calm down. It's fine. I'll come tomorrow." Something's wrong. There's no other explanation for this. "You don't want me there?" He asks.
"No of course I do. It's my parents I'm afraid of. My dad actually. He'll grill you with questions and stuff. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." I explain.
"Love, I'll be fine. When I passed your examination, I'm sure your dad's better."
"Very funny. We'll see tomorrow. We'll see how funny you'll be tomorrow." I say and he laughs again.
"Cheesecakes, go be with your family, because they miss you and I'll see you tomorrow." He says.
"Fine. See you."
"See you cheesecakes."

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