Chapter nine

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"It was very nice to meet you Kayla. I hope you can join us next Saturday too." Lizzie says while hugging me. I love hugs, they're the most precious thing in the whole world.
"It was so nice to meet you guys, you're all very kind and welcoming. You don't find that much lately." I hug her back.
"No you don't. If you ever want to talk or go out and just have a coffee, text me. I would love to hang out with you." She says and I want to hug her again.
"Thank you, I will text you." She smiles at that.
"Plus we can talk about how cozy you were with Aaron back there." She winks at me.
"No, no, not cozy. Just friendly. We're not like that. He doesn't, not me. No, I don't do that. I mean, um, I need to stop talking." And she laughs.
"Don't please, this is hilarious." She keeps laughing and I sigh.
"Don't worry, I'm just kidding. But don't be so fast to say no to the idea. Aaron is one of the best guys I know. You don't find guys like that these days. He really is a good person. One time, when he was visiting his brother, Cory got sick. High temperature, chills, vomiting, all the bad stuff. And you know, Cory lives alone. It was his first year here and he was still trying to adjust. So to sum it all up, he didn't have anyone to take care of him and he could barely get out of bed.
Aaron was the first who offered to help him, but Cory turned him down saying that 'I don't want you guys getting sick too, I'm fine'. But Aaron being Aaron, didn't listen to him and went to his house to help him. He stayed there for 5 days, making sure he was okay and on his feet. Cleaned up after him, cooked him food, soup and everything. Made sure he got all his meds. Cory had to practically beg him to leave, convincing him that he really was fine. Since then, him and Cory have been inseparable. After Ryan, Cory is his closest friend. We all love Aaron. He's so devoted with God and, well I think you got the gist. But I don't, I'm not saying any of this to put some sort of pressure on you. I just want you to know that he has a very kind soul and to, please not break his heart." She finishes and it's like she can finally breathe after saying this.
"Okay, thank you for letting me know, I guess. I get where you guys come from, he's like your family. You protect family, I know some of that." I say and she smiles at me. She has a very pretty smile.
"Thank you for not misunderstanding." She says relieved.
"He does that doesn't he?" I ask and she looks at me in confusion. "Doesn't give up on you, no matter what you say to him."
"Yeah, he does."
And I can't help, but look at him. He's laughing at something Cory said. Then, as if he knew I was watching him, he looks at me and smiles. And I need to take a very deep breath.
"So, what did you think of them?" Aaron asks me, once we were outside. He offered to walk with me to the station.
"They're very nice. All of them, but I think I hit it off more with Lizzie." I say and he nods.
"Yeah, I saw that. Well, I'm glad. Lizzie is very lovely."
"Yeah she is. Did you know that Ella is a law student too?" I ask him.
"Yes. Ella is very observant. Makes sense she would go for law. She's smart, determined and I've always liked the way she handles things." He says and a burst of jealousy consumes me.
"Oh, that's um, good. Very good. Yep, I like her, yes she's good, great." Oh my God, shut up Kayla. He stops and stares at me. I stop too and stare at him.
"What was that?" Act fool.
"What was what?" I say looking innocent.
"That blabbering you just did and the fact that you kept repeating the word 'good' until you turned it 'great'. Ar-, Are you jealous of Ella?" He asks, disbelief coating his voice and a smirk as big as his ego. Oh God!
"Of course not! Don't be delusional! And wipe that smirk off your face! I'm not jealous!"
"Oh my God, I can't believe it. You're jealous. Oh this is the best night ever. Can I take a picture of your face right now, I need to remember this."
"What? No!"
"Just a little one, won't hurt."
"Right there, yes."
"Okay, fine whatever. I've come to discover that you're more stubborn than I am."
"You mean determined."
"No, I mean stubborn."
"Whatever, as long as I get a picture." He says and snaps the picture. I stand there and I'm fighting the urge not to laugh. I don't know why I feel so at ease, when I'm with him. Like I've always known him. Like this is where we were always meant to be. Together. But I can't. So time to distance ourselves Kayla.
"I don't, you know." That snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Don't what?" I say and he looks at me, suddenly very serious.
"Like her, I don't like Ella. She's my friend. I don't see her that way. In fact, I was adding more adjectives, to precisely piss you off and make you jealous. I just didn't think I would actually get a reaction. But of course I did, 'cause you're Cranky."
"I want to kill you right now." I say that and he laughs.
"Yes I can see that. It's written all over your face." We both laugh and start walking again.
"You coming to church tomorrow?" He asks.
"Yes, I'm even bringing my grandma. She's the only one who's a Christian. My grandpa and uncle aren't."
"Oh, um sorry about that. I look forward to meeting your grandma tomorrow then."
"You coming?"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." He says and the back of our hands slightly touch and we both suck in a breath.
"Where um, where do you live?" I ask to avoid what just happened.
"I have Ryan's apartment. He left it for me, since he doesn't need it anymore."
"You're very close to him aren't you?" I ask and he smiles.
"Yes, I am. He gets me. He's been with me in my hardest times and I've always looked up to him." I like that. I like that he's very close with his brother. It means he appreciates family.
"That's nice. But you didn't tell me where you live. You just told me about your apartment."
"Oh um, I live at bsisicn strat." He mumbles and I can't understand a thing.
"I didn't get that." He sighs and runs his hand over his hair. I have to resist the urge to stretch and touch them.
"Beacon Street, I live at Beacon Street."
"But that's like, the opposite way of where we're heading." I say and he nods.
"I know, but it's getting dark and I couldn't just let you walk alone at this hour. It wouldn't sit right with me and I don't even have your phone number, so I couldn't exactly text you to know if you arrived safely. And as much as I hate it, you're more at risk than I am." He finishes and I'm speechless. Completely and utterly speechless. Lizzie was so right about him.
"Thank you so much. You didn't have to do that. Here's my phone number. You have to text me too when you arrive home." I love that he's smiling so much right now. I love his smiles.
"Don't worry blondie, I can fight."
"Did you just call me blondie? What is that a new nickname? Did you copy Eugene from Tangled?"
"Well yes I did copy him, but I think I like calling you blondie more than cranky."
"But why Eugene?" Don't say it, don't you say it.
"Well, because Tangled is my favorite Disney movie and why not? Eugene's cool, therefore he has cool nicknames. And you do look a little bit like Rapunzel. Blonde hair, green eyes, cute nose, full lips. Only your hair is shorter, but let's just say, it's Rapunzel after she cut them."
I think I want to marry him.
"I used to have very long hair. I cut them, because I needed a change from everything, including me." I say and he looks at me. I can see that he's trying very hard not to ask any questions.
"I like them like this. You look um, very beautiful." I'm blushing more than I have ever blushed in my entire life. Thank God it's dark, and he can't see anything.
"Thank you." I say as we reach the station. "I can't believe that Tangled is your favorite Disney movie, I love that movie. I used to dream about having a Tangled wedding."
"Can't blame you, I would go for it." He says and I smile.
The bus comes and I turn to look at him.
"Text me when you get home, please." He says and I nod.
"I will, you too."
"I will."
"Bye Aaron. I had fun today."
"Bye Kayla, I had more."
I get in and sit at the window to look at him. He's still standing there. He didn't move, not until he saw the bus leaving the station.

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